讲解Stack C 国外英文、辅导C 报告程序
- 首页 >> C/C++编程Stack Implementation and Application
1. Purpose
The purpose of this exercise is to make the students familiar with:
(1)the array based implementation of basic operations of stack;
(2)the linked list based implementation of basic operations of stack;
(3)the basic application of stack;
2. Grading Policy
(1)The full mark is 100, which is equivalent to 5 points in the final score of this course.
(2)The assessment is based on the correctness and quality of the code, the ability demonstrated in debugging and answering related questions raised by the lecturer and teaching assistants.
(3)The exercises should be completed individually and independently.
(4)Some reference codes are provided at the end of this document, only for the purpose of helping those students who really have difficulties in programing. It is allowed to use the reference codes. However, straight copy from the reference codes or with minor modification can only guarantee you to get a pass score. Therefore, the students are encouraged to write their own codes to get a higher score.
3. Contents of Exercises
3.1 Array Based Implementation of Stack
Exercise 4.1 (40 points)
Create a stack with some data elements, and finish such operations as initialization, Push, Pop, etc.
All operations should be implemented as independent functions, which can be called by the main function.
(1)Create a stack by entering some positive integer data elementsitems, and end the process by entering -1, and output all the elements;
(2)Get the length of the stack;
(3)Delete a data element from the stack, and output the data value.
3.2 Linked List Based Implementation of Stack
Exercise 4.2 (30 points)
Create a stack with some data elements, and finish such operations as initialization, Push, Pop, etc.
All operations should be implemented as independent functions, which can be called by the main function.
(1)data elements, and end the process by entering -1, and output all the elements;Create a stack by entering some integer data items, and output all the elements
(2)Get the length of the stack
(3)Add a new data element into the stack;
(4)Delete a data element from the stack, and output the data value
3.3 Application of stack
Exercise 4.3 (10 points)
Write an algorithm to convert a non-negative decimal number to its equivalent octal number
Exercise 4.4(10 points)
Use letter I and O to represent PUSH and POP operation respectively. The initial state and end state of stack should both arebe both empty, a sequence of PUSH and POP operation is represented by the sequence composed of I and O only. Such aA sequence is legal only when it is operable, otherwise it is illegal. Write an algorithm to judge whether the following sequences are legal or not.
S1:I O O I I O I O O
S2:I O O I O I I O
S3:I I I O I O I O
S4:I I I O O I O O
Exercise 4.5 (10 points)
Write an program to receive a character string from the keyboard(the maximum length is 100), and test whether the brackets (),[],{} in the string are matching.
4. Reference Code
Exercise 4.1
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#define ERROR 0
#define OK 1
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
typedef int SElemType;
typedef int Status;
// definition of array based stack
#define STACK_INIT_SIZE 100 //Initial size for memory allocation
#define STACKINCREMENT 10 //incremental size
typedef struct{
SElemType *base; //base pointer
SElemType *top; //top pointer
int stacksize; //current size
// initialization of array-based stack
Status InitStack(SqStack &S){
S.base=(SElemType *)malloc(STACK_INIT_SIZE*sizeof(SElemType));
if(!S.base) return ERROR;
return OK;
// Destroy an array based stack
Status DestroyStack (SqStack &S){
return OK:
// Clear a stack
Status ClearStack (SqStack &S){
return OK:
//Test empty stack
Status StackEmpty (SqStack S){
add some codes here return (S.top==S.base); //empty stack
// Get the length of a stack
int StackLength (SqStack S){
add some codes herereturn (S.top-S.base);
// Get top item of a stack
Status GetTop(SqStack S, SElemType &e){
add some codes here if(S.top==S.base) return ERROR;
return OK;
// Delete an item from the stack
Status Pop(SqStack &S,SElemType &e){
add some codes here if(S.top==S.base) return ERROR;
return OK;
// Insert an item into the stack
Status Push(SqStack &S,SElemType e){
if(S.top-S.base>=S.stacksize){ //stack is full, increase the size
S.base=(SElemType *)realloc(S.base,(S.stacksize+
if(!S.base) return ERROR;
add some codes here*S.top++=e;
return OK;
// Print the elements in a stack
void PrintStack (SqStack S){
SElemType *p;
printf(“\n the data element in the stack is\n”)
for(p=S.base; p<S.top; p++)
printf(“%d\n”, *p);
int main()
SqStack S1;
int e;
int len;
int tmpPos;
// Create a stack with elements of 21, 18, 30
printf(“please enter the data item\n”);
scanf(“%d”, &e)
Push(S1, e);
scanf(“%d”, &e)
printf(“the length of the stack is %d\n”, len);
Pop(S1, e);
printf(“the top element is %d\n”, e);
return OK;
Exercise 4.2
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#define ERROR 0
#define OK 1
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
typedef int SElemType;
typedef int Status;
typedef struct L_node{
SElemType data; //data field
struct L_node *next; //pointer field
}LNode, *LinkList;
typedef struct{
LinkList Head; //head pointer
int length; //length
// initialization of linked list based stack
Status InitStack(LinkStack &S){
if(!S.Head) return ERROR;
return OK;
//Test empty stack
Status StackEmpty (LinkStack S){
add some codes here
// Get the length of a stack
int StackLength (LinkStack S){
add some codes here
// Get top item of a stack
Status GetTop(LinkStack S, SElemType &e){
if(S.Head->next==NULL) return ERROR;
add some codes here
// Delete an item from the stack
Status Pop(LinkSqStack &S, SElemType &e){
add some codes here
// Insert an item into the stack
Status Push(LinkStack &S, SElemType e){
add some codes here
// Print the elements in a stack
void PrintStack (LinkStack S){
LinkList p;
printf(“\nThe elements of the stack are:”);
printf(“%d, ”, p->data) ;
int main()
LinkStack S1;
int e;
int len;
int tmpPos;
printf(“please enter the data item\n”);
scanf(“%d”, &e)
Push(S1, e);
scanf(“%d”, &e)
printf(“the length of the stack is %d\n”, len);
Pop(S1, e);
printf(“the top element is %d\n”, e);
return OK;
Exercise 4.3
Note: reusable codes in Exercise 4.1 are not repeated here.
void Conversion (){
//for a non-negative decimal number, print out its equivalent octal number
SqStack S;
int N;
int e;
add some codes here
Pop(S, e);
printf("%d", e);
int main()
Exercise 4.4
Note: reusable codes in Exercise 4.1 are not repeated here.
typedef char SElemType;
Status JudgeLegal(char s[])
SqStack S;
char c;
char e;
for(i=0, c=s[i]; c!=’\0’; ++i, c=s[i])
add some codes here
if(EmptyStackEmpty (S)
return TURE;
return FALSE;
char S1[]=“IOOIIOIOO”;
char S2[]=“IOOIOIIO”;
char S3[]=” IIIOIOIO”;
char S4[]=” IIIOOIOO”;
int main()
printf(“the string %s is legal\n”, S1);
printf(“the string %s is illegal\n”, S1);
add some codes here
Exercise 4.5
Note: reusable codes in Exercise 4.1 are not repeated here.
typedef char SElemType;
Status BracketsMatching(char s[])
SqStack S;
char c;
char e;
for(i=0, c=s[i]; c!=’\0’; ++i, c=s[i])
if(c==’(’ || c==’[’ || c ==’{’)
Push(S, c);
elseif (c==’)’ || c==’]’ || c ==’}’)
add some codes here
int main()
char c;
char s[100];
int len=0;
while(c!=’#’) // ‘#’ means the end of string
printf(“the brackets in the string are matching”);
printf(“the brackets in the string are not matching”);