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Assignment 1 – Text Adventure (Part A)
Due Date: Wednesday 22nd August 2018
Weighting: 10% of your final mark for the unit
Submission Instructions:
A zip file containing your Visual Studio project and the associated documentation files (project
plan) must be compiled and uploaded to the Moodle site. Your code MUST be submitted as a
Visual Studio project to facilitate ease of assessment and feedback.
Task Details:
This assignment is the first part of a larger project, which you will complete in Assignment 2.
The purpose of this assignment is to get you comfortable with planning, writing, compiling and
testing a (relatively) short C++ program using basic programming constructs. It is detailed later in
this assignment specification, as is the specific marks allocation.
The assignment must be created and submitted as a Visual Studio 2017 project. You may
complete the exercises in your preferred IDE, however you should create a Visual Studio project
in order to submit. Your project folder must be identified by using your name and assignment
number, such as YourNameA1. The entire project folder must then be zipped up into one zip file
for submission. The zip file MUST be named “FIT1048-AA1-YourAuthcateID.zip”. This zip file
must be submitted via the Moodle assignment submission page. Note: to reduce the file size of
your zip, you can delete the “ipch” folder from your project before zipping without affecting your
Explicit assessment criteria are provided, however please note you will be assessed on the
following broad criteria:
Meeting functional requirements as described in the exercise description
Demonstrating a solid understanding of the C++ concepts covered, including good practice
Following the unit Programming Style Guide
Creating solutions that are as efficient and extensible as possible
NOTE! Your submitted program MUST compile and run. Any submission that does not compile
will be awarded zero marks. This means you should continually compile and test your code as
you do it, ensuring it compiles at every step of the way.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Cheryl as soon as possible.
Foundations of C++
Assignment 1 – Text Adventure (Part A)
Assignment Task: Text Adventure (Part A)
A text adventure is an interactive story that unfolds as the player progresses through it. The player
has a defined goal and is presented with some information which they must read then decide
what to do next by typing in simple commands. Depending on the command typed, the story will
progress to the next appropriate section. The player repeats this process until they either reach
their goal, or fail and have to start over again.
For Part A of the assignment you will focus on the planning of the project and programming the
setup stage of the game and some simple interactivity. In Part B you will focus on creating the
various interactive objects in the game and program the remaining player interactions.
"Seven people, supposedly all friends, gather together to enjoy the evening, but before the
night is out ... one of them will be dead!
What is it that drives one person to murder another? Is it from a sense of betrayal, jealousy
or just plain spite? Does trying to conceal a deception, double-cross or infidelity force
someone to take desperate measures? Will the old saying, "money is the root of all evil", hold
Who knows ... but then, that's your job. You pit your wits against people who think they can
get away with murder every day.
You are an up and coming Detective out to solve crime – specifically, homicide. It's your job
to interview the suspects and examine the scene for evidence, discover the murder weapon
and where the murder took place ... all before the killer can strike again!"
The game randomly selects 7 people from a pool of names, assigning one to be the victim, one
to be the murderer and the other 5 as innocent (but suspicious) persons of interest. Two pairs of
suspects will alibi each other, while one will have no alibi and the murderer will say they were with
one of the others.
The player is the Detective trying to interview the suspects at the scene by moving to different
locations and questioning the people found there, examining it to find evidence and/or the crime
The player will use simple 1 or 2 word commands to input their actions, such as MAP, GOTO
the player interaction will be implemented in PART B so only needs to be described in the design
document but does not have to be implemented in this assignment (PART A).
The crime scene can be in any setting you like – apartment, house, park, city, or even a zoo …
whatever takes your fancy! You should have at least 10-16 locations for the player to explore
each of which will have at least a title and short description. It is up to you how much detail you
wish to put into the descriptions but they should add to the atmosphere of the game.
Project Plan
Having a clear plan for your project before you begin coding is essential for finishing a successful
project on time and with minimal stress. So part of this assignment is defining what will be in your
project and what you need to do to actually develop it.
Important: You must also read the requirements for Assignment 2 in order to be able to
complete the documentation required for Assignment 1.
The documentation you must submit will include the following:
Foundations of C++
Assignment 1 – Text Adventure (Part A)
A brief description for the setting of your text adventure.
This could be the blurb you have on the splash screen of your game to set the atmosphere
and inform the player what they need to do in order to win the game.
You can use the introduction above (in italics) as a template for your description.
A development outline of your game.
Using a simple outline format (numbered or bullet points) state the main actions that the
program will have and then, as sub-points, state the things you will need to do to make that
The outline structure should contain all the elements of your game, as this is a high level
description of your approach to the development of your program. You should include at
least the following headings and provide examples of happens under each section.
The game setup
The player’s turn
Processing player input
The end game
Additional Features included (if any)
Here is an example to get you started with your project outline:
o The Game Setup
Display an overview of the game for the player to read so they know what to do to win.
Initialise the game elements:
load in the crime scene location data from a file and store in a list
add all the other things that will happen during initialisation including creating and
placing the “people”, creating and placing the potential “weapons”, etc.
Ask the player for their name and set the player’s starting location:
add all the things that you want to have for the player
As you can see, you only have to describe the actions the program will take, not the code,
for the outline. The idea here is to give you a starting point for when you start writing your
code as you can use this as a checklist of the things you need to include.
Project Prototype (Coding)
For the coding part of this assignment you will define all the major elements of your game, display
an appropriate “splash screen” and demonstrate some simple player interactions – HELP, MAP,
Your initial prototype must demonstrate the following:
Display a splash screen introducing the player to the game and setting the atmosphere that
appear when the program runs.
Display a help screen that is accessed when the player types “help” at the prompt.
Display a map of the game environment that is accessed when the player types “map” at
the prompt.
Display the title and description of a location when the player types “goto locationName”
at the prompt.
The game ends when the player types “quit” at the prompt.
Hint: The data for any or all of the above may be read from a text file (“splash.txt”, “rooms.txt”,
“help.txt”, etc.). This would be particularly useful for loading the room locations and descriptions
in an array to make processing and displaying information more efficient.
Foundations of C++
Assignment 1 – Text Adventure (Part A)
Below is a sample output of a game displays and the map. Note that your game does not have to
look like this, this is just a suggestion.
The player input is limited to 1 or 2 words to
make processing the actions easier.
The format should be something similar to:
“What now? VERB NOUN”
Where VERB = the player’s action and NOUN
= the person, place or thing the player wants to
interact with.
Foundations of C++
Assignment 1 – Text Adventure (Part A)
Assignment 1: Marking Criteria [50 marks in total]
Project Plan [20]
Description of the setting [3]
Outline includes all game functionality (Parts A and B) [5]
Each section is broken into logical tasks [5]
Task descriptions given provide sufficient detail [4]
Tasks are performed in a logical order [3]
Project Prototype [30]
Functionality [20]
Does the program compile and run? Yes or No
Zero marks for code that does not compile
Does the splash screen display when the game runs? [2]
Does the player interaction trigger the correct response? [3]
Has Help and a Map been included and display correctly? [4]
Has the location data been loaded and stored appropriately? [4]
Can the player GOTO different locations and see a description? [5]
Can the player QUIT the program correctly? [2]
Quality of Solution and Code [10]
Does the program perform the functionality in an efficient and extensible manner? [5]
Has the Programming Style Guide been followed appropriately? [3]
Is there appropriate documentation throughout the program? [2]