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2020/7/1 COMP9311 20T2 - Assignment 1
Assignment 1
Stage 2 (ER to Relational Mapping)
This document contains the standard ER design for Stage 2 of Assignment 1. You must convert this design
into a PostgreSQL relational schema (a collection of create table statements) and submit it via the
Assignments link on the course web site. In performing the conversion from the ER design to a relational
schema, you should follow the approach given in the lecture notes on "ER to Relational Mapping".
Submission : Through WebCMS3 submission link. You will submit a single SQL file called ass1.sql. Only
one person in your group need to make a submission. As long as your group registration is correctly done in
WebCMS3, one submission will record submissions for both members.
Deadline : Friday 3 July (6pm)
Late Penalty: Within 24 hours, 15% of the assessed mark, Within 48 hours, 30% of the assessed mark,
Within 62 hours, 40% of the assessed mark. No late submission accepted after 3 days.
PostgreSQL version 12 online documentation
The main index page to PostgreSQL v. 12 Documentation
Requirements on your Submission
The schema you submit will be marked first by a program (auto-marked), then a tutor. In order for the
program to recognise what you've done as being correct, your SQL must adhere to the following
all tables must have an appropriate primary key defined; all foreign keys must be identified
use appropriate domains for each attribute (e.g. a birthdate would be done as an SQL date, a
counter would be done as an SQL integer constrained to be ≥ 0)
if an attribute is a string, and no maximum length is specified, use PostgreSQL's (non-standard) text
type; otherwise, use an appropriate varchar(N) type or one of the supplied domain types
if an attribute is a boolean value, use the SQL boolean type
wherever possible, not-null, unique and domain constraints must be used to enforce constraints
implied by the ER design
derived (computed) attributes should not be included in the SQL schema
wherever possible, participation constraints should be implemented using the appropriate SQL
map all of the entity class hierarchies in the ER design using the ER-style mapping (i.e. one table for
each entity class).
all relationships should be mapped using the approaches described in the lecture notes; in particular,
you should avoid "over-generalising" your SQL schema relative to the ER design (e.g. a 1:n
relationship should not be mapped in such a way that it can actually be used to form an n:m
Since the assignment is going to be auto-checked first, it is very helpful if you use the names that the automarker
expects. Please follow as much as possible the following naming conventions:
each table that represents an entity should be given a name which is the "pluralised" version of the
entity name (e.g. entity Person is mapped to a table called People and entity Event is mapped to a
table called Events)
each table that represents a relationship can be given the same name as the relationship in the ER
each data attribute in the SQL schema should be given the same name as the corresponding
attributes in the ER
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if an attribute in the SQL schema is derived from a relationship in the ER diagram, name it after the
relationship (suitably modified to make sense, e.g. if the relationship is owns and the attributes is in
the table for the entity that is being owned, then you would changed the name to ownedBy)
when mapping multi-valued attributes, name the new table by concatenating the entity and attribute
when mapping composite attributes, use the names of the "leaf" attributes
if names in the ER diagram contain multiple words, concatenate them into a single word in
camelCase in the SQL schema
Note: if the name you want to use clashes with a PostgreSQL keyword (e.g. user), you will need to write
the name in double-quotes (i.e. "user") and in all lower-case
Place the schema in a file called ass1.sql and submit it via WebCMS3 (see above) before the deadline.
To give you a head-start, a template for the schema is available, which has (parts of) some of the required
tables already defined. Note that you will need to add more tables, as well as filling out the attributes in the
supplied tables. Your submission must follow this format, so save a copy of this and edit it to produce your
submittable ass1.sql file.
The reason for insisting on strict conformance to the above is that your submission will be auto-checked as
we will create an initially empty database (no tables, etc.)
we will load your schema into this database
we will use a script to compare your schema with the expected schema
The comparison will make use of the meta-data which has been added to the database by loading your
schema. Needless to say, if you schema has load-time errors, then it's not going to be possible to compare it
against the correct version. Therefore it is essential that you check that your schema can load into an initially
empty database before you submit it.
Following the instructions above is considered to be a requirement of this assignment. If you stray from the
expected schema, your submission will be marked as incorrect. Our auto-checking scripts have a little
flexibility, but not much, so don't rely on it.
Please don't try to second-guess or "improve" the standard design below. Even if you think it's complete
rubbish, just translate it as given. If you think that it's incorrect or that the information supplied isn't enough
to do the mapping unambiguously, post a message on the course forum for clarification Also, if you want to
give opinions on the standard schema use the "Assignment 1" topic on the course forum. But we won't
update the standard ER given as the spec for Stage 2.
Standard ER Design
This ER design gives one possible data model for the application introduced in the first stage of this
assignment. The design here is based on the discussions on the MessageBoards, on my experience with
EventBrite, and on my interpretation of the more ambiguous aspects of the requirements. This isn't
necessarily the design that would be used in practice and may not even follow all of the requirements from
Stage 1 precisely. It has been designed to make Stage 2 of the assignment more interesting (i.e. to give you
experience with a range of modelling constructs and translation mechanisms).
To make the presentation clearer, the design is broken into a number of sections. Note that an entity will
have its attributes and class hierarchy defined exactly once. If an entity is used in a later section of the
design (e.g. to show relationships), it will simply be shown as an unadorned entity box (and you should
assume all of the attributes and sub/super-classes from its original definition).
The development of any significant design requires assumptions. Assumptions specific to particular entities
and relationships are presented below each diagram.
A general strategy used in the design is to introduce a numeric primary key called id into all major entities.
This is despite the fact that we could have made a primary key from existing attributes in many cases (e.g.
email). The reason for doing this is that primary keys typically end up as foreign keys in other tables, and
thus their values need to be copied to many places in the database. "Natural" keys (such as email) are
strings (typically 40-60 bytes), whereas numeric keys are 4-byte integers, so there is a clear space saving in
maintaining copies of smaller keys. Using numeric keys also makes indexing and various query processing
techniques faster. One disadvantage is adding an "extra" attribute into each table.
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Other notational conventions in the ER diagrams:
primary key attributes for entities are underlined
total participation in a relationship is indicated by a thick line
an arrow indicates that at most 1 entity is involved in the relationship
Note that the data here is sufficient to allow the site to be built. Some notions mentioned in the
Stage 1 requirements are related to the working of the application and do not need to be explicitly modelled
here. Actions (e.g. adding a person to a contact list) typically do not have a presence in the data model
either, although they clearly affect the data in the database.
Data Types
To make your life simpler, I've defined some useful data types using the create domain statement. Some
of the create domain statements use standard SQL patterns for specifying constraints, while others use
PostgreSQL-specific regular expressions for this prupose. The domain definitions are given at the top of the
template file.
You shouldn't need to use many varchar(N) types in this assignment. The above types ought to be
sufficient for most of the fields in the database. Use them whereever you think it's appropriate.
You can ignore the PrivacyValue type; it is not relevant for this assignment.
Users and People
The following diagram shows the entities, attributes and relationships that provide the information about
people on the site.
we use a numeric ID as a primary key, since People and Users will be extensively referenced in the
for every person in the database, we need to know their email and their given-names
information which every user is required to provide (as well as their person data): password and billing
users can provide a name for the system to display them as; if none is supplied, will form a
name from the family- and given-names
note the use of isA in a circle to indicate that the Person entity has only a single sub-class (User);
remember that you must implement this (very small) class hierarchy via the ER-style mapping
names are typically no longer than 50 chars (for the given- and family-name components) and less
than 100 chars for full names
a user's blog and website are both given as URLs
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Contact Lists and other People relationships
The following diagram shows entitites, attributes and relationships that deal with various groups of people on
the site.
users can build contact lists for easy reference to groups of people
every contact list must have a name; contact lists cannot be empty
all members of a contact list must be entered into the database as people
the owner of a contact list might want to refer to a list member by a different name to the one in their
People entry, and so can define a nickname for them in that list
contact lists can be used to generate invitations to events (doing this will produce a collection of
invitations, one for each person on the list)
we can also record attendees at events, but only for people who are already known to the system.
The following diagram shows entities, attributes and relationships relevant to event organisers on the
organisers are created by users for the purpose of being the "front facing" contact for events
every organiser must have a name; each organiser may also have a logo and some descriptive
organiser names may be moderately long (up to 100 characters)
logos must be JPEG images and are stored in the database as bytea values (see the PostgreSQL
documentation for details on bytea)
the descriptive material on an organiser can be arbitrary text (most likely HTML)
the system generates a page for each organiser
every organiser is required to specify a theme which gives the colour scheme for their page
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The following diagram shows entities, attributes and relationships for the events that are managed in the site.
The design for Events is complicated by the fact that we have both one-off and repeating events. Repeating
events effectively define a series of one-off events recurring at regular intervals. Each instance of a
repeating event shares most of the same information (e.g. title, details, privacy) as defined for the repeating
event. To avoid duplication, the common event information is moved to an EventInfo entity and both the
repeating event and event instances refer to this. An Event (either a one-off or an instance of a repeating
event) thus has some of its information in the Event entity and some of its information in the EventInfo entity.
Note that this is not a class hierarchy, because EventInfo entities, Event entities and RepeatingEvent entities
have their own identities.
Comments on EventInfo:
EventInfo entities define the core information for both one-off events and repeating event series
this means that all events in the series will have the same common data (e.g. title, details, location);
the only thing that may vary is the actual time that the events occur
EventInfo entities are required to have a title (up to 100 chars), some details (arbitrary text), a
location and a starting time
a duration may also be specified to indicate how long the event runs (implement this as a PostgreSQL
interval value; see the PostgreSQL documentation for details);
events have a set of boolean flags to indicate how/whether they should be displayed: isPrivate,
showLeft, showFee
showLeft indicates whether the event page will show the number of tickets remaining to be sold
showFee indicate whether the service fee charged to the organiser will be included in the ticket price
shown to purchasers
each flag is required to be set; by default, events are private, do not show remaining tickets and do
not show the service fee in the ticket price
each event may be tagged with some categories to identify what kind of event it is; categories are
simply short text strings like "music", "food/wine", "theatre", "festival", etc.
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ticket types will also be linked to the EventInfo entity, meaning that each instance of a repeating
event series has the same ticketing structure
Comments on Events:
the Event entity corresponds to a specific happening at a given place and given time
the core information for an event is contained in its associated EventInfo entity
an Event which is an instance of a repeating event will be associated to a RepeatingEvent entity;
a one-off event will not refer to any repeating event
the Event entity serves primarily to hold timing information for the event
events must also have a starting date and time specified
for display purposes only, we might compute an end-date and end-time based on the start-date/time
and the event duration; if no duration is given, we simply display the start-date/time details
The date/time information in an Event is determined as follows:
for an event which is a genuine one-off event ...
the startDate will be provided by the organiser
the startTime will be set using the starting time in the associated EventInfo
the endTime and endDate will be computed using the startDate and startTime and the duration
specified in the EventInfo
if no duration is given, the endDate and endTime will be null
for an event which is an instance of a repeating event series ...
the startDate will be calculated according to the repetition information
the startTime will be determined from the EventInfo starting time
the endDate and endTime will be computed from the EventInfo duration, if supplied
Note that the organiser can override the startTime for a repeating event instance if one event happens to
start at a different time. This is the reason we have startTime in the Event entity, rather than simply using
the EventInfo starting time
Comments on Repeating Events subclasses:
a series of similar events is specified via a RepeatingEvent entity
various common styles of repetition are supported via the subclasses of RepeatingEvent
both the lowerDate and upperDate must be supplied, and these give lower and upper bounds on the
days when instances of the repeating event can occur
the first event in the series will occur on or after the lowerDate and the last event in the series will
occur on or before the upperDate
for a daily event, we specify whether it repeats every day, or every two days, etc.; if an event repeats
every 32 days or more, we may as well make it a monthly event
for a weekly event, we specify which day of the week the event occurs on and how many weeks
between recurrences (e.g. "every 2nd Tuesday")
there are two kinds of monthly repetition: by date or by day+week
for monthly-by-date (e.g. "on the 12th of each month"), we simply give the date in the month when the
event occurs
for monthly-by-day (e.g. "on the third Tuesday of each month"), we give which day of the week and
which week in the month when the even occurs
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When a RepeatingEvent entity is defined, all of the Event instances determined by the repetition are
generated. If the RepeatingEvent entity is subsequently modified, the Events will be regenerated
(possibly resulting in sold tickets for any deleted events needing to be refunded). Note that there are some
repetition cases that cannot be represented in this scheme (e.g. "the third Tuesday in every fifth month").
The following diagram shows entities, attributes and relationships on tickets in
individual tickets are not directly represented in, but rather we represent ticket types (ticket
classes) and ticket sales are represented as a block of tickets of a given type
each ticket type is associated to an EventInfo entity; several ticket types will typically be associated
with each EventInfo
a ticket type is defined by a type name (e.g. "First Class", "Standard", "Mosh Pit", etc.) and may have
an accompanying description (up to 100 chars)
for each ticket type we also need to record the total number available, and the maximum number of
tickets that can be purchased by a user in a given puchase (if users are greedy they can simply make
multiple purchases)
each ticket type has a quoted price, which is specified in a particular currency (although since sales
happen outside, customers can preumably purchase using a different currency)
currencies should be given using the standard ISO4217 3-letter currency codes
a ticket sale indicates that some tickets of a certain type have been sold to a given person for a given
a ticket sale is represented by a record which has a unique ID, is linked to the specific ticket type and
has a quantity of tickets attached to it
ticket sales are linked to a person; the purchaser would be given the sales ID as part of the URL that
they can use to examine their purchase, even if they're not a user who can log in to the system
if the system wants to provide printing, it could use the sales ID plus sequencing numbers to generate
a set of unique ticket numbers
for display purposes, we may also wish to compute the number of tickets remaining in each ticket
type; this could be derived from the total available tickets and the quantity in the ticket sales
The following diagram shows entities, attributes and some relationships related to location information within
the site.
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Places are used for a range of location/address scenarios
each place record must have an ID and a name (text string up to 100 chars) and a country name (text
string up to 50 chars)
apart from these required fields it may have any other combination of the attributes specified or not
this allows us to represent complete postal addresses (with street address, city, state, postcode and
country) if needed
alternatively, an organiser might just specify a name (e.g. "Acer Arena") and a city (e.g. "Sydney")
(and, of course, a country) to identify where the event is held
it is also possible to optionally provide GPS coordinates in the form used by Google maps; if these are
provided, then a map can be displayed with the event location pinpointed
every event has to be associated with a location, but the description of the location can be as vague
or detailed as the organiser wishes
becuase of their flexibility, Place records are also used to handle addresses associated with users
Page Configuration
The following diagram shows entities and attributes for page settings that are used to control the
appearance of web pages on the site.
a table of page configurations is stored, where each configuration setting specifies the colour setting
for some component of the page
some of these page colour records can be made publically available as templates and users can link
to them when setting up themes for organisers and events
users can also create their own entries in this table to develop custom settings
page configurations are not treated as templates by default
as well as having values for all colour settings, page configurations must have a name specified (even
if only used by one user)
page configurations are owned by the user who created them, except for system templates which are
owned by nobody
users can specify their own themes as templates, in which case other users can make use of them
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Hint: if you keep the table declaration order given in the template, there will be a forward reference to the
Users table from within the PageColours table. You can deal with this either by re-ordering the table
declarations or by using an alter table statement to add the foreign key constraint to the PageColours
table after you have created the Users table.
What To Do Now
Make sure you read the above description thoroughly, and review the notes and exercises on ER-torelational
mapping. Grab a copy of the ass1.sql template and see what's provided there. If any aspect of this
design requires further clarification, ask for it under topic "Assignment 1 (Stage 2)" on the course
MessageBoard, or email me personally if it might give away some of the solution.
Reminder: before you submit, ensure that your schema will load without error if used as follows:
% dropdb ass1
% createdb ass1
% psql ass1 -f ass1.sql
... will produce notices, but should have no errors ...
% psql ass1
... can start using the complete database ...
If I have to fix errors in your schema before it will load, you will incur a penalty (bigger penalty if a lot of
