CS 170程序讲解、辅导Algorithmic编程、Java编程语言调试
- 首页 >> Matlab编程 CS 170 ± Exam 2 Sample Questions
Additional Information
Date and Time
The exam will be open on Canvas Wednesday, November 11th 7:00am ET – Thursday, November 12th ,
7:00am ET.
Material Covered in Exam 2:
Chapter 6, 10 (Algorithmic Thinking - (Flowcharts and Pseudocode)
Chapter 17 & 18 (JavaScript - Intro. & Event-Driven)
Chapter 19 (JavaScript - Functions)
Chapter 20 (JavaScript ± Arrays and Loops)
Review information from Lectures, Textbook (items related to the list of topics), Recitations and
Assignments. Refer to MODULES TOOL Reading and Resources for weeks 5 ± 8 inclusive,
assignments 5 ± 8, quizzes from weeks 7 ± 10.
The format of the exam can include True/False questions, Multiple Choice questions, Short Answer
questions, interpretation of HTML/JavaScript coding (both understanding the logic flow and/or finding
syntax errors) and generating code to resolve an outlined problem.
Other requirements
x Pay attention to announcements through Canvas!!!
x Read all announcements and emails from your instructors and TAs.
Sample Questions
These example questions are intended to provide the student with a method to practice for the actual
exam. It is not intended to represent the limit of the material the student is expected to know. The
student is responsible for understanding the textbook concepts (as listed in the Topics Covered
document), Lectures, Recitations and Assignments.
Part 1 – Algorithmic Thinking (Ch. 10)
1.1) A. An algorithm is a(n)
A: list of general nonspecific steps to produce an output
B: logarithm
C: systematic method for producing a specified result
D: math problem
B Algorithms must always
A. produce output
B. produce output or state that there is no solution
C. produce input or state that there is no solution
D. state that there is no solution
1.2) Create a flowchart based on the following pseudocode:
create a random number between 1 and 100
input a guess for the random number generated
if the guess equals the random number
display a message of congratulations
if the guess is lower than the random number
display a messaging that guess is too low
display a message that the guess is too high
Part 2 - JavaScript Intro. & Event-Driven
2.1) Follow each subproblem instructions.
a. For each of the following variables, correct only those which are not legally declared.
A: rumpelstinski% ____________________
B: tax Season ____________________
C: #FreddyKrueger ____________________
D: 123Jump! ____________________
b. Express in code the following instruction:
³If Whe Yariable age is greaWer Whan 21, displa\ an alerW Zhich displa\s: Access GranWed!³
2.2) Express the following mathematical expression as a single legal Javascript statement.
To calculate compound Interest, one uses the formula P * (1 + r/n) nt
Write this formula using JavaScript.
[Note: the star (*) indicates a multiplication] You can use the built-in function
Math.pow(base,exponent) [Example: the result of Math.pow(5,2) is 25] .
var P, r, n, t;
var compoundInterest = _____________________________
Match the output of the built-in functions listed down with the corresponding letter from the left side.
A. Math.round(2.73) ___ 2
B. Math.random() ___ 2.73
C. Math.floor(2.73) ___ 0.73
D. document.write("2.73") ___ 3
For the following questions, indicate your answer by drawing a circle around the letter corresponding to
your choice.
b. The relational test, (revenue > 15000 && revenue < 50000) is ________.
A. true if revenue is 20000
B. true if revenue is less than 50000
C. false if revenue is greater than 15000
D. none of the above
c. When defining a variable, you must also initialize it on the same line.
A. True
B. False
2.4) Write the HTML which will produce the following page:
● Assume you are already writing code inside the tags (you do NOT need to write
● Radios must be of the name-groXp ³radios´. The firsW one, has id ´gold´ Zhile Whe second one
mXsW haYe id ³plaWinXm´
● The register button must call a function called registerUser() when clicked. You do not need to
write the JavaScript code for the function, or the calculation.
● Define a button eYenW lisWener in Whe ³RegisWer´ inpXW \oX creaWe, Zhich on click, will pass the
values of the userName and email input boxes to a function called registerUser
2.5) Evaluate the following Conditional Tests and determine the outcome when:
a = ³PLcKaHO´, b = ³MRUGaQ´, c = 23, G = 15
(a == ³manX´ __ c == ³ginobili´ __ b == ³jordan´ )
(b == 15 && d > 15) || (c != 23)
(c % 15 != 0 || (a+b).length > 2)
(true || false && (true && true))
Part 3 – JavaScript Functions
3.1) Write a function which converts Kelvin degrees into Fahrenheit degrees and returns the result. The
function should use a single parameter for the Kelvin degrees. The mathematical formula is:
F = K * 9/5 í 459.67 where F: Fahrenheit and K: Kelvin.
3.2) Write a function that calculates and returns the final price of a product. The function should have
two parameters: one for the initial price and another for the tax.
The mathematical formula to be used is:
Final Price = Initial Price x (1 + Tax)
3.3) Given the following code:
var a=1,b=3,c=4;
var d;
d = calcNow(a, b, c);
function calcNow(x, y, z) {
var a, b;
a = x - 1;
b = y + 3;
c = a + b;
return a + b -c;
Calculate the final value of:
a ________ b ______ c ______ d ____
Part 4 – JavaScript Arrays and Loops
4.1) Given this array: var cars = new Array(9); which of the following is a valid way of accessing a value
within the array.
A. cars[9]
B. cars[7.5]
C. cars[0]
D. cars[10]
4.2) Express following instructions in code: Given an array:
var myArray = new Array(³Whe´, ³big´, ³bad´, ³Zolf´);
a. Using the alert function, display the number of elements that array myArray contains:
b. Change the value of the last two elements of the array with the values ³red´ ³balloon´
c. Using a loop, display each element of the array from 0 to the end.
4.3) Express following instructions in code: Given an array:
var hoursWorked = new Array(7,0,6,9,4,10,10);
a. Write a JavaScript function, getTotal, that takes one array parameter and returns the sum of
the values in the array. For example, the statement
var sum = getTotal(hoursWorked) would assign the value 46 to the variable sum.
b. Write a JavaScript function, getHigh, that takes one array parameter and returns the largest
of the values in the array. For example, the statement
var large = getHigh(hoursWorked) would assign the value 10 to the variable large.
c. Write a JavaScript function, countZeros, that takes one array parameter and returns the
number of the values in the array that are equal to 0. For example, the statement
var numZeros = countZeros(hoursWorked) would assign the value 1 to the variable
Additional Information
Date and Time
The exam will be open on Canvas Wednesday, November 11th 7:00am ET – Thursday, November 12th ,
7:00am ET.
Material Covered in Exam 2:
Chapter 6, 10 (Algorithmic Thinking - (Flowcharts and Pseudocode)
Chapter 17 & 18 (JavaScript - Intro. & Event-Driven)
Chapter 19 (JavaScript - Functions)
Chapter 20 (JavaScript ± Arrays and Loops)
Review information from Lectures, Textbook (items related to the list of topics), Recitations and
Assignments. Refer to MODULES TOOL Reading and Resources for weeks 5 ± 8 inclusive,
assignments 5 ± 8, quizzes from weeks 7 ± 10.
The format of the exam can include True/False questions, Multiple Choice questions, Short Answer
questions, interpretation of HTML/JavaScript coding (both understanding the logic flow and/or finding
syntax errors) and generating code to resolve an outlined problem.
Other requirements
x Pay attention to announcements through Canvas!!!
x Read all announcements and emails from your instructors and TAs.
Sample Questions
These example questions are intended to provide the student with a method to practice for the actual
exam. It is not intended to represent the limit of the material the student is expected to know. The
student is responsible for understanding the textbook concepts (as listed in the Topics Covered
document), Lectures, Recitations and Assignments.
Part 1 – Algorithmic Thinking (Ch. 10)
1.1) A. An algorithm is a(n)
A: list of general nonspecific steps to produce an output
B: logarithm
C: systematic method for producing a specified result
D: math problem
B Algorithms must always
A. produce output
B. produce output or state that there is no solution
C. produce input or state that there is no solution
D. state that there is no solution
1.2) Create a flowchart based on the following pseudocode:
create a random number between 1 and 100
input a guess for the random number generated
if the guess equals the random number
display a message of congratulations
if the guess is lower than the random number
display a messaging that guess is too low
display a message that the guess is too high
Part 2 - JavaScript Intro. & Event-Driven
2.1) Follow each subproblem instructions.
a. For each of the following variables, correct only those which are not legally declared.
A: rumpelstinski% ____________________
B: tax Season ____________________
C: #FreddyKrueger ____________________
D: 123Jump! ____________________
b. Express in code the following instruction:
³If Whe Yariable age is greaWer Whan 21, displa\ an alerW Zhich displa\s: Access GranWed!³
2.2) Express the following mathematical expression as a single legal Javascript statement.
To calculate compound Interest, one uses the formula P * (1 + r/n) nt
Write this formula using JavaScript.
[Note: the star (*) indicates a multiplication] You can use the built-in function
Math.pow(base,exponent) [Example: the result of Math.pow(5,2) is 25] .
var P, r, n, t;
var compoundInterest = _____________________________
Match the output of the built-in functions listed down with the corresponding letter from the left side.
A. Math.round(2.73) ___ 2
B. Math.random() ___ 2.73
C. Math.floor(2.73) ___ 0.73
D. document.write("2.73") ___ 3
For the following questions, indicate your answer by drawing a circle around the letter corresponding to
your choice.
b. The relational test, (revenue > 15000 && revenue < 50000) is ________.
A. true if revenue is 20000
B. true if revenue is less than 50000
C. false if revenue is greater than 15000
D. none of the above
c. When defining a variable, you must also initialize it on the same line.
A. True
B. False
2.4) Write the HTML which will produce the following page:
● Assume you are already writing code inside the tags (you do NOT need to write
● Radios must be of the name-groXp ³radios´. The firsW one, has id ´gold´ Zhile Whe second one
mXsW haYe id ³plaWinXm´
● The register button must call a function called registerUser() when clicked. You do not need to
write the JavaScript code for the function, or the calculation.
● Define a button eYenW lisWener in Whe ³RegisWer´ inpXW \oX creaWe, Zhich on click, will pass the
values of the userName and email input boxes to a function called registerUser
2.5) Evaluate the following Conditional Tests and determine the outcome when:
a = ³PLcKaHO´, b = ³MRUGaQ´, c = 23, G = 15
(a == ³manX´ __ c == ³ginobili´ __ b == ³jordan´ )
(b == 15 && d > 15) || (c != 23)
(c % 15 != 0 || (a+b).length > 2)
(true || false && (true && true))
Part 3 – JavaScript Functions
3.1) Write a function which converts Kelvin degrees into Fahrenheit degrees and returns the result. The
function should use a single parameter for the Kelvin degrees. The mathematical formula is:
F = K * 9/5 í 459.67 where F: Fahrenheit and K: Kelvin.
3.2) Write a function that calculates and returns the final price of a product. The function should have
two parameters: one for the initial price and another for the tax.
The mathematical formula to be used is:
Final Price = Initial Price x (1 + Tax)
3.3) Given the following code:
var a=1,b=3,c=4;
var d;
d = calcNow(a, b, c);
function calcNow(x, y, z) {
var a, b;
a = x - 1;
b = y + 3;
c = a + b;
return a + b -c;
Calculate the final value of:
a ________ b ______ c ______ d ____
Part 4 – JavaScript Arrays and Loops
4.1) Given this array: var cars = new Array(9); which of the following is a valid way of accessing a value
within the array.
A. cars[9]
B. cars[7.5]
C. cars[0]
D. cars[10]
4.2) Express following instructions in code: Given an array:
var myArray = new Array(³Whe´, ³big´, ³bad´, ³Zolf´);
a. Using the alert function, display the number of elements that array myArray contains:
b. Change the value of the last two elements of the array with the values ³red´ ³balloon´
c. Using a loop, display each element of the array from 0 to the end.
4.3) Express following instructions in code: Given an array:
var hoursWorked = new Array(7,0,6,9,4,10,10);
a. Write a JavaScript function, getTotal, that takes one array parameter and returns the sum of
the values in the array. For example, the statement
var sum = getTotal(hoursWorked) would assign the value 46 to the variable sum.
b. Write a JavaScript function, getHigh, that takes one array parameter and returns the largest
of the values in the array. For example, the statement
var large = getHigh(hoursWorked) would assign the value 10 to the variable large.
c. Write a JavaScript function, countZeros, that takes one array parameter and returns the
number of the values in the array that are equal to 0. For example, the statement
var numZeros = countZeros(hoursWorked) would assign the value 1 to the variable