Go Fish辅导、辅导C++编程、C++程序调试
- 首页 >> C/C++编程Assignment 2 - Go Fish
Due by 11:59pm on Monday, 2/4/2019
Demos due by 11:59pm on Monday, 2/18/2019
The goals of this assignment is to start working with C++ classes and class composition
(the "has-a" relationship). Follow the directions below, and make sure your source code
files (no executable files, .o files, or other crufty stuff) are committed and pushed back
into your repository on GitHub to earn credit for the assignment.
Go Fish game
For this assignment, you will write a program that allows one player to play a game of
Go Fish against the computer. Go Fish is a game that uses a standard deck of 52 playing
cards. Specifically, each card in the deck has a rank and a suit. There are 13 ranks: the
numbers 2 through 10, Jack (usually represented with the letter J), Queen (Q), King (K),
and Ace (A). There are 4 suits: clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades. In a 52-card deck,
there is one card of each rank for each suit.
A game of Go Fish between two players proceeds as follows:
The deck of cards is shuffled, randomizing the order of the cards.
Each player is dealt a hand of 7 cards. Only the player is able to see the cards in their
The remaining cards are placed face-down (i.e. with their rank and suit hidden) on the
table to form the "stock".
One of the players (player A) begins the game by asking the other player (player B) for
all of his/her cards of a specific rank (e.g. "Please give me all of your 7's"). To ask for
a given rank, a player must have at least one card of that rank in his/her hand.
If player B has cards of the requested rank, he/she must give all of his/her cards of that
rank to player A, and player A gets to take another turn.
If player B does not have any cards of the requested rank, he/she says "go fish", and
player A must select one card from the stock. If that card has the rank player A originally
requested, then player A gets to take another turn. Otherwise, it becomes player B's turn.
If at any point a player runs out of cards, then, when it is that player's turn to play, they
may draw a card from the stock and ask for cards of that rank. If a player runs out of
other cards when it is the other player's turn to ask for a rank, the other player may
continue to ask for a rank and draw from the stock until they draw a rank other than the
one they asked for.
If a player collects all four cards of the same rank, this is called a "book", and the player
lays down his/her book on the table. Both players may see the cards in every book that's
laid down.
The game continues with the players alternating turns until all of the books are laid
down. At the end of the game, the player who laid down the most books wins.
Here is a nice little online version of Go Fish that you can play to get a feel for how the
game works if you've never played it before: https://cardgames.io/gofish/.
Needed classes
To write your Go Fish game, you should implement the following classes, including the
specified members and methods. You may also add more members and methods, as
class Card {
int rank; // Should be in the range 0-12.
int suit; // Should be in the range 0-3.
// must have constructors, destructor, accessor methods, and mutator methods
In the Card class above, rank and suit are represented with int values, but you must also
have some way to map those values to representations players will be familiar with (e.g.
a string representation of the suit or rank) when you print information about cards to
the screen for players to see.
class Deck {
Card cards[52];
int n_cards; // Number of cards remaining in the deck.
// must have constructors, destructor, accessor methods, and mutator methods
The Deck class is the source of all of the cards. Every Card will initially start in a Deck
object and then be transferred to players' hands (and thus removed from the Deck). An
important method that should be implemented for the Deck class is one to deal a card
by remove a card from the Deck and returning it so it can be placed into a player's hand.
class Hand {
Card* cards;
int n_cards; // Number of cards in the hand.
// must have constructors, destructor, accessor methods, and mutator methods
The Hand class will hold the cards in one player's hand. The number of cards a player
holds may change, so the size of the array of Card objects in a hand may also need to
change. Cards may be added to a player's hand and removed from a player's hand, so
the Hand class will need functions to do both of those things. Other useful methods
might check for a book and remove a book from the player's hand.
class Player {
Hand hand;
int* books; // Array with ranks for which the player has books.
int n_books;
// must have constructors, destructor, accessor methods, and mutator methods
The Player class represents a single player. Each Player will have a Hand object
representing its hand and an array keeping track of the books the player has laid down.
Depending on how you implement things, the Player class may need methods to add
and remove cards from their hand or to check their hand for books. Another useful
method the Player class might have is one to figure out what rank they want to ask for.
Note that the Player class must represent both the human player and the computer player.
You should write your class methods accordingly and add any extra data members
needed to accomplish this.
class Game {
Deck cards;
Player players[2];
// must have constructors, destructor, accessor methods, and mutator methods
The Game class represents the state of an entire game. It contains objects representing
the deck of cards and both players. The methods of the Game class should contain all
of the logic for the game. For example, it would be useful to have methods in the Game
class that check whether the game is over and that execute a player's turn.
Program features
Your program should do the following:
Set up a deck of 52 cards as described above.
Shuffle the deck (i.e. randomize the order of cards).
Deal 7 cards to the two players.
Play a game of Go Fish as described above, with the following gameplay features:
Print the current state of the game (e.g. the cards held by the human player and the
books laid down by both the human player and the computer) after each turn (keeping
the computer player's cards hidden).
On the human player's turn, prompt the user for a rank to ask for. When they enter a
rank, either give all of the computer player's cards of that rank to the human (if the
computer player has cards of the requested rank) or execute a "go fish", drawing a card
from the stock into the human player's hand. Make sure to alert the user what the result
of their turn is.
On the computer player's turn, the computer should randomly select a rank from its
hand for which to ask the other player, and the appropriate actions should be taken (i.e.
cards are taken from the human player's hand, or the computer draws a card from the
stock). The user should be alerted about what the computer player asked for and what
the result of its turn was.
Once the game is over, you should announce the winner and ask the user if they want
to play again.
You should not have any memory leaks in your program.
Program design
It is up to you how to design an interface to allow the user to play the Go Fish game.
Your program should use the classes above along with any other classes or functions
you need. Your program should be well modularized. That is, it should be factored into
reasonably-sized (preferably small) functions that each perform some specific logical
You should separate your source code several files:
gofish.cpp - This should contain your main() function.
You should also have one interface header (.hpp) file and one implementation (.cpp)
file for each of the classes above, as well as for any additional classes you implement.
You should also write a Makefile that specifies the compilation of your program.
Code style
You must include a header comment for each source code file that contains a description
of the file (including how to run the program, command line arguments, etc. if the file
contains your main() function), your name, and the date. Your code should be well
commented, including header comments for all functions describing what the function
does, its parameters, and any pre- and post-conditions for the function. You should
appropriately use whitespace, newlines, and indentation.
Make sure you review the style guidelines for the course, and start trying to follow them:
Submitting your program
To submit your program, you need to make sure the following files are committed into
your git repository and pushed to your master branch on GitHub before the due date
All of the .hpp and .cpp files containing the interface and implementation of your
Makefile Do not commit any other files (other than the ones that were already in your
repository at the start of the assignment). A good way to check whether your assignment
is submitted is to simply look at your repo on GitHub (i.e. https://github.com/OSUCS162-W19/assignment-2-YourGitHubUsername).
If your files appear there before the
deadline, they they are submitted.
Grading criteria
Your program MUST compile and run on flip.engr.oregonstate.edu, so make sure you
have tested your work there before you make your final submission, since a program
that compiles and runs in one environment may not compile and run in another.
Assignments that do not compile on flip will receive a grade of 0. If you do not have an
ENGR account, you can create one at https://teach.engr.oregonstate.edu/.
This assignment is worth 100 points total:
90 points: your program meets the specifications above
10 points: correctly initializes game with 52 cards and 2 players
10 points: correctly shuffles and deals deck
10 points: correctly alternates turns between players
10 points: correctly transfers cards between player hands when a card is stolen
10 points: correctly draws a card from the stock when a player has to go fish
10 points: correctly implements computer player who uses random selection
10 points: correctly determines when game is over and who the winner is
10 points: correctly implements each of the required classes (Card, Deck, Hand, Player,
10 points: correctly factors program into files and uses a Makefile
10 points: your code is appropriately commented and uses consistent and appropriate
Your work on this assignment will be graded by demoing it with a TA. During your
demo, you will compile and run your program for the TA and walk them through your
source code, describing to them how it works. It'll be your responsibility to sign up for
a 10-minute demo slot with a TA by the demo due date above. You will receive a zero
on the assignment if you don't demo it with a TA by the demo due date.