代写Cryptography, Malware, and Ransomware Spring 2024代做Python编程

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Cryptography, Malware, and Ransomware

Created: Fall 2022, Updated: Spring 2024

Monday sections submit by 10/20

Wednesday sections submit by 10/22

See basic instructions for all labs in Lab 0 instructions.

Background Info

In this lab, we will learn more about malware; specifically, we will learn some of the main defenses against malware, as well as study the design of ransomware, one of the most problematic types of malware. Both topics – defense against malware and design of ransomware make extensive use of Cryptography, so, this will also provide a way for us to introduce a bit more of cryptography.

Cryptography is central to cybersecurity, and covered extensively in several courses, beginning with CSE3400. Cryptography is mostly used to defend against attacks; for example, in the first part of the lab, we use cryptography against malware. We will use first a cryptographic hash function and then digital signatures, to ensure the integrity of software, to prevent the installation of malware.

In the second part of the lab, we will see the use of cryptography by malware, specifically, by Ransomware. Ransomware uses a cryptosystem to encrypt files in the computer’s storage (disk); then, the ransomware requires the user to pay the attacker to receive the decryption key. We will explore the use of public key cryptosystem, shared key cryptosystem and obfuscation.

Submitting Code for this Lab

This lab will require you to submit a zip file containing the scripts you created for each of the programming questions. Your code will be graded on correctness, efficiency, structure, and

readability. For each question that requires a code submission, you should save all your .py scripts  within a QX (where X is replaced by the question number) subdirectory with a Solutions directory within the Lab 3 directory. After completing this assignment, you can then:

•    Archive the Solution directory by running the following command in your Lab 3 directory:

o zip -r lab3_sol.zip Solutions

•    SCP (secure copy) the zip file to your local machine. On your local machine (after logging out of your VM) you can run the following command (you need to replace  and with your own VM IP and destination file path on your local machine, respectively):

o scpcse@:/home/cse/Lab3/lab3_sol.zip 

•   Upload the lab3_sol.zip file you saved to your machine on HuskyCT

Question 1 (10 points):

In this question we will learn the use of cryptographic hash functions to ensure the integrity of software downloads, i.e., to ensure the download is of the intended, authentic software, and not of a malware impersonating as the software. A cryptographic hash function h receives an input string m, e.g., a program, and outputs a short string h(m); people refer to the output as the hash, fingerprint, digest, or checksum of the input string m. This application relies on the collision- resistance property of cryptographic  hash functions.  Basically, a  hash function h is collision- resistant if, given the digest hash(m) of any input string m, it is infeasible to find a different string m’≠m, which hashes to the same digest: h(m’)=h(m).

The collision resistance property is often used to ensure integrity – and, in particular, the integrity of software downloads. By ensuring integrity, we mean that we can be sure that the software has not been altered since it was originally published by its authors. Software is often made available via online  repositories, which  may  not  be fully  secure; to  ensure the  integrity, the publishers often  provide the hash of the software.  Namely, to  protect the integrity of some software download, say encoded as a string m, the publisher provides in some secure channel the value of the hashh(m). The user then downloads the software from the (insecure) repository, obtaining the downloaded string m’ . To confirm its integrity, i.e., confirm that m’=m, the user then computes h(m’) and compares it to h(m).

Note that other applications of  hash functions  rely  on other  properties, for  example,  in the passwords lab we relied on the one-way property.

In this question, you will find in your VM, within the Lab3 directory, a file Q1hash.txt. This file contains the result of the SHA-256 hash function applied to a (‘ legitimate’) program file, encoded in textual form. (as a sting). Your task is to identify another file in the Q1files sub-directory, which will have the same hash value (actually, Q1hash.txt is the result of hashing this other file). To do this, use the sha256sum command on the command  line (e.g., sha256sum program.exe). As usual, you may want to use man (or even a Google search) to learn a bit about sha256sum.

Submission Requirements

Submit to autograder and include in lab report: the name of the matching file.

Question 2 (15 points):

This question is similar to Q1; the main difference is that you should hash using a Python program, Q2.py, which you’ll write, instead of using the sha256sum command.

Q2.py should identify which of the files in Lab3/Q2files directory, has the same SHA-256 hash as the value of the file Q2hash.txt. Note that the file contains the hash (the hex digest) in bytes – it is not encoded as text. So, you should not try to encode the file contents before passing it to a hashing object from one of the below libraries. There should be exactly one match.

Your Python program may use the SHA-256 functionality from either:

1.the PyCryptodome library, which should be installed on your VM. You can import it into your Python program with the import Crypto statement.

2.the cryptography library.

You will need to use one of these crypto libraries for all relevant questions in this lab.

Submission Requirements

Submit to autograder and include in lab report: the name of the matching file.

Upload all solution code alongside lab report in a zip file.


The hash mechanism would not protect against an attacker that can provide the user with a fake hash, i.e., hash of the malware. Also, the hash can only be provided after the program is ready; so this mechanism does not allow us to ensure authenticity, only integrity (verify the software against a known hash value). By ensuring authenticity, we mean that we can be sure that the software came from the stated authors. Fortunately, cryptography also provides tools to ensure authenticity; the most important of these would be digital signatures.

Digital signatures use a pair of keys; such a pair is generated by a party that wishes to sign files. One key is used by the signer, to sign files; therefore, this key must be kept private. The other key is made public. Such schemes, that use a pair of matching keys, one public and one private, are called public key cryptographic schemes.

As you will find in the documentation (of PyCryptodome or of Cryptography), to sign and to verify a signature, you need to specify a hash function; the reason is that it is much more efficient to sign  (and  verify) the  (short)  hash  of  a  message,  rather  than  using  a  public-key  signature algorithm directly on the entire message (without hash). We will use the RSA signature algorithm and the SHA-256 hash function.

File Q3pk.pem in directory Lab3 contains the public key used by the legitimate software vendor to sign programs. In sub-directory Q3files you’ll find several program files (.exe files), each with the (supposed) signature (.sign files). Note: the signature was created using PKCS#1 v1.5 (RSA) with SHA-256. You may find these two links helpful; check link1 and link2.

Write an efficient program, Q3.py, that will find which of these program files is correctly signed. There should be exactly one.

Experiment to get a feeling for the efficiency difference between signatures and hashing, and to better   understand   why   the   signature   function   hashes   the   file   before   signing   it.   Most cryptographic libraries allow you to generate and use keys of different lengths. So,

• compare the times to generate keys of different lengths (e.g, 1024 bits and 2048 bits), and to sign and verify signatures using keys of these different lengths.

• consider the implications, if the signature function you used did not apply hashing, but instead used keys as long as the file being hashed.

Describe your experiments and your findings in your HuskyCT lab report.

Submission Requirements

Submit to autograder: the name of the correctly signed program file.

Upload all solution code alongside lab report in a zip file.

Include  in   lab report: the  name  of  the  correctly  signed  file  and  the  description  of  your experiments and findings.


In the rest of this lab, we study the abuse of cryptography by ransomware. Ransomware encrypts the user files, and requires the user to pay 'ransom', with the promise of sending back the decryption key or program.

Look in the Q4files subdirectory of Lab3. This folder contains a file Encrypted4 which is the encryption of some 'plaintext' file by a ransomware program. Luckily, you are also given the ransomware program, R4.py, which is conveniently written in Python; this is not likely to be the case with real ransomware, of course!

You are further lucky since it is relatively easy for you to understand R4.py. This will allow you to write the corresponding decryption program, D4.py, that will recover the original contents of the plaintext file encrypted by the ransomware. The main reason that you can write D4.py is that this ransomware (R4.py) uses a symmetric (shared key) cryptosystem, specifically, the widely used AES block cipher, in the CBC mode. In all symmetric (shared key) cryptosystems, the encryption key (used by R4.py) is the same as the decryption key (which must be used by D4.py). So, in this case, you would be able to recover your file(s) – without paying the ransom! Unfortunately, as we will soon see, real ransomware is typically much harder to remove …

Note: Before encryption, the plaintext was padded so that its length would be a multiple number of `blocks',  and  the  padding  must be removed  after applying  the block-cipher's decryption function.

Submission Requirements

Submit to autograder: the results of decrypting the Encrypted file.

Upload all solution code alongside lab report in a zip file.

Include in your lab report: the results of decrypting the Encrypted file.


In this exercise, we have a similar task to the previous question, but a bit more challenging. Look in the Q5files subdirectory and you will find the R5.py and encrypted content files. Your goal is, again, to write a decryption program, D5.py. As in question 4, you are lucky to have the code of R5.py, and even more lucky in that this ransomware turns out, again, to use a symmetric (shared key) cryptosystem.

However, your task is a bit more challenging, since the new ransomware, R5.py, is obfuscated, namely, written intentionally in a way designed to make it harder to understand the program – and to find the key, as required to decrypt the file. Obfuscation is an interesting and challenging subject and used quite a lot in cybersecurity; in this question, the obfuscation is quite weak, so it should not be too hard to break, and write a new decryption program, D5.py.

Submission Requirements

Submit to autograder: the results of decrypting the Encrypted file.

Upload all solution code alongside lab report in a zip file.

Include in your lab report: the results of decrypting the Encrypted file.


In this exercise, your role is to write the ransomware R6.py. This would be “correct” ransomware! This means that your ransomware will use public key (asymmetric) encryption: decryption will require a (private) decryption key d, which is supposed to be hard to find, even when given the corresponding (public) encryption key e. That’show most ransomware actually works; as a result, even if we find the ransomware program, and even if we can reverse-engineer it and understand exactly how it works, we can typically only find within it the (public) encryption key e, which isn’t sufficient to find the (private) decryption key d.

You can choose the public key cryptosystem and the key size; select a system and corresponding

key length that will be reasonably efficient and sufficiently secure. The question has few steps:

1.   Write a key-generation program KG6.py, to generate a keypair of a public key e and a private key d. Save them in files e.key and d.key in sub-directory Solutions.

2.   Write the ransomware program R6.py, using the public key e you generated. This program should:

a.   Have the public key e hard-coded, i.e., it is not read it from a file.

b.   Generate a random shared key k.

c.   Encrypt k using the public key encryption with key e.key; output the result as file EncryptedSharedKey. This file should be submitted with the ransom payment to the attacker, allowing the attacker to provide the unlocking file (see below).

d.   Search the folder in which it runs and encrypt, using shared-key encryption with key k, all files in this folder with extension .txt. Specifically, say the folder contains some  file,  say example.txt. Then  R6.py  should  replace example.txt with  file example.txt.encrypted. The example.txt.encrypted file  will  be  the  encrypted version.

3.   Write the attacker’s decryption program, AD6.py. This program will receive, as a command line argument, the EncryptedSharedKey filename, and output the corresponding, decrypted shared key k as the file DecryptedSharedKey. AD6.py will use the private decryption key d, which should be hard-coded into AD6.py.

4.   Write the victim’s decryption program D6.py. This program will receive, as a command line argument, the DecryptedSharedKey filename (the file that contains the decryption key k sent by the attacker). It should use this key to decrypt all the encrypted files in the current directory, i.e., recover example.txt from example.txt.encrypted.

Submission Requirements

Show your program and your tests of it to the TA to make sure you are satisfying all question requirements.

Upload all solution code alongside lab report in a zip file.

Include in your lab report: Report, identify and justify your choice of public key cryptosystem and key size, and include screen recording showing how you test your program.
