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Safety-Critical Systems: Open Assessment 2018-19
Supporting Competent Authorities in the Implementation
of the NIS Directive for Safety-Critical Industries (Level M)
Prof. Chris Johnson
School. of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ. Scotland.,
1 Introduction
The Network and Information Systems Directive has been integrated into UK law1
. As part of this, the
Operators of Essential Services (OES) are expected to be guided and to some extent assessed by
Competent Authorities (CAs). For example, airlines operating UK flights will be supported by the
Civil Aviation Authority acting as the Competent Authority. In UK energy distribution, the Competent
Authority is the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
The aim of the directive is to increase the resilience of critical infrastructures and, in particular, improve
the robustness of systems that rely on the exchange of digital information. In most cases, the loss of
these infrastructures can have an impact on safety-related applications. This has resulted in many CAs
being drawn from the regulatory agencies that protected the safety of complex systems and they have
had to extend their competence to consider the cyber security of critical infrastructures.
2 Tool Development
Your task in the open assessment is to develop a technique that will help CAs meet their requirements
under new NIS Directive. For example, there is a need for tools that can be used by inspectors or by
companies to show whether or not a particular system/process/operation meets reliability requirements.
For more detailed information on the techniques that might be used by a CA to meet the NIS Directive
requirements see the HSE guidance on Cyber Security for Industrial Automation and Control Systems2
The design of the technique or tool support is entirely open. For instance, you might extend the use of
one of the risk assessment techniques that are introduced during this course, such as Fault Trees or
Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis for cyber related concerns in a safety-critical process.
Alternatively, you may choose to develop an entirely new approach. In both cases, you must illustrate
the application of the approach to support the regulation of cyber security in safety-critical systems,
within the scope of the NIS Directive. Or put more simply, you must demonstrate that the tool helps
someone to convince government that a safety-critical system is sufficiently robust. It is VITAL that
your answer should contain a detailed case study so you should begin by selected and reading about
an industry covered by the UK implementation of the Directive3
It is up to you if you want to develop paper-based or electronic solutions. Tools might be implemented
using HTML, PHP or any other associated technology. The marking scheme will take into account both
the strengths of the design and the effectiveness of an implementation in terms of the support that they
offer to the potential end users (Competent Authorities as defined within the NIS Directive).
1 2 3 Evaluation
It is important that you evaluate your technique/tool to support the application of the NIS Directive for
safety critical systems. One means of doing this would be to ask a number of different users to try it
out, taking on the role of the Competent Authority. You will need to exploit an appropriate evaluation
methodology. For example, you could ask one group to use your technique and another to use an
alternate approach developed by someone else in the course. If you do this you MUST consider the
relevant plagiarism guidance on the School Learning and Teaching Committee web site and state the
name of the person you worked with on your submission. You must develop your reports independent
of each other. You also need to consider the level of existing expertise that test participants will have
in the regulation of safety critical systems.
Please consult with me before conducting your evaluation so that I can provide advice in answering
some of these questions. You should also consult the course handbook and associated web pages that
cover the ethical guidelines for user testing.
4 Transferable Skills
This exercise will provide a first-hand introduction to the challenges that face both companies and
government regulators who are working together to protect the cyber security of safety critical systems.
There is little common agreement on the best approaches to adopt and hence you will be working in an
area of active research, which is also a focus for public, government and commercial interest.
5 Assessment Criteria and Submission Details
This exercise is degree assessed. It contributes 20% to the total marks associated with this course. The
body of the report should not exceed fifteen A4 pages. The report must be printed out and must be
submitted in a secure binder (something that keeps the pages together and does not have sharp edges).
It must include: a title page containing your contact details (metric, email etc); a table of contents and
appropriate page numbers; a section on the tool that you developed; a section on the evaluation method
that you used; a results sections and some conclusions.
In addition to the fifteen pages in the body of the report, you may also include appendices. These should
contain the listing of any code used during the study together (this can be included on a CD) with
suitable acknowledgements for the source of code that has been borrowed from other programmers.
The report should be handed in by 16.30 on 27th February 2019 using the submission box outside the
teaching office in Lilybank Gardens. Please make sure that you keep back-up copies of all of your work
and submit a plagiarism statement using the standard on-line form. The following marking scheme will
be applied: 30 for the method; 20 for the results; 30 for the conclusion; 20 for the technical
documentation. All solutions must be the work of the individual submitting the exercise and the usual
lateness penalties will apply unless I am given good reason in advance of the deadline.
You must state the title of this question on the front of your submission so I know you are answering
the level M open exercise.
You will need to do considerable reading first so please do not delay starting this assessment.
