代写human rights campaign代做回归

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Your task is to choose an existing human rights campaign that is of interest to you and/or you are already familiar with and produce a report to evaluate it. In writing the report, please reflect on the following:

Write for Rights


• Relevance

o This is about the suitability or appropriateness of the campaign in relation to the behaviours

or beliefs it seeks to influence. Here you can talk about its selection of goals and objectives.

• Effectiveness

o Did the campaign work well?

• Efficiency

o Was the way the campaign was conducted the best way to achieve its aims?

• Results/impact

o What has happened as a result of the campaign?

• Balabanova, E. 2019. ‘Communicating cosmopolitanism during times of crisis: UNHCR and the World Refugee Day campaign in the UK and Bulgaria’, Journal of Human Rights Practice (available online here: https://academic.oup.com/jhrp/advance-article/doi/10.1093/jhuman/huz029/5645149)

• Boyle, E. H. et al. 2017. Making Human Rights Campaigns Effective While Limiting Unintended Consequences. Lessons from Recent Research. University of Minnesota: Research and Innovation Grants Working Papers Series (available for download as a PDF file here: https://www.iie.org/Research-and-Insights/Publications/DFG-UMinn-Publication)


