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DDES9903 Narrative and Sensemaking in Immersive Environments | Assessment 2 Brief
Assessment 2 Brief: Digital

Walkthrough for Narrative Experience

DDES9903 | Narrative and Sensemaking in Immersive Environments

Assessment Task 2: Digital Walkthrough for Narrative Experience




DUE DATE Week 11 Friday 11:55 pm AEST



What to Submit

An electronic PDF containing a design report of 1000 words (maximum) + a functional

interactive storyboard (a WebGL folder of your digital walkthrough)

Where to Submit

Moodle Submission Portal

The final submission will be checked for originality through Turnitin when you submit.

Penalties may apply for late submission as indicated in the course outline.


In Assessment 1, we concentrated on crafting coherent stories where we, as the author, had a large degree of

control of what the user experienced. That is, the sequence of events that we crafted would be linearly

deterministic and be the same regardless of who was experiencing the work. Now that you are familiar with this

creative process, you are asked to consider the design challenges of when we relinquish some of that dramatic

control. What if the user were able to have a material effect in your narrative world? How would you maintain a

coherent story experience if you give your users agency?

Assessment Description

Your overarching task is to demonstrate your understanding of:

1.Narrative design;

2.The appropriate application of user agency;

3.And the use of immersive design elements in non-linear narratives.

To this end, you are asked to design a short, non-linear narrative experience in which the user or the participant

has agency. This may be a serious game, a training simulation, or something purely fictional used for

entertainment. You are asked to produce an digital walkthrough to demonstrate your design. It is advised that

you use your Assessment 1 submission as the Assessment 2 story starting point.

Digital walkthrough in this context will be the same definition provided in the Assessment 1 brief.

To reduce your workload, it is recommended that you use your previous assessment task as a basis for this one.

As a rough guide for scale, please design your experience to be 4 to 6 minutes in length only.

You must also include a short design report specifying and explaining your design choices. Did you encounter any

difficulties during the process? What was your solution? You are required to support your design choices with

class materials and/or articles.

DDES9903 Narrative and Sensemaking in Immersive Environments | Assessment 2 Brief


Assessment 2 Brief: Digital

Walkthrough for Narrative Experience

DDES9903 | Narrative and Sensemaking in Immersive Environments

Assessment 2 Criteria: Digital Walkthrough for Narrative Experience
