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UNSW Business School
Information Systems and Technology Management
INFS3604 Business Process Management
Week 2 - Essential Process Modelling
The slides in this presentation have been adapted from supporting materials provided with the text: Dumas M. et al., 2018, Fundamentals
of Business Process Management, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
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These file-sharing websites may also accept purchase of course materials, such as copies
of lecture slides and tutorial handouts. By law, the copyright on course materials,
developed by UNSW staff in the course of their employment, belongs to UNSW. It
constitutes copyright infringement, if not academic misconduct, to trade these
UNSW Business School. (2021, July 24). Acknowledgement of Country [online video].
Retrieved from
UNSW Business School acknowledges the Bidjigal
(Kensington campus) and Gadigal (City campus)
the traditional custodians of the lands where each
campus is located.
We acknowledge all Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander Elders, past and present and their
communities who have shared and practiced their
teachings over thousands of years including
business practices.
We recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
people’s ongoing leadership and contributions,
including to business, education and industry.
Acknowledgement of Country
Today’s Agenda
1. Housekeeping
2. Kahoot Activity
3. Assignment Advice
4. Pharmak Case Study Modelling
Class Ambassadors
Volunteering initiative – something to add to your
The CA will meet with the Facilitator in weeks 3 and 7 in
This week: Each table/group to select a Class Ambassador
Talk with each other and share concerns
Class ambassadors meet with the Facilitator
It is not only about the Class Ambassador;
Concerns, ideas, etc. will be shared and discussed
This is our way to get your instant feedback on the course ?
We invite you to join an exciting initiative investigating sustainability
within our university. Your participation will help uncover how
UNSW integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into its
curriculum and operations.
By contributing, you'll gain valuable research experience, enhance
your understanding of sustainability practices, and help drive
positive change within our academic community.
Students who actively participate in the initiative (with at least five
contributions per term and a reflective conclusion in week 10) will
receive +2 bonus marks added to their final grade. Contributions
include posting in the Teams channel or engaging with others'
Teams Channels
Each class has a class Channel in the Course Teams Site
Students who contribute (5 posts in 5 different weeks) AND a reflective
conclusion in week 10) will receive TWO bonus marks (+2)
To be eligible for the bonus marks, you must post your comments o the
weekly topic between Monday-Sunday. i.e. in week 4, you cannot
comment on week 3 topic
Today’s Agenda
1. Housekeeping
2. Kahoot Activity (Recap of Week 1 & Briefing of Week 2)
3. Assignment Advice
4. Pharmak Case Study Modelling
Today’s Agenda
1. Housekeeping
2. Kahoot Activity
3. Assignment Advice
4. Pharmak Case Study Modelling
Today’s Agenda
1. Housekeeping
2. Kahoot Activity
3. Assignment case study
4. Pharmak Case Study Modelling
One more guideline…
Start modeling with one single “white-box” pool
Initially, put the events and tasks in only one pool – the pool of the party who is running
the process
Leave all other pools “black-boxed”
Once you have modeled this way, and once the process diagram inside the white-box
pool is complete, you can model the details (events and tasks) in the other pools if that is
In this course we will only model processes with one single white-box pool – all other
pools are black-box
BPMN Poster
Pharmak – As-is Process Model
Describe a collaboration diagram.
How many entities are included in the Pharmak case study? What are they?
Should we draw a collaboration diagram for the Pharmak as-is process?
How do we represent an entity in a BPMN process model? (Each entity is represented by a pool.)
Discuss the difference between a white box approach and a black box approach when developing
collaboration diagrams.
Mention the standards in terms of the interaction between entities (pools) in collaboration
Identify the things of interest in the case. Students are encouraged to read through the case
highlighting/listing the things of interest (actors, activities, triggers, outcomes). (Look for nouns
and verbs).
What is the trigger of the process? Is there more than one trigger?
What is the outcome of the process? Is there more than one outcome?
Who are the actors in the process?
Pharmak Case Study – Let’s model it!
Capture the as-is process model of the case from the
perspective of Laverty Covid Testing. Give a name to this
You will be assessed on the syntactic quality, semantic quality and
pragmatic quality of your model.
This diagram is a communication tool to be used by the business
managers. This means the diagram must be easy to understand and meet
the needs of a wide range of stakeholders while capturing pools, lanes and
Be sure to comply with the modelling guidelines introduced in the course,
i.e. BPMN 2.0 as documented in Dumas at al. (2018)
Week 2 Recap
Flow Objects – Events (triggers for the process), Tasks
(Work/activities/steps) and Flow (connecting elements) and
Branching and Merging – Gateways include Exclusive (only
one path taken), Parallel multiple paths taken concurrently),
Inclusive (one or more paths taken)
Resource Modelling – Lanes (resource in same organisation)
and Pools (resource outside/independent of organisation)
Information Artefacts – Data Objects (data required for
process), Data stores (data required beyond duration of
process) and associations (linking artefacts to flow objects)
Complete Module 3
Read Week 3 Materials before coming to class
Chapter 3 – sections 3.5 and 3.6
Chapter 4
and again chapter 5 - sections 5.4 - 5.5
Dumas et al. 2018
