代做MSE 280、代写Matlab程序语言

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AME 209/MSE 280
Homework 3 Fall 2024

Prepare your homework solution using a word editor and save it as a pdf file.
Along with your PDF submission, also include the figure file for question 3. Name
your solution files:


where NNNN are the last four digits of your student number. Spell check your
solution, and include your name, and student ID number on the document.

1. Download the file: homework03_prob1_data.xlsx

This file contains the reported box, cup and soft tissue package volumes measured by
past students.

a) Import the box and tissue volumes into Matlab. Define column vectors for each
data set. Use Matlab to calculate the statistical measures of the box volumes:
average, standard deviation, median, geometric mean, range (maximumminimum),
and the normalized range (range/average, expressed as a percentage).
b) Is the standard deviation calculated by Matlab the sample or population standard
c) Use the Matlab histfit function to draw a histogram and the normal distribution
curve fitting the data. Group the data into 10 bins. Label the axes, and give the plot
a descriptive title.
d) Do you think the normal distribution curve fits the data well?

2. Repeat the above steps with the tissue volume data.

3. A company would like to predict how the trainees in its sales force will perform. At
the beginning of their two-month training course, they are given an aptitude test.
Sales records are kept for each trainee over the first year, the results are shown

Aptitude Score Number of Sales

(a) Plot the data with linear axes.
(b) Using linear regression and the Matlab fit command (not the Matlab fitting tool
on the plot window), determine the equation of the best-fit line.
(c) Draw the line on the curve.
(d) What level of sales would you expect from aptitude scores of 40, 50, 70?
