辅导coral bleaching data、讲解R语言、R程序设计调试、讲解static tabular 辅导Python编程|讲解数据库SQ

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Details of task:
This shows coral bleaching data for 8 sites in the Great Barrier Reef. It gives the %
of bleaching for different kinds of coral: hard corals, sea pens, blue corals, soft
corals and sea fans over the last 8 years (though not all sites have data for the entire
period and not all corals are found at each site). The data is fictional.
Your job is to
1. Read the data into R
2. Create a static tabular visualisation using ggplot2 that shows for each kind of
coral and for each site how the bleaching varies from year to year. You
should use faceting with each facet showing the bleaching for one kind of
coral at one site across the time period. The sites should be ordered by
latitude. Fit smoothers to the data.
3. Based on this static visualisation use Shiny to create an interactive
visualisation that allows the user to vary the kind of coral displayed and the
choice of smoother.
4. Create a map by using Leaflet that shows the location of the sites.
5. Merge the map into your interactive visualisation. Remember to use some
kind of visual indicator to link the sites on the map to the corresponding
facet: text label, shape or colour coding.
4.1 Grading Rubric
Demonstrate ability to read data into R [1%]
Demonstrate ability to create static visualisations in R using ggplot2 [1%]
Demonstrate ability to fit curves to the data to identify trends [1%]
Demonstrate ability to create a data map in R with Leaflet [1%]
Demonstrate ability to create an interactive visualisation in R with Shiny [1%]
You have to make sure everything is in a deploy state for your Shiny Application (i.e.
it can be clicked & run).
Several things you need:
Include the data file in your submission
Have all required "library(xxx)" or "require(xxx)" statements at the beginning
of your R files (you do not need the code to install the packages)
Clear objects from the workspace, you can do this by click the
"broomstick" icon on the right-top section of RStudio.
And after that, make sure your app is still working with just clicking "run the app"
button.You will lose points if we cannot assess your submission properly.
