辅导AMS 562、讲解C++ STL、辅导C/C++程序语言、讲解Project—Spherical

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AMS 562 Final Project—Spherical Triangular


Due Dec. 20, 2018 5.00 pm

1 Introduction

Mesh is an important concept in computational science; it is used in many

different applications, for instance, most PDE based engineering problems. A

mesh is a tessellation of a domain with simple geometry objects—referred as

elements or cells.

In general, mesh can be grouped into the following two families:

1. structured grids, and

2. unstructured meshes.

The first one is topologically equivalent to unit square (in 2D) with uniformly

distributed (in some weighted sense) grid lines along x and y directions. Therefore,

each of the grid points can be accessed with a pair of indices, i.e. x-/y- index,

see below.

Structured grids are hard to extended to general domains that are needed in

typical engineering problems. This is particularly true for structural mechanics,

whereas the structural components can be very complicated.


AMS 562 Final Project—Spherical Triangular Meshes 2 Data Structure

With this consideration, people have come up with the unstructured meshes,

which can easily represent complex geometries; see the picture below for a surface

mesh on a dragon shape object.

For unstructured meshes, one of the popular choices of element types for surface

domain tessellation is triangles, because they are simple and robust (tessellating

a surface with triangles is much easier than with other cells, e.g. quadrilateral


However, with unstructured grids, it’s impossible to access the grid points with

x-, y-, (z-) index. Therefore, special data structures are needed (later).

For this project, we will only deal with unstructured triangular

meshes on spherical surfaces.

2 Data Structure

2.1 Core Concept for Storing Points and Triangles

For unstructured meshes, one cannot store, like in structured grids, xyz coordinates

separately. Typically, a n by 3 storage is utilized, where each entry of

the array stands for a physical point in the Cartesian coordinate system. For

instance, you can store five arbitrary points in the following “matrix” format.

x0 y0 z0

x1 y1 z1

x2 y2 z2

x3 y3 z3

x4 y4 z4

In order to represent the mesh, we use a connectivity table that forms the

connection relation between triangles and coordinates IDs. A connectivity table


AMS 562 Final Project—Spherical Triangular Meshes 2 Data Structure

(for triangles) is an m by 3 integer storage, where m is the number of triangles,

and the three integer IDs are the node IDs in the coordinates that form the


2.2 An Example

Let’s consider a unit square plane, we then can split the plane into two triangles

along one of the diagonal (say, [0 0] and [1 1]). Therefore, we have 4 points and

2 triangles and the mesh can be represented by (assume xy plane)

points =

0.0 0.0

1.0 0.0

1.0 1.0

0.0 1.0

triangles =

0 1 2

2 3 0

In this example, we have 4 points with the coordinates listed in points, then in

the connectivity table, i.e. triangles, the first triangle contains nodes 0, 1 and

2, while 2, 3 and 1 for the second one.

Hint draw this with pencil and paper.

2.3 Store The Mesh with C++ STL

For both coordinates and connectivity table, we will use the std::vector as

the container, and for each single point and triangle, we will use std::array.

Therefore, the overall data structures are:

// spherical coordinates

class SphCo {




std::vector<std::array<double, 3>> _pts;


// connectivity

class Triangles {




std::vector<std::array<int, 3>> _conn;



AMS 562 Final Project—Spherical Triangular Meshes 3 Your Tasks

With this implementation, we know that when you loop through the coordinates

and connectivity table, the entries are of types std::array<double, 3> and

std::array<int, 3>, resp.

2.4 Remark Regarding Triangle Node Ordering

For the spherical mesh, you can assume that the node ordering of triangles

following the right-hand rule results vectors that always point to outward normal

directions with respect to the spherical triangular faces.

3 Your Tasks

For this project, you do NOT need to implement any of the data structures

listed above. They are already implemented and ready to use. What you need

to do is to implement several algorithms in order to perform the following tasks.

3.1 Determine Node to Triangle Adjacency

Essentially, a connectivity table defines the adjacency information between

triangles and nodes, i.e. a row of the table is the adjacent nodes of that triangle.

Starting from this, we can build its dual graph, i.e. node to cell adjacency, so

that, given a node, we can find all triangles contain it.

Unlike the connectivity table, for unstructured meshes, the node to cell adjacency

information, in general, cannot be stored in a matrix-like storage, we, then, can


// vector of vector

// where the inner vector is the list of element IDs that

// are shared by a specific node

std::vector<std::vector<int>> n2e_adj;

In order to build the adjacency information, you need to implement the following


Algorithm I: Determine the node to cell adj

Inputs: Connectivity table conn and number of points np

Output: Node to triangle adjacency mapping, adj

Initialize adj with size np

for each triangle Ti

in conn, do

for each node vj in Ti

, do


AMS 562 Final Project—Spherical Triangular Meshes 3 Your Tasks

push back triangle ID i to list adjj

end for

end for

3.2 Compute the Averaged Outward Normal Vectors

Given a triangle, we can compute its normal vector by using the cross product,

i.e. for a triangle ?ABC, the normal vector n~ is computed by

n~ = AB~ × AC~

where × denotes cross product.

Since we already know that the triangle is oriented in the way that the right-hand

rule gives the outward normal, directly using the formula above will give you

the correct answer.

We want first compute and store all outward normals of triangles, then use the

adjacent mapping to average them on nodes.

Algorithm II.1 : Compute the outward normals of spherical triangles

Inputs: Connectivity table conn and coordinates co

Output: Outward normals of triangles, f_nrms

Initialize f_nrms with size ne = conn.size()

for each triangle Ti

in conn, do

Get coordinates A, B, C = co(Ti,0), co(Ti,1), co(Ti,2)

Assign f_nrmsi with the outward normal vector

end for

Normalize f_nrms so that each of the vector has Euclidean length 1

In order to easily normalized the vectors, you should consider use SphCo to store


Algorithm II.2 : Compute the averaged normal on nodes

Inputs: Node to cell mapping adj, np, and f_nrms

Output: Outward normals of nodes, n_nrms

Initialize n_nrms with size np

for each node vj , do

Get the local adjacency information adjj

Assign n_nrmsj to be the average of f_nrms(adjj )

end for

Normalize n_nrms so that each of the vector has Euclidean length 1


AMS 562 Final Project—Spherical Triangular Meshes 4 Requirements

3.3 Determine the Computation Errors

For points located on the spherical surface, their outward normal directions are

uniquely defined. In this case, we want to see how much error we have introduced

from our computation. The metric we use is

~a ·

~b = k~akk~bk cos(θ)

where θ is the angle between ~a and ~b. We, then, have

θ = cos?1

~a ·




Since we know that both ~a and ~b are normalized, we can simplify the computation


θ = cos?1

~a ·


Algorithm III: Compute the angle errors

Inputs: Analytic normals (coordinates) exact and numerical normals


Output: Error angles arccos_theta

Initialize arccos_theta with size exact.size()

for each node vj , do

Assign arccos_thetaj with the error angle given exactj and numj

normal vectors

end for

4 Requirements

You need to implement the algorithms list above in manip.cpp file and make

sure you pass all tests. There are three test cases, which are list below.


AMS 562 Final Project—Spherical Triangular Meshes 5 Hints

Note that there are 4 for loops, you must implement at least two of them with

std::for_each with lambda or traditional functors.

You will gain extra credits by using std::for_each for all iteration loops.

5 Hints

There are some sample usages of std::for_each and lambda in co.hpp and

conn.hpp. Also, type make debug to use Valgrind during development. Please

look at the comments in manip.hpp carefully.

If you get error values of nan, then it means you probably have some bug in

adj array (you have at least a node with no adjacent triangles). If you get error

values of ~ 180 degree, then it means you mess up with the node ordering so

that the right-hand rule gives you inner normal directions.
