辅导Pre AP Computer、讲解Inkscape留学生、辅导java/python设计、讲解Java编程
- 首页 >> Java编程Pre AP Computer Science Programming Practice Exercise 2 (make-up assignment to replace the Simple car game)
In this exercise you will design a simple game. In this game you will continue your work from Exercise 1: Simple car game. But this time you will implement a person that can only jump and move forward or backward. Chocolate will appear randomly above the person and your goal is to catch the chocolate by jumping up and grabbing it. During the jump, the person should jump up and then back down and stops when he/she lands on the ground. The chocolate should appear at random locations within the jumping distance. For example, if the car jumps between a y position of 0 to 100, then the chocolate should appear randomly anywhere in the x direction, but limited to the 0 to 100 jump range of the car. Please choose an appropriate background from the internet (with reference) and create your own person sprite and ground sprite using Inkscape, and your own chocolate sprite using GIMP. You do not need a splash screen or a play button. The game should stop when 10 chocolates have been gathered. The game should show your current score as well.
1.Draw a person using inkscape. Export a .png file. Make sure to save the both the .png and the .svg file. Sprite should be transparent. Insert an image of the person below:
2.Create a sprite to represent the ground on which the person must stand. Use Inkscape to do this. Save the original .svg file and export it as .png. Sprite should be transparent Insert an image of the ground below:
3.Draw a chocolate sprite using gimp. Export a .png file. Sprite should be transparent. Make sure to save both the .png and the .xcf file. Insert an image of the chocolate sprite below:
4.Find a background for your project from the internet. Using GIMP insert text at the bottom of the background with the website address from which you got the image. Save the .xcf file and export a .png file. Insert an image of the complete background with text below:
5.Using scratch write the program described above in this assignment. It should include the following:
a.A person that can move forward, backwards
b.A person that can jump up and down
c.A ground on which the person lands
d.Chocolate that appears at random locations within jumping distance
e.Score display for number of chocolates collected
f.An appropriate backdrop
Please include screen shots (cropped using gimp) of each sprite’s program/code. Below. There should be a person sprite, a chocolate sprite, and a ground sprite. You may also have some code for the backdrop. Make sure to include this as well as needed.