- 首页 >> C/C++编程CS320 Fa2017 Assignment #3
DUE: 11/22 11:59pm
CS320 Assignment #3
This assignment is designed to familiarize you with Lua while working with C/C++.
This assignment consists of five major requirements.
1) Developing solutions to the problems below.
2) Ensuring that your programs compile and run correctly using the tools
available in a standard linux distribution.
3) Documenting your solutions correctly.
4) Organizing your git repository correctly.
5) Running your solution on the autograder.
1) You must develop solutions to the problems below. We will be using the
solutions from earlier assignments in later assignments.
a. Program 1 will be implemented in C/C++. Program 1 will take a single
command line argument (other than the name of the program). The
command line argument will be the name of a lua file. Your program
should then execute the Lua file in a lua environment you create in
your C/C++ program. You should expect the lua-5.3.4 source folder is
in the current directory. (Please do not commit the lua-5.3.4 folder to
your repository).
Program 1 will be compiled like so:
g++ prog3_1.cpp –o prog3_1 –I lua-5.3.4/src –L lua-5.3.4/src
–l lua –l m –l dl
b. Part 2. In Lua, implement the Infix to Postfix function that went over in
class. The function InfixToPostfix(str) takes a single argument (it will be
an input string). Tokenize that input string by space (split by space)
and then apply the infix to postfix algorithm to return a postfix string.
This should be in prog3_2.lua
c. Program 2 will be written in C/C++. It will be called prog3_3.cpp and
can/should be an extension of prog3_1.cpp The program will create a
lua environment, load/run the file specified by the command line
CS320 Fa2017 Assignment #3
DUE: 11/22 11:59pm
argument. It will then take in a line of input from stdin, call the
InfixToPostfix() function in lua (use the dostring), retrieve the resulting
postfix string from the lua stack (use the checkstring function) and
then print the resultant postfix string.
3) You must ensure that your code can be run on a standard Debian based
linux distribution using the shell tools of your choice. You may develop your
solution on any machine you desire, as long as the final solution works on a
standard linux distrubtion.
4) Your solution must have a complete comment header as is detailed below.
During runtime, each of your solutions to section 1 must output a correct
title string as the first line printed. It should be in this format:
Assignment #1-1, <NAME>, <EMAIL>
Each problem should follow this format, with the second number incremented
for each problem in part 1. For example the second problem in part one
should have the title string:
Assignment #1-2, Scott Lindeneau, slindeneau@gmail.com
5) You must place a copy of your solutions inside a repository named
cs320Assignment1 in your git profile on gitlab. Your files MUST be named
prog3_1.cpp, prog3_2.lua,prog3_3.cpp and must not be modified after
the turn in time. The modified timestamp for each file in your repository
will be used as the submission time for that file. If it is after the due date, it
will be counted as late.
You are also responsible for two additional files that will be part of every
assignment (after assignment #1). You MUST place a copy of the
programming rubric in your repository. You must not rename it (it should be:
cs320programmingrubric.pdf) and by placing it in the repository you should
also be reading it and acknowledging that this is the rubric by which you will
be graded.
You will also place a README.md file1
in your assignment directory. This file
should contain a description IN YOUR OWN WORDS of the project along
with a short description of each file, what it is, how to compile and/or run it.
These descriptions may be short as long as they are accurate.
If you are familiar with reddit commenting/posting then you are familiar with markdown.
They use markdown exclusively for user provided content. Most git repos use md as the
format of choice for readme files and install text.
Here is a good cheat sheet: https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/MarkdownCheatsheet
CS320 Fa2017 Assignment #3
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you have any other files in your git repository the assignment will be
considered not complete.
CS320 Fa2017 Assignment #3
DUE: 11/22 11:59pm
Additional Details
Should the max length input be left out of a program description, assume a
reasonable value considering previous problems.
Multiple spaces may occur. There may even be spaces before a newline
character without a token.
Late Policy
Programs turned in by the due date will receive 120%, programs turned in 7 days
late will be worth 100%, after 7 days 0%.
Cheating Policy
There is a zero tolerance policy on cheating in this course. You are expected to
complete all programming assignments on your own. Collaboration with other
students in the course is not permitted. You may discuss ideas or solutions in
general terms with other students, but you must not exchange code. (Remember
that you can get help from me. This is not cheating, but is in fact encouraged.) I
will examine your code carefully. Anyone caught cheating on a programming
assignment or on an exam will receive an "F" in the course, and a referral to Judicial
CS320 Fa2017 Assignment #3
DUE: 11/22 11:59pm