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Nachos Multiprogramming: Preemptive Round-Robin
Scheduling with Quantum
Due date: 11:59 PM, Friday, October 16, 2020.
The usual grace period applies.
This project is 100 points worth
[Code Investigation: use grep and other useful Linux commands. Show the evidence of
your investigation (25 pts); Design and Implementation Part (40 pts); Interview Questions
for Project 1 (5 pts); Interview Questions for Project 2 (15 points); Interview Questions for
Project 3 (15 points)
1 An Important Reminder
Review the university’s academic integrity policy (
and the course honor pledge; you submitted a signed pledge at the beginning of the semester. For
this programming project and the future ones, we will use moss (
˜aiken/moss/), A System for Detecting Software Similarity, extensively to detect plagiarism among
your program submissions. Remember that violating academic integrity policy will significantly
jeopardize your grade as you agreed on the honor pledge.
2 Critical Reminder: The First Step for Success
As with every lab assignment and project description, I strongly urge you to read every word
very carefully. You may be able to find answers to the exercise questions by carefully reading this
document. The document contains a step-by-step guide to the successful completion of the lab
3 Difficulty Levels of Tasks
We will represent the difficulty levels of tasks with Easy (E), Medium (M), Hard (H), and Expert
(EX), as in Guitar Hero or in many other computer games.1 The amount of points assigned to a
task does not necessarily have a strict relationship with the task’s difficulty level. Of course, the
rating is subjective to my opinion.
The rating of this project is M (Medium). Please do not be intimidated. You can do it! You
need to work with the argc and argv parameters again. You already know this. You also
need to understand how Alarm works. Also utilize gdb and printf(·).
4 Learning Objectives
After completing this project assignment, students can
1. describe how timer device is emulated in Nachos, (i.e., timer.[cc|h]),
2. describe how timer interrupt service routine is called and how it is implemented,
3. describe Round-Robin Scheduling with Quantum,
4. implement a Round-Robin Scheduling with Quantum in Nachos,
5. describe how a Timer Interrupt Service routine works and
6. modify a Timer Interrupt Service routine as a part of Round-Robin Scheduling with Quantum.
5 Preliminary Requirement
Get a fresh copy of Nachos from nachos.tar. Refer to Lab 1.
6 Preemptive Scheduling with Quantum
Based on your implementation from Project 1 and Project 2, we will implement a preemptive
Round-Robin Scheduler with Quantum in this project. If your Project 1 and 2 are not working,
please download the nachos tar file from Bb. As we learned in the class, the timer interrupt will
occur at regular intervals.
7 Timer.[cc|h]
Two files, machine/timer.[cc|h], implement an emulation of hardware timer. Read the comments
at the beginning of
I am not endorsing Guitar Hero or any other computer games; I am not getting paid by any of them either!
Question 1 (3 points) What is the value of TimerTicks? How often does a timer interrupt occur?
Question 2 (3 points) In line 99 of, a timer device alarm is created by the code alarm
= new Alarm(randomSlice);. What is the data type of the variable randomSlice and what is its
value in this line?
Question 3 (3 points) Which source file in the machine directory implements the function OneTick()?
What is the function’s role? Two situations can cause OneTick() to be called. One of them is when
a user program instruction is executed. Which function in which file contains this call when a user
instruction is executed?
Question 4 (6 points) Make sure that the timer object alarm is created in line 99 of
Modify void Alarm::CallBack() function in as below by inserting printf("In Alarm::CallBack(),
totalTicks = %d\n", kernel->stats->totalTicks);
void Alarm :: CallBack ()
Interrupt * interrupt = kernel - > interrupt ;
MachineStatus status = interrupt - > getStatus ();
printf (" In Alarm :: CallBack () ,
totalTicks = % d \ n " , kernel - > stats - > totalTicks );
if ( status != IdleMode ) {
interrupt - > YieldOnReturn ();
Compile Nachos and run the following command.
./ nachos -x ../ test1 / write | more
If you do not use more, you will see all the outputs scrolling by. more will allow you to inspect
the output one page at a time. To display the next page, you can press the space bar. Explain
the output. Explain how void Alarm::CallBack() is called from the time the user program write
was executing on the CPU.
Question 5 (10 points total) In the above question, the “In Alarm::CallBack(), totalTicks =
x” message is printed out at every regular interval x.
1. (2 points) What is the value of x?
2. (2 points) Which Nachos source file defines this value of x?
3. (6 points) How should we modify the void Alarm::CallBack() function, if we want the
message to be printed out at every 4 × x interval? Give a pseudo code.
8 Overview for Design and Implementation of Round-Robin Scheduler
using Timer
8.1 Note: Before You Start the Implementation Part
You have two choices to start off your programming implementation as below.
• Use your implementations of Project 1 and 2.
• Use nachos-project3.tar.gz file downloaded from Bb, if your Project 1 and 2 are
not completed.
We again use the same new addrspace.[cc|h] from Project 1 and 2. Therefore, the memory
management is done for you. Make sure to use the correct that takes care of Write
() and Read () system calls. If your Project 1 and 2 implementations are working, you can use
your own implementation. Otherwise, we provide a working version of main.o that implements the
requirements for Project 1 and 2. Note that you won’t see in the threads directory. In
this case, download nachos-project3.tar.gz from Bb.
Make sure to delete or comment out the printf(· · ·) inserted for Question 4 unless you want
to see all the messages printed out scrolling fast on your screen!
8.2 Implementation Requirement
You need to implement a new flag “-quantum” that is used to set the size of the timeslice for
round-robin scheduling. With everything implemented, the command:
./nachos -quantum -x ../test1/prog1 -x ../test1/prog2
should run prog1 and prog2 with round-robin scheduling.
We provide two user programs, prog1.c, prog2.c. They call Write() to print messages to
screen and Exit() at the end to quit. Like in Project 1 and 2, the implementations of these system
calls are provided Note: the implementations given are not full Nachos system calls
implementations using Nachos console device.
9 Implementation Requirements (40 points)
1. The simulated hardware Timer object is created in the Alarm class in alarm.h and
By default, a timer interrupt occurs at every 100 timer ticks. Therefore, the default quantum
of Nachos is 100 ticks. When the timer interrupt happens, the timer interrupt handler, which
is Alarm::CallBack(), is invoked. This handler forces the currently running thread to give
up the CPU by setting the interrupt->YieldOnReturn flag. To change this behavior, you
need to make sure the interrupt->YieldOnReturn flag is only set after the given “quantum”
number of ticks.
2. Since the timer generates a timer interrupt every 100 ticks, the granularity of quantum is 100
ticks, i.e., the actual quantum is rounded to the next multiple of 100 for any value given with
the “-quantum” flag.
3. When implementing the argument parsing for “-quantum” flag, you may get a hint from the
parsing of “-rs” flag found in
10 Tests and Output
Your program will be tested with the following command at minimum:
./nachos -quantum -x ../test1/prog1 -x ../test1/prog2
The correct output contains messages from 2 user programs, 5 from each. The order of the
messages changes with the value of .
11 Interview Requirement (35 points)
There will be a 15-minute interview covering questions on projects: Interview Questions for Project
1 (5 pts), Interview Questions for Project 2 (15 points), and Interview Questions for Project 3 (15
points). We will be asking details of how you have implemented your project. Interview questions
will be different from students to students. Interviews will be conducted after the Project 3 deadline
(with grace period); it will be most likely start from October 23, 2020. We will let you know how
to sign up for an interview.
12 What to Submit
You must submit two files to Bb: (1) The PDF report and (2) The source code zip file.
1. PDF report: You need to submit a detailed project report describing what you have done
to implement the requirements. Answer all questions. Please also list the important code
snippets followed by an explanation. These code snippets should include the modified part
of the Nachos source code. Simply attaching code without any description will not receive
2. Source code zip file: After “make clean” in build.linux, please compress your whole
nachos folder, name the compressed file LastName, (NOTE: .zip ONLY!)
