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DEVPSU Project Details

Football Ticket Chatbot

Did you try to buy football tickets this summer, only to find that the website didn’t work? In this

project, you will create your own chatbot so students can buy fictional football tickets for the

season. If you recall, a chatbot is a type of user interface that allows users to engage with a

service via text or voice. When you call customer service because you couldn’t buy your football

tickets online, it is likely that a voice “chatbot” talks to you before you speak to a real human.

For this project, the chatbot will do everything – no need for measly mortals! Let us begin.


You will be creating and using your own chatbot to buy fictional football tickets. The chatbot

should be able to:

1) Order tickets by type (season, single day)

2) Order a specific quantity of tickets

3) Limit quantity and dates of ticket availability


First, you’ll need to sign up for a free Amazon AWS account through AWS Educate. Go to this

URL and follow the steps to enroll as a student:


Make sure to identify yourself as a Penn State University student to receive additional free


Once that’s been completed, you’re ready to start using Amazon Lex. Lex is a service designed

by Amazon to make it easy to create conversational interfaces, otherwise known as chatbots.

Go to this URL and click on Get Started (you must be logged in):


We are going to create a Custom bot. Here are some default values we recommend when

setting up your bot:

Click Create when you have adjusted your settings appropriately. You should be greeted by a

friendly home screen. Take a moment to look around and familiarize yourself with the interface.

Once that’s done, create an intent to order tickets for a single game. You can name it

something like OrderFootballTickets. Next, supply the intent with sample utterances. Some

examples of sample utterances are “I want to buy football tickets.” or “Could I buy tickets for

football.” (question marks are not allowed). The more sample utterances you add, the better Lex

will be able to recognize when the user wants to order football tickets.

Next, you’ll need to add slots. Slots are just pieces of information, such as a name, email

address or phone number. In our case, we require the following information:

Quantity of tickets


You’ll have to play around with the slot type and prompt to find what works best. Make sure

you make both slots required.

For Fulfillment, you’ll want to Return parameters to client. The Response should inform the

user that the tickets have been purchased. Since these tickets are fictional, no actual

purchasing will occur.

Finally, click Save Intent, scroll back to the top and click Build. If there are any errors, fix them

now. If for some reason your intent disappears, just click the + next to Intents and Search

existing intents.

Your build will take a few minutes to complete. Once its completed, test your chatbot by talking

to it. Here’s a sample conversation:

If everything looks right, give yourself a pat on the back. That’s all there is to it!

If you want to challenge yourself, try improving your chatbot by:

1) Making the conversation smoother (respond appropriately to “Hi”; add a confirmation


2) Ordering different types of tickets (season, single)

3) Requesting more info from user (student ID number, email address)

4) Persisting order information and allowing order cancellations
