VTC 2017 EA辅导、讲解C#语言、辅导Microsoft Visual、辅导C#编程

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Programming Technique Fundamentals (EEE3111)

VTC 2017 EA - Project Page 1 of 1

EA - Microsoft Visual C# Individual Project (50% of Total Module Mark)

This is an individual project. You are supposed to run an engineering firm and it

requires some software applications / information systems to support its daily

operations and management decisions.

You are required to handle one function individually. The functions may be:



Profit & Loss

Searching goods

Check Inventory Level

Most profitable/non-profitable items

Most favorite/popular items

Staff management (e.g. working hours/ salary)

Others … (agreed with lecturer in advance)

Each function should contain:

1. graphical user interface (10%)

2. if logic (20%)

3. looping (20%)

4. database manipulation with SQL statements (20%)

5. mathematical calculation (10%)

6. message box (10%)


1. You are required to do a demonstration of your software program.

2. Softcopy (a zip file submitted to Moodle) includes:

- Software application source code

- Database

3. Hardcopy Documents include: (10%)

- Flowchart (describes the function design)

- User Manual (describes the step-by-step procedures with screen interface to

manipulate the software applications)
