CT077编程设计讲解、辅导C++程序、data编程设计调试 讲解Python程序|讲解数据库SQL
- 首页 >> Matlab编程 CT077-3-2-DSTR Group Assignment Page 1 of 4
Level 2 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 2021
As a computer science graduates, you are currently applying for your first job. One software
development company, Advanced IT Ltd, has shortlisted you for a programmer position. In
order to evaluate your ability, you are paired with another candidate to develop a prototype for
an inventory management system. You need to develop the system based any of the following
stores :
i. Bookstore ii. Hardware store iii. Fashion boutique
iv. Pet store v. Mobile and gadget store
The inventory management system should be developed based on two components, which are
inventory and transaction. The inventory component stores information about products like
product name, price, quantity and other related information. Every purchase information should
be included in the transaction component. Details about each transaction that should be
recorded are total price paid, products purchased and their quantity.
Therefore, implementing appropriate data structures to store manage the inventory and
transaction, you are required to develop the prototype based on C++ programming. The
following functionalities should be included in the prototype.
1. Inventory
1.1 Add product – Add a new product in the inventory. The minimum quantity of
every new product added is 1.
1.2 Display product – Display all products in the inventory.
1.3 Product search – Search for particular product in the inventory.
1.4 Category filter – Filter the product based on category.
1.5 Update product – Update product’s information in the inventory, such as price
and availability.
1.6 Sort Product – Sort product based on available quantity.
1.7 Delete product – Delete any product from the inventory list. Any deleted
2. Transaction
2.1. Add purchase – Create and record a new purchased information.
2.2. View purchase – View all purchase transactions.
2.3. Sort purchase – Sort the purchase transactions based on total price.
2.4. Purchase detail – View list of products from particular purchase transaction.
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Level 2 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 2021
Assignment Requirements
You are required to submit a softcopy of assignment report and source code. The report should
- Detailed explanation of the data structures and classes created, with proper justification
on your decisions (include source code defining classes, data members, and method
headers only).
- Brief explanation about the algorithms used to implement the functionalities stated
above (include code snippets of important parts of implementation).
- Source code of the main function, with screenshots showing program’s input and output
You need to submit your proposal on the LMS in week 8. The proposal should include the
proposed data structure together with related algorithms. The algorithms should be
presented in flowchart or pseudocode. This proposal will contribute 20% for the final
assignment marks (under Design criteria).
You have to present your assignment solution and answers to the lecturer during a Q&A
session that will be conducted after the hand-in date.
If you use some code which has been taken or adapted from another source (book, magazine,
internet, forum, etc.) then this must be cited and referenced using Harvard Referencing Style
within your source code, and this must be mentioned explicitly in the report. Failure to
reference code properly will be treated as plagiarism. Automated tools for checking code
similarities among submissions will be used, and all detected cases will be treated as cheating.
Assessment marks are divided as follows:
Design Implementation Documentation
& Presentation
Marks 20 60 20
What You Need to Hand In?
1. You are required to hand in the group assignment proposal and report, on or before the
due date mentioned on the cover sheet of the assignment.
2. A softcopy of the proposal and report (in PDF format), in addition to the C++ files of
the programs. The organization of files and folders must adhere to the following
instructions precisely:
The proposal and report should be in PDF format and be named using format
___.pdf. For example
All the source codes (.cpp and .h) should be zipped into one file and named
following the above format. Make sure to DELETE all non-source-code files,
including executables (*.exe).
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Level 2 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 2021
3. You should present an executable solution during Q&A session to demonstrate
program execution, the working of the data structure, your understanding of the code,
and ability to modify / fix it.
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Level 2 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 2021
Marking Criteria:
The program submitted will be evaluated according to the following performance criteria:
Distinction (90% and above)
- Program compiles and executes perfectly
- At least 90% of the required functionalities are correctly implemented
- Efficient data structures and\or algorithms are used in the implementation
- Clear coding style and structure, and code is properly commented
- Functionalities are fully tested/validated in program execution
Credit (70% – 89%)
- Program compiles and executes
- Between 70% and 90% of the required functionalities are correctly implemented
- Implementation uses a data structure or algorithm that is not most efficient
- Clear coding style, and code is properly commented
- Functionalities are not fully tested/validated in program execution
Pass (50% - 69%)
- Program compiles perfectly and executes
- Between 50% and 70% of the required functionalities are correctly implemented
- Implementation uses inefficient data structures or algorithms
- Unclear coding style, or code is not properly commented
- Functionalities are not full tested/validated in program execution, or produce errors in
some cases
Marginal Fail (30% - 49%)
- Program does not compile or run, but coding logic is almost correct
- Between 30% and 50% of the required functionalities are correctly implemented
- Implementation uses inefficient data structures or algorithms
- Unclear coding style, and no comments provided
- Functionalities are not tested/validated in program execution
Fail (below 30%)
- Program is not given
- Program does not compile or run
- Less than 30% of the required functionalities are implemented
- Implementation uses very inefficient data structures or algorithms
- No proper code structure and no comments provided
Level 2 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 2021
As a computer science graduates, you are currently applying for your first job. One software
development company, Advanced IT Ltd, has shortlisted you for a programmer position. In
order to evaluate your ability, you are paired with another candidate to develop a prototype for
an inventory management system. You need to develop the system based any of the following
stores :
i. Bookstore ii. Hardware store iii. Fashion boutique
iv. Pet store v. Mobile and gadget store
The inventory management system should be developed based on two components, which are
inventory and transaction. The inventory component stores information about products like
product name, price, quantity and other related information. Every purchase information should
be included in the transaction component. Details about each transaction that should be
recorded are total price paid, products purchased and their quantity.
Therefore, implementing appropriate data structures to store manage the inventory and
transaction, you are required to develop the prototype based on C++ programming. The
following functionalities should be included in the prototype.
1. Inventory
1.1 Add product – Add a new product in the inventory. The minimum quantity of
every new product added is 1.
1.2 Display product – Display all products in the inventory.
1.3 Product search – Search for particular product in the inventory.
1.4 Category filter – Filter the product based on category.
1.5 Update product – Update product’s information in the inventory, such as price
and availability.
1.6 Sort Product – Sort product based on available quantity.
1.7 Delete product – Delete any product from the inventory list. Any deleted
2. Transaction
2.1. Add purchase – Create and record a new purchased information.
2.2. View purchase – View all purchase transactions.
2.3. Sort purchase – Sort the purchase transactions based on total price.
2.4. Purchase detail – View list of products from particular purchase transaction.
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Level 2 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 2021
Assignment Requirements
You are required to submit a softcopy of assignment report and source code. The report should
- Detailed explanation of the data structures and classes created, with proper justification
on your decisions (include source code defining classes, data members, and method
headers only).
- Brief explanation about the algorithms used to implement the functionalities stated
above (include code snippets of important parts of implementation).
- Source code of the main function, with screenshots showing program’s input and output
You need to submit your proposal on the LMS in week 8. The proposal should include the
proposed data structure together with related algorithms. The algorithms should be
presented in flowchart or pseudocode. This proposal will contribute 20% for the final
assignment marks (under Design criteria).
You have to present your assignment solution and answers to the lecturer during a Q&A
session that will be conducted after the hand-in date.
If you use some code which has been taken or adapted from another source (book, magazine,
internet, forum, etc.) then this must be cited and referenced using Harvard Referencing Style
within your source code, and this must be mentioned explicitly in the report. Failure to
reference code properly will be treated as plagiarism. Automated tools for checking code
similarities among submissions will be used, and all detected cases will be treated as cheating.
Assessment marks are divided as follows:
Design Implementation Documentation
& Presentation
Marks 20 60 20
What You Need to Hand In?
1. You are required to hand in the group assignment proposal and report, on or before the
due date mentioned on the cover sheet of the assignment.
2. A softcopy of the proposal and report (in PDF format), in addition to the C++ files of
the programs. The organization of files and folders must adhere to the following
instructions precisely:
The proposal and report should be in PDF format and be named using format
All the source codes (.cpp and .h) should be zipped into one file and named
following the above format. Make sure to DELETE all non-source-code files,
including executables (*.exe).
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Level 2 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 2021
3. You should present an executable solution during Q&A session to demonstrate
program execution, the working of the data structure, your understanding of the code,
and ability to modify / fix it.
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Level 2 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 2021
Marking Criteria:
The program submitted will be evaluated according to the following performance criteria:
Distinction (90% and above)
- Program compiles and executes perfectly
- At least 90% of the required functionalities are correctly implemented
- Efficient data structures and\or algorithms are used in the implementation
- Clear coding style and structure, and code is properly commented
- Functionalities are fully tested/validated in program execution
Credit (70% – 89%)
- Program compiles and executes
- Between 70% and 90% of the required functionalities are correctly implemented
- Implementation uses a data structure or algorithm that is not most efficient
- Clear coding style, and code is properly commented
- Functionalities are not fully tested/validated in program execution
Pass (50% - 69%)
- Program compiles perfectly and executes
- Between 50% and 70% of the required functionalities are correctly implemented
- Implementation uses inefficient data structures or algorithms
- Unclear coding style, or code is not properly commented
- Functionalities are not full tested/validated in program execution, or produce errors in
some cases
Marginal Fail (30% - 49%)
- Program does not compile or run, but coding logic is almost correct
- Between 30% and 50% of the required functionalities are correctly implemented
- Implementation uses inefficient data structures or algorithms
- Unclear coding style, and no comments provided
- Functionalities are not tested/validated in program execution
Fail (below 30%)
- Program is not given
- Program does not compile or run
- Less than 30% of the required functionalities are implemented
- Implementation uses very inefficient data structures or algorithms
- No proper code structure and no comments provided