CIS 548讲解 辅导C++程序语言 Turtles in Time

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CIS 548 - Project 0 - Spring 2019

CIS 548 Project 0

penn-shredder: Turtles in Time

“Tonight I dine on turtle soup!”

shredder, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles the Animated Series

CIS548 Staff

DUE: Friday, Jan. 25th @ 10pm


This is an individual assignment. You may not work with others. Please regularly check Piazza throughout

this course for coding style, and project specification clarifications. You are encouraged to version control

your code, but do not work in public GitHub repositories. Please avoid publishing this project at

anytime, even post-submission, to observe course integrity policies.


In this assignment you will implement a basic shell named penn-shredder that will restrict the run time

of executed processes. Your shell will read input from the users and execute it as a new process, but if

the process exceeds a timeout, it will be killed. You will complete this assignment using only a specified

set of system calls and without the use of standard C library functions (e.g., printf(3), fgets(3),

system(3), etc.). You may freely use any functions in string.h. Please be aware of the accuracy of

your output contents, especially for spacing as this year’s autograder will take into consideration whitespace

for correctness.

1 Specification

At its core, a shell is a simple loop. Upon each iteration, the shell: prompts the user for a program to run;

executes the program as a separate process; waits for the process to finish; and then, re-prompts the user

completing the loop. The shell exits the loop when the user provides EOF (end of file) (i.e., Ctrl-D). Your

shell, penn-shredder, will do all of that, but with a slight twist.

penn-shredder takes a command line option for specifying a program timeout. If any process runs for

longer than the specified timeout, penn-shredder will kill the program and report to the user his snide catchphrase,

“Bwahaha ... tonight I dine on turtle soup”. The exact whitespace usage in the catch-phrase is

necessary for the autograder to correctly grade your assignment.

The following is an example of input that should invoke the catch-phrase:

Compiled 2019-01-16 14:08

CIS 548 - Project 0 - Spring 2019

bash# ./penn-shredder 10

penn-shredder# /bin/cat

Bwahaha ... tonight I dine on turtle soup

penn-shredder# /bin/pwd /home/yourusername


Here, penn-shredder was executed with a timeout argument of 10 seconds, and any program that runs

longer than 10 seconds will be killed (or shredded). The cat program executed without arguments runs

indefinitely, and thus was killed after exceeding the timeout. Conversely, pwd returns quickly and was not

killed, upsetting shredder and his henchman.

1.1 read, fork, exec, wait, and repeat!

As described previously, a shell is just a loop performing the same procedure over and over again. Essentially,

that procedure can be completed with these four system calls:

read(2) : read input from stdin into a buffer

fork(2) : create a new process that is an exact copy of the current running program.

execve(2) : replace the current running program with another

wait(2) : wait for a child process to finish before proceeding

Your program, in pseudo-code, should look roughly like this:


read(cmd, ...);

pid = fork();







This may seem simple, but there are many, many things that can go wrong. You should spend some time

carefully reading the entire man page for all four of these systems calls. 1 To do so, in a terminal type:

bash# man 2 read

where 2 specifies the manual section. If you do not specify the manual section, you may get information for

a different read command.

1Hint: You may want to pay attention to wait(2). Be sure you understand how the waitpid (or wait) is called and

checked in the example. Every year many students are surprised by its usage after grading.

CIS 548 - Project 0 - Spring 2019

1.2 Timing is Everything

To time a running program your shell will employ the alarm(2) system call. The alarm(2) system call

simply tells the operating system to deliver a SIGALRM signal after a specified time. The SIGALRM signal

must be handled by your shell; otherwise, your shell will exit.

To handle a signal a signal handing function must be registered with the operating system via the

signal(2) system call. When the signal is delivered, the operating system will preempt your shells

current operations (e.g., waiting for the program to finish) and this program on your own to best understand

signal handling. Here are some questions you could try and answer: What happens if you remove the call to

signal(2)? What happens if you provide different arguments to alarm(2)? What happens if you use

the sleep(3) function instead of the busy wait?2 You should also spend time carefully reading the entire

man page for these systems calls and references in APUE regarding signals and signal handling.

1.3 Hit the kill-switch!

The kill(2) system call delivers a signal to a process. Despite its morbid name, it will only kill (or

terminate) a program if the right signal is delivered. One such signal will always do just that, SIGKILL.

The SIGKILL signal has the special property that it cannot be handled or ignored, so no matter the program

your shell executed it must heed the signal.3

1.4 Prompting and I/O

In programming your shell, you will only use system calls and nothing from the C standard library (except

string.h). This includes input and output functions like printf(3) and fgets(3). Instead you will

use the read(2) and write(2) system calls. Consult the manual pages for these functions’ specification.

Your shell must prompt the user for input as follows:


Please note that the prompt has a whitespace after the octothorpe, so if a user begins typing, they would see:

penn-shredder# somestringhere

Following the prompt, your program will read input from the user. You may truncate user input to 1024

bytes, but your shell must gracefully handle input longer than that. By graceful, we mean providing some

kind of reasonable behavior such as implicitly truncating to 1024 bytes and properly flushing extra bytes.

You may assume that the 1024th byte is the null-termination byte.

1.5 Argument Restrictions

Your shell is not required to parse additional program arguments. That is, a user can provide any number of

arguments, but your shell may ignore them, simply executing the base program. However, your shell must

still execute the program even if arguments are provided. For example:


1pt Extra Credit: What does the man page have to say about mixing calls to sleep(3) and alarm(2)? Answer this

question in your README: it should include a sample program.


1pt Extra Credit: What other signal(s) have this property? Which signals will terminate the program if unhandled? Which

man page has this information? Answer these questions in your README

CIS 548 - Project 0 - Spring 2019

penn-shredder# /bin/sleep 100

sleep: missing operand

Try ‘sleep --help’ for more information.

Due to this restriction, you may find it useful to write separate testing programs that exit after a specified

time (perhaps based on the SIGALRM example above). Feel free to submit these test programs with your


1.6 Executing a Program

Your shell may only use the execve(2) system call to execute a program. This system call instructs the

operating system to replace the current running program – that would be the child of your shell – with the

specified program. Please refer to the manual for more details.

The execve(2) system call is the base of a larger collection of functions; however, you may not use

those other functions. Explicitly, you may not use execl(3), execv(3)), or any other function listed in

the exec(3) manual page. As a result, the user of your shell must specify the entire path to a program to

execute it. To learn where a program lives (i.e., its path), use the which program in your non-penn-shredder


Forking, like all other system calls, is computationally expensive. You should not call a system call if

it’s simple to determine from internal state that the system call would do nothing or fail, and you should

monitor the status of any forked child process.

1.7 Ctrl-C behavior

Ctrl-C (SIGINT) is a very helpful signal often used from the shell to stop the current running program.

Child processes started from penn-shredder should respond to Ctrl-C by following their normal behavior

on SIGINT, but penn-shredder itself should not exit (even when Ctrl-C is invoked without a child process


bash# ./penn-shredder

penn-shredder# /bin/cat

Cpenn-shredder# ?C/bin/pwd

<Your working directory>


1.8 Arguments to penn-shredder

Although within penn-shredder there is no requirement to handle arguments, the penn-shredder program

itself must take an optional argument: the execution timeout. If no argument is provided, then penn-shredder

imposes no time restriction on executing processes. For example, an optional argument of 10 results in a

timeout of 10 seconds:

bash# ./penn-shredder 10


5pt Extra Credit: For extra credit, write a simple parser that will handle arbitrary arguments and pass them to execve

appropriately. Because it’d make it far too easy, for this extra credit opportunity you cannot use any function from the C standard

library. This includes everything from string.h, so don’t even think about using strdup(3) or strtok(3) or their variants.

CIS 548 - Project 0 - Spring 2019

Omitting the optional argument results in no timeouts.

As mentioned before, with the exception of string.h you cannot use anything from the C standard

library. However, for command line argument int parsing you may make a single call to atoi(3) or

strtol(3) to convert command line input into an integer. You should check for errors in this conversion,

e.g., when a user provides a character instead of a number.5

2 Error Handling

All system call functions you use will report errors via the return value. As a general rule, if the return value

is less than 0, an error occurred and errno is set appropriately. You must check your error conditions

and handle or report errors. To expedite the error checking process, we allow you to use perror(3)

library function. Although you are allowed to use perror, it does not imply you should report all errors at

an extreme verbosity. Instead, try and strike a balance between sparse and verbose reporting.

3 Code Organization

Sane code organization is critical for all software: Your code should not be all in one giant penn-shredder.c

file. Rather, you should create reasonable modules and expose the relevant interfaces and constants in .h

files. Make sure that your Makefile builds all relevant modules and links them into the final penn-shredder


You code should adhere to DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself). If you are writing code that is used in more

than one place you should write a function or a macro. See the Piazza Post for general coding conventions

and tips.

4 Memory Errors

You are required to check your code for memory errors. This is a nontrivial task, but an extremely important

one. Code with memory leaks and memory violations will be deducted. Fortunately, there is a very nice

tool valgrind that is available to help you. It should be installed on the SpecLab cluster. valgrind

is a tool and not a solution. You must still find and fix any bugs that valgrind locates, but there is no

guarantee it will find all memory errors in your code, especially those that rely on user input!

5 Acceptable Library Functions

In this assignment you may use only the following system calls:






3pt Extra Credit: For extra credit, implement your own version of atoi(3) that can handle arbitrary numbers within the 32

bit width of an integer.

CIS 548 - Project 0 - Spring 2019






And you may use these non-system calls:

malloc(3) or calloc(3)


perror(3) for reporting errors

atoi(3) or strtol(3) but just once!

string(3) for string utility functions

Using any other library function than those specified above will affect your grade on this assignment. If you

use the system(3) library function, you will receive a ZERO on this assignment.

6 Developing Your Code

In general, there are two environments for you to develop projects in this course: (1)virtual machine

powered by Vagrant or (2) SpecLab servers for remote developing. We recommend the first environment.

For the first choice, we provide a Vagrantfile for your convenience to create a course-standardized virtual

machine. You can find the set-up instruction and video on Piazza. We highly recommend you to use it as

your developing environment because all grading will be done on it. Please do not develop on macOS as

there are significant differences between macOS and Unix variants such as Ubuntu Linux. If you decide

to develop on a different machine anyway, you must compile and test your penn-shredder on the coursestandardized

virtual machine to ensure your penn-shredder runs as you expect during grading.

The course-standardized virtual machine is powered by Vagrant. Vagrant has a synced folder feature,

which can automatically sync your files to and from the guest machine. It provides the flexibility so that

you can develop your code on the host machine with your familiar IDEs or tools instead of editing in

the VM through a terminal-based editor or over SSH. Read the following link to learn more, https:


However, there is a case-sensitive issue in the synced folder you need to pay attention to. It is known

that Windows and macOS are case insensitive while Linux is case sensitive. The course-standardized virtual

machine is basically a Ubuntu system. In this virtual machine, the file system is case-sensitive except that

the synced folder (/vagrant) has the same case-sensitive with the host machine. To be more specific, if

your host machine is any Linux distribution, then your virtual machine has no case sensitive issue. However,

if your host machine is Windows or macOS, your synced folder /vagrant is case-insensitive and the other

directories are case-sensitive. To handle case-sensitive issue and avoid annoying compiling bugs when you

collaborate with others, we highly recommend to name all your .h and .c files in camelCase. A good

CIS 548 - Project 0 - Spring 2019

way to check this is to copy your project to folders other than the shared folder in the vagrant virtual machine,

and run the code there.

For the second choice, SpecLab will be available to you as CIS-548 students, however, we discourage

its usage unless your personal machine has super, super weak performance specifications such as a single

core machine with 2GB of RAM or less. SpecLab is a collection of older desktops that run the same Linux

variant as eniac, and most importantly, you can crash them as much as you want without causing too much

chaos. You access SpecLab remotely over ssh. There are roughly 10 SpecLab machines up at any time.

When you are ready to develop, choose a random number between 01 and 50, or so, and then issue this


bash# ssh

where DD is replaced with the number you chose. If that machine is not responding, then add one to that

number and try again. Not all SpecLab machines are currently up, but most are. You must be on SEASnet

to directly ssh into SpecLab. The RESnet (your dorms) is not on SEASnet, but the machines in the Moore

computer lab are. If you are not on SEASnet, you may still remotely access SpecLab by first ssh-ing into

eniac and then ssh-ing into SpecLab.

Do not develop your code on eniac. CIS 548 students are notorious for crashing eniac in creative ways,

normally via a “fork-bomb.” This always seems to happen about two hours before a homework deadline,

and the result is chaos, not just for our class, but for everyone else using eniac.

Students who are caught running penn-shredder directly on eniac will be penalized.

7 What to turn in

You must provide each of the following for your submission, no matter what. Failure to do so may reflect

in your grade.

1. README file. In the README you will provide

Your name and eniac username

A list of submitted source files

Extra credit answers

Compilation Instructions

Overview of work accomplished

Description of code and code layout

General comments and anything that can help us grade your code

2. Makefile. We should be able to compile your code by simply typing make. Your executable should

be named penn-shredder. If you do not know what a Makefile is or how to write one ask one

of the TAs for help or consult one the many on-line tutorials.

3. Your code. You may think this is a joke, but at least once a year, someone forgets to include it.

CIS 548 - Project 0 - Spring 2019

8 Submission

Submission should be done through Canvas. Please compress your files via the following:

tar -cvzf yourpennkey-project0.tar.gz inputfile1 inputfile2...

As explained above, please remember to include your README, your Makefile, any header files you

have written, along with your main penn-shredder C program. Canvas will accept multiple submissions but

we will grade only the most recent submission submitted before the submission deadline.

9 Grading Guidelines

10% Documentation

10% Proper use of system calls

10% Peer review about general code design

70% Functionality

Please note that general deductions may occur for a variety of programming errors including memory

violations, lack of error checking, poor code organization, etc. Also, do not take the documentation lightly,

it provides us (the graders) a road-map of your code, and without it, it is quite difficult to grade the implementation.

You may use any comment style you wish, but we highly suggest using DOxygen style comments as

they promote fully documenting function inputs, outputs, and error cases. A useful guide to this comment

style can be found here: dimitri/doxygen/manual/docblocks.html

This year, we are adding a peer review component as a part of your evaluation. After the submission,

you will evaluate another student’s code based on a given rubric using a profiling tool such as valgrind

and sanitizers. Keep a lookout on Piazza for more details about this after your submission.

Your programs will be graded on the course-standardized virtual machines, and must execute as

specified there. Although you may develop and test on your local machine, you should always test that your

program functions properly there.

An autograder will be run against your submission so whitespace matters. Specifically, be sure to

match the ”Bwahaha ... tonight I dine on turtle soup” prompt and include the single whitespace after the


10 Attribution

This is a large and complex assignment, using arcane and compactly documented APIs. We do not expect

you to be able to complete it without relying on some outside references. That said, we do expect you to

struggle a lot, which is how you will learn about systems programming, by doing things yourself.

The primary rule to keep you safe from plagiarism/cheating in this project is to attribute in your documentation

any outside sources you use. This includes both resources used to help you understand the

concepts, and resources containing sample code you incorporated in your shell. The course text and APUE

need only be cited in the latter case. You should also use external code sparingly. Using most of an example

CIS 548 - Project 0 - Spring 2019

from the pipe(2) man page is ok; using the ParseInputAndCreateJobAndHandleSignals()

function from Foo’s Handy Write Your Own Shell Tutorial is not (both verbatim, and as a closely followed

template on structuring your shell).
