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ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology


ICTNWK562 Configure Internet Gateways

Assessment Task 2
Course: ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology
Unit of competency: ICTNWK562 Configure Internet Gateways

Prepared by: Curriculum Unit, Melbourne Polytechnic
Document creation date: Nov. 2022
Document review date: Nov. 2022
Version: 1.0

© Melbourne Polytechnic 2022
National Provider no. 3075

ICT - Information and Communications Technology Training Package . National training packages attributed as ‘© Commonwealth of Australia 2013’
and Victorian Registration & Qualifications Authority (VRQA) training packages are attributed as ‘© State of Victoria (Department of Education and Training) 2018’. Training packages are copied and communicated under Creative Commons Attribution-Non Derivative 3.0 Australia (CC BY-ND 3.0 AUS) license.

For information regarding material in this document, contact:

Uday Vaidya
UdayVaidya @melbournepolytechnic.edu.au
Melbourne Polytechnic

Assessment Task 2: Short Answer Questions

Course code and name ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology
Unit code and name ICTNWK562 Configure Internet Gateways
Due date ….. / ….. / ……Week 2 (Students have 1 week to complete this task)
Resources required Learner resource ICTNWK562
Access to computer and internet
Decision making rules All questions must be answered satisfactorily to achieve a satisfactory result for this task.
Instructions Common Instructions
This assessment will be conducted using written question method.
It is to be completed in your own time.
You have one week to complete this task.
All questions must be answered.
Sufficient time is provided in class for you to read and review the assessment task and seek clarification on key points prior to undertaking the assessment task.
At this time if you require reasonable adjustments discuss it with the assessor. It is important to ensure the integrity of the assessment is maintained and the intent is not compromised (e.g. extension of time, oral questions and answers etc.).
You must complete the answers electronically and save it as Assessment Task 2 Short Answer Questions Student ID.docx (where Student ID is your student number i.e. s1234567).
Please include Full Name and Student ID in the footer of the answer document.
Submit the saved file in the Assessment Task 2 folder Melbourne Polytechnic Learning Management System.
You must agree (via an ‘I confirm’ radio button) with the assessment submission terms and condition in Melbourne Polytechnic LMS prior to the submission.

Questions & Answers
1 Describe the industry-recognised methods to configure network components using required technical and national guidelines. [50-100 words]
Answer Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Methods to configure network components [50-100 words]  
2 Outline hardware, software and tools for internet gateway and node configurations. [50–100 words]
Answer Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
hardware, software and tools for internet gateway and node configurations [50-100 words]  

3 What is the difference between a switch and a router? [50-80 words]
Answer Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
The difference between a hub and a switch [50-80 words]  
4 Describe the required operations for configuring network components. [60-80 words]
Answer Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Required operations for configuring network components [60-80 words]  

5 Describe the networking techniques to analyse and minimise system vulnerabilities. [60-80 words]
Answer Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Networking techniques to analyse and minimise system vulnerabilities [60-80 words]  
Student Declaration
Please read, tick and sign below

I declare that the attached assessment I have submitted is my own original work and any contributions from and references to other authors are clearly acknowledged and noted.

This document has been created for the purpose of this assessment only and has not been submitted as another form of assessment at Melbourne Polytechnic or any other tertiary institute.

I have retained a copy of this work for my reference in the event that this application is lost or damaged.

I give permission for Melbourne Polytechnic to keep, make copies of and communicate my work for the purpose of investigating plagiarism and/or review by internal and external assessors.

I understand that plagiarism is the act of using another person’s idea or work and presenting it as my own. This is a serious offence and I will accept that penalties will be imposed on me should I breach Melbourne Polytechnic’s plagiarism policy.

Student Signature X Date
Please note that your assignment will not be accepted unless you have:
Completed all sections of the assignment
Acknowledged all sources of other people’s contributions including references and Students’ names for group work assessments
Completed all areas of this Student assignment cover sheet.
