讲解COMP1021、辅导HTML/CSS设计、讲解lab classes留学生、辅导JavaScript

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COMP1021 Introduction to Web Technologies

Coursework 2


Support for this coursework will be made available during the scheduled lab classes. Preliminaries

This coursework isworth60%oftheoverallmodule grade.The courseworkhas a total of 60


of at least 5 HTML pages that are styled with appropriate CSS. The files should be

compliant to HTML5 and CSS3standards. Requirements

Take care in reading the specification. You will be penalised if you fail to meet any of the

requirements. All pages must conform to the HTML5 standard. ? All style sheets must conform to CSS3 standards. ? All styling should be done in a separate style sheet. Youmustnotuseanyeditorwhichassistsinthecreationofwebpages,i.e. dreamweaver

and similar are not permitted. Do not use any other technologies except HTML, CSS and JavaScript (jQuery)(unless

permission has been granted by a member of module staff). All images or text used in the deliverable should be appropriately references and

copyright should be obtained if you are using images. Specification

You should make additions and appropriate modifications to your website that was sub- mitted for coursework 1. Youshould incorporate into your design the following features; a style sheet which supports printing of your web site. consideration for the responsive web. a JavaScript component that adds some dynamic content to the website.


Additionally to achieve the higher grades your website should include;

a substantial amount of JavaScript(jQuery)that is well thought out and adds functionality

to the website. bootstrap

advanced features of HTML5, i.e., geolocation, local storage or app cache.  consideration for website indexing. integration with some external web service. Final deliverables

You should submit the following;

Azip file containing all HTML, CSS and images/audio/video files used in your web- site. [24 marks]

A document in pdf format, containing the following – a design of your intended additional features. – an evaluation of your implementation justifying any changes between your initial

design and your implementation. – any references that are required for the content you have used. – a description of the role of a client and server in the world wide web. – a description of the HTTP protocol and how it operates when a web page is

requested from a server. – a comparison of the purposes of HTML and CSS. [36 marks]


Your files must be submitted as a Zip archive. No other format will be ac- cepted. Your solution should be submitted via the Blackboard VLE before the deadline. All submissions will be submitted to plagiarism detection software. Submission date: Dec. 5, 2017 (Midnight)
