辅导CIS 1068、讲解java程序语言、辅导graphical program、讲解java设计

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Rabbit Season

Andrew Rosen

Original David Matuszek


This assignment serves as a review of content from CIS 1068. It is an

engaging program that will help you get back into the swing of things.

It’s a graphical program, so you can explore the basics of how GUI’s work

in Java. You will also start learning how to work with others, as this is a

two person project.

1 Premise

This assignment is different than the others, as I’ve given you a full working

program, but you will need to improve it to get a grade.

A Fox is hunting the Rabbit in a small field, represented by a 2D grid. The

field has many spaces, some of which have bushes, which block the view of the

fox and the rabbit. The goal of the fox is to end up on the same space of the

rabbit, where he catches and eats it. The goal of the rabbit is to evade the fox

for 100 turns.

You play as the rabbit.

1.1 Setup

To get started, download the zip file, unzip it, and put all the java files into

the same project.1 Run RabbitHunt.java and you will get something like the

image below.

That big red dot is the fox, who is very hungry and is going to chase down

and eat the rabbit (the brown dot). The green things are bushes.

Play with the program for a while. Notice that the Fox always chases down

the rabbit. This is because the Fox has a strategy, which you can look at in the

Fox.java code. The Rabbit gets eaten all the time because its strategy is to

just chooses a random direction to move.

1You might surprised that after you create a new project, its as easy as copy-pasting or

drop and dragging the files into the project.


Figure 1: The game board. If you get a window, but no grid, just hit one of the

buttons in the window.

1.2 Your Task

You need to fix that so that your Rabbit survives to turn 100 as much as

possible. The Rabbit has a constructor Rabbit(model, row, column), and it

has a method decideMove(), which decides how the rabbit is going to move at

each turn. You can make as many changes to the Rabbit class that you want.

Your grade is the percentage of times that the Rabbit makes it to turn 100

out of 300 runs (with some adjustment). It’s probably impossible to get a 100.

1.3 The One Rule

You can only modify Rabbit.java. You can look at everything else, but only

change Rabbit.java.


2 Code Tour

This program is built using the Model-View-Controller paradigm.

The Model holds the rules of the game and handles how the pieces interact

with each other.2 The Model makes the board, places the Fox, the Rabbit,

and a number of Bush objects.

The View is the code for what you see. View’s job is to show you, the user,

what’s going on in the Model. In this program, that means View shows

the game board.

Controller lets you run the simulator. It tells the Model when to start

and stop.

Finally, RabbitHunt.java has the main method and just instansiates Model,

View, and Controller objects, and turns control over to the Controller object.

You can safely ignore and never open the Controller or View to complete

this assignment. This means your code will use resources provided by Model

and Animal. Those are the parts you need to get a good grasp of.

2.1 The Model

The Model class:

places the fox, rabbit, and bushes in the field

gives the rabbit and the fox each a chance to move (one moves, then the

other–they don’t both move at the same time)

tells the View to display the result of these two moves, and

determines which animal won

Model also provides you with many useful constants. Many aspects of the

program, such as direction and what an animal can see are represented as an

int. Rather than remembering what number represents what, Model provides

a number of constants.

2Technically, the Model is made of five classes: Model, all the animals, and Bush


Model.N indicates ”north” (straight up)

Model.NE indicates ”northeast” (up and to the right)

Model.E indicates ”east” (to the right)

Model.SE indicates ”southeast” (to the right and down)

Model.S indicates ”south” (straight down)

Model.SW indicates ”southwest” (to the left and down)

Model.W indicates ”west” (to the left)

Model.NW indicates ”northwest” (up and to the left)

Model.STAY indicates ”no move”

Model.MIN DIRECTION the numerically smallest direction (not including STAY)

Model.MAX DIRECTION the numerically largest direction (not including STAY)

Model.BUSH indicates a bush

Model.FOX indicates a fox

Model.RABBIT indicates a rabbit

Model.EDGE indicates the edge of the board

Finally, Model provides the following method:

static int turn(int direction, int amount) Given a starting direction and

the number of 1/8 turns to make clockwise, this method returns the resultant


For example, turn(x,4) would return the direction opposite of x.

2.1.1 The Other Model Classes

Other classes that form part of the Model are:

Bush This class doesn’t do anything. The Model creates bushes and places

them, but the bushes themselves just sit there and get in the way.

Animal This is the superclass for both the Rabbit class and the Fox class.

It provides methods that are the same for both the rabbit and the fox:

looking in a particular direction, measuring the distance to an object, and


Fox The fox is an animal that tries to catch and eat the rabbit.

Rabbit The rabbit is an animal that tries not to get caught and eaten.

The Animal class provides the following methods. Since Fox and Rabbit are

subclasses of Animal, they inherit these methods, and can use them just as if

they had defined the methods themselves.


2.1.2 Animal Methods

int look(int direction) Return one of the constants Model.BUSH, Model.FOX,

Model.RABBIT, or Model.EDGE, depending on what the animal sees in

that direction.

int distance(int direction) Returns the number of steps the animal would

have to make in order to land on top of the nearest object (or go off the

edge of the playing area).

boolean canMove(int direction) Tells whether the animal can move in the

given direction without being stopped by a bush or the edge of the board.

Does not tell whether it’s a good idea to move in that direction.

3 Hints

You should check out Model.java and see what static resources it provides, as

well Animal.java, as it provides all the common actions an Animal can do.

If you’re at a loss on where to begin, check out Fox.java, since it provides

the algorithm for what the Fox does to chase down Rabbit.

4 Rubric

Most assignments are weighted at 100 points. This one will be weighted at 120.

100 points The rabbit survival rate. Your grade is the square root of the

percentage of times the rabbit survives times ten.

20 points You must explain your rabbit’s survival strategy to me or the TA

to get any credit at all for the assignment. If you’re nervous about describing

your strategy in front of the Professor or your TA, I recommend

commenting your code so you can read your comments like a script.
