CS6250 编程代写、代做 python 语言程序
SDN Firewall with POX
Summer 2024
Copyright 2024
Georgia Institute of Technology
All rights reserved.
This is solely to be used for current CS6250 students. Any public posting of the material contained within is
strictly forbidden by the Honor code.
SDN Firewall with POX
Table of Contents
SDN Firewall with POX Project .................................................................................................................... 2
Part 0: Project References ....................................................................................................................... 2
Part 1: Files Layout .................................................................................................................................. 2
Part 2: Before You Begin ......................................................................................................................... 4
Part 3: Review of Mininet ........................................................................................................................ 4
Part 4: Wireshark ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Part 5: SDN Firewall Implementation Details .......................................................................................... 8
Part 5a: Specifications of configure.pol .............................................................................................. 8
Part 5b: Implementing the Firewall in Code ..................................................................................... 11
Part 6: Configuration Rules .................................................................................................................. 12
What to Turn In ......................................................................................................................................... 14
What you can and cannot share ............................................................................................................... 15
Appendix A: How to Test Host Connectivity ............................................................................................ 16
Part A: How to Test Manually ........................................................................................................... 16
Part B: Automated Testing Suite ...................................................................................................... 19
Appendix B: Troubleshooting Information .............................................................................................. 21
General Coding Issues........................................................................................................................ 21
Firewall Implementation (sdn-firewall.py) Errors and Issues ........................................................... 21
Mininet/Topology Issues ................................................................................................................... 21
Appendix C: POX API Excerpt ................................................................................................................... 22
Flow Modification Object ...................................................................................................................... 22
Match Structure .................................................................................................................................... 22
OpenFlow Actions ................................................................................................................................. 24
Example: Sending a FlowMod Object ................................................................................................... 25
SDN Firewall with POX Project
In this project, you will use Software Defined Networking (SDN) principles to create a configurable firewall using
an OpenFlow enabled Switch. The Software Defined Networking (OpenFlow) functionality allows you to
programmatically control the flow of traffic on the network.
This project has three phrases as follows:
1. Mininet Tutorial – This phase is a brief overview of Mininet. There are no deliverables for this phase and
may be skipped, especially if you completed the Optional Simulating Networks project (Project 0).
2. Wireshark Tutorial – This phase is a brief introduction to packet capture using Wireshark/tshark. You
will examine the packet format for various traffic to learn of the different header values used in Phase 3.
There is a deliverable of a simple packet capture file.
3. SDN Firewall – This phase involves completing code to build a simple traffic blocking firewall using
OpenFlow with the POX Controller based on rules passed to it from a configuration file. In addition, you
will create a set of rules to test the firewall implementation.
Part 0: Project References
You will find the following resources useful in completing this project. It is recommended that you review these
resources before starting the project.
IP Header Format - https://erg.abdn.ac.uk/users/gorry/course/inet-pages/ip-packet.html
TCP Packet Header Format - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmission_Control_Protocol
UDP Packet Header Format - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_Datagram_Protocol
The ICMP Protocol - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Control_Message_Protocol
IP Protocols - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_IP_protocol_numbers
TCP and UDP Service and Port References -
Wireshark - https://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsug_html/
CIDR Calculator - https://account.arin.net/public/cidrCalculator
CIDR - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classless_Inter-Domain_Routing
Part 1: Files Layout
Unzip the SDNFirewall-Summer2024zip file into your Virtual Machine. Do this by running the following
unzip SDNFirewall-Summer2024.zip
This will extract the files for this project into a directory named SDNFirewall at your current path (it is
recommended that your use the mininet root directory to aid in troubleshooting ( cd ~ ). The following files will
be extracted:
cleanup.sh – this file called by using following command line: ./cleanup.sh
This file will clean up the Mininet Environment and kill all zombie Python and POX processes.
sdn-topology.py – this file creates the Mininet topology used in this assignment. This is like what you
created in the Simulating Networks project. When evaluating your code against the ruleset specified in
this project, do not change it. However, you are encouraged to make your own topologies (and rules) to
test the firewall. Look at the start-topology.sh file to see how to start a different topology.
ws-topology.py – this file is substantially like sdn-topology, but it does not call the POX Controller. You
will use this during the Wireshark exercise.
setup-firewall.py – this file sets up the frameworks used in this project. DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE. This
file will create the appropriate POX framework and then integrates the rules implemented in sdn-
firewall.py into the OpenFlow engine. It will also read in the values from the configure.pol file and
validate that the entries are valid. If you make changes to this file, the autograder will likely have issues
with your final code as the autograder uses the unaltered distribution version of this file.
start-firewall.sh – this is the shell script that starts the firewall. This file must be started before the
topology is started. It will copy files to the appropriate directory and then start the POX OpenFlow
controller. This file is called by using following command line: ./start-firewall.sh
start-topology.sh – this is the shell script that starts the Mininet topology used in the assignment. All it
does is call the sdn-topology.py file with superuser permissions. This file is called by using following
command line: ./start-topology.sh
test-client.py – this is a python test client program used to test your firewall. This file is called using the
following command line: python test-client.py PROTO SERVERIP PORT SOURCEPORT where PROTO is
either T for TCP, U for UDP, or G for GRE, SERVERIP is the IP address of the server (destination), PORT is
the destination port, and optionally SOURCEPORT allows you to configure the source port that you are
using. Example: python test-client.py T 80
test-server.py – this is a python test server program used to test your firewall. This file is called using the
following command line: python test-server.py PROTO SERVERIP PORT where PROTO is either T for
TCP, U for UDP, G for GRE, SERVERIP is the IP address of the server (the server you are running this script
on), and PORT is the service port.
Example: python test-server.py T 80
test-suite – This is a student developed test script that was developed in 2021 that can be used to test
your implementation AFTER YOU FINISH BOTH THE IMPLEMENTATION FILES. The test cases in the main
folder will be used to evaluate your implementations for the first run. An alternate configuration and
topology will also be used to evaluate your implementations. This will be similar to, but not identical to
what is found in the extra sub-folder. See Appendix A for information on how to use the test suite.
Project Deliverables
configure.pol - this file is where you will supply the configuration to the firewall that specifies the traffic
that should either be blocked or allowed (override blocks). The format of this file will be specified later
in this document. This file is one of the deliverables that must be included in your ZIP submission to
? sdn-firewall.py –This file implements the firewall using POX and OpenFlow functions. It receives a copy
of the contents of the configure.pol file as a python list containing a dictionary for each rule and you will
need to implement the code necessary to process these items into POX policies to create the firewall.
This file is one of the deliverables that must be included in your ZIP submission to Canvas.
packetcapture.pcap – This will be the packet capture completed in Part 4. This file is one of the
deliverables that must be included in your ZIP submission to Canvas.
Part 2: Before You Begin
This project assumes basic knowledge about IP and TCP/UDP Protocols. It is highly encouraged that you review
the following items before starting. This will help you in understanding the contents of IP packet headers and
what you may need to match.
o What is the IP (Internet Protocol)? What are the different types of Network Layer protocols?
o Review TCP and UDP? How does TCP or UDP differ from IP?
o Examine the packet header for a generic IP protocol entry. Contrast that with the packet header for a
TCP packet, and for a UDP packet. What are the differences? What does each field mean?
o What constitutes a TCP Connection? How does this contrast with a UDP connection.
o A special IP protocol is ICMP. Why is ICMP important? What behavior happens when you do an ICMP
Ping? If you block an ICMP response, what would you expect to see?
o If you block a host from ICMP, will you be able to send TCP/UDP traffic to it?
o Can you explain what happens if you get a ICMP Destination Unreachable response?
o What is CIDR notation? How do you subnet a network?
o What IP Protocols use Source or Destination Ports?
Part 3: Review of Mininet
Mininet is a network simulator that allows you to explore SDN techniques by allowing you to create a network
topology including virtual switches, links, hosts/nodes, and controllers. It will also allow you to set the
parameters for each of these virtual devices and will allow you to simulate real-world applications on the
different hosts/nodes.
The following code sets up a basic Mininet topology similar to what is used for this project:
from mininet.topo import Topo
from mininet.net import Mininet
from mininet.node import CPULimitedHost, RemoteController
from mininet.util import custom
from mininet.link import TCLink
from mininet.cli import CLI
class FirewallTopo(Topo):
def __init__(self, cpu=.1, bw=10, delay=None, **params):
# Host in link configuration
hconfig = {'cpu': cpu}
lconfig = {'bw': bw, 'delay': delay}
# Create the firewall switch
s1 = self.addSwitch('s1')
hq1 = self.addHost('hq1',ip='',mac='00:00:00:00:00:1e', **hconfig)
us1 = self.addHost( 'us1', ip='', mac='00:00:00:01:00:1e', **hconfig)
This code defines the following virtual objects:
Switch s1 – this is a single virtual switch with the label ‘s1’. In Mininet, you may have as many virtual
ports as you need – for Mininet, “ports” are considered to be a virtual ethernet jack, not an application
port that you would use in building your firewall.
Hosts hq1 and us1 – these are individual virtual hosts that you can access via xterm and other means.
You can define the IP Address, MAC/Hardware Addresses, and configuration parameters that can define
cpu speed and other parameters using the hconfig dictionary.
? Links between s1 and hq1 and s1 and us1 – consider these like an ethernet cable that you would run
between a computer and the switch port. You can define individual port numbers on each side (i.e., port
on the host and port on the virtual switch), but it is advised to let Mininet automatically wire the
network. Like hosts, you can define configuration parameters to set link speed, bandwidth, and latency.
Useful Mininet Commands:
For this project, you can start Mininet and load the firewall topology by running the ./start-topology.sh
from the project directory. You can quit Mininet by typing in the exit command.
After you are done running Mininet, it is recommended that you cleanup Mininet. There are two ways of
doing this. The first is to run the sudo mn -c command from the terminal and the second is to use the
./cleanup.sh script provided in the project directory. Do this after every run to minimize any problems
that might hang or crash Mininet.
You can use the xterm command to start an xterm window for one of the virtual hosts. This command is
run from the mininet> prompt. For example, you can type in us1 xterm & to open a xterm window for
the virtual host us1. The & causes the window to open and run in the background. In this project, you
will run the test-*-client.py and test-*-server.py in each host to test connectivity.
The pingall command that is run from the mininet> prompt will cause all hosts to ping all other hosts.
Note that this may take a long time. To run a ping between two hosts, you can specify host1 ping host2
(for example, us1 ping hq1 which will show the result of host us1 pinging hq1).
The help command will show all Mininet commands and dump will show information about all hosts in
the topology.
Part 4: Wireshark
Wireshark is a network packet capture program that will allow you to capture a stream of network packets and
examine them. Wireshark is used extensively to troubleshoot computer networks and in the field of information
security. We will be using Wireshark to examine the packet headers to learn how to use this information to
match traffic that will be affected by the firewall we are constructing.
tshark is a command line version of Wireshark that we will be using to capture the packets between mininet
hosts and we will use Wireshark for the GUI to examine these packets. However, you will be allowed to use the
Wireshark GUI if you would like in doing the packet capture.
Please watch the video referenced in Part 2 if you would like to follow along in time for a live packet capture.
Step 1: Open up a Terminal Window and change directory to the SDNFirewall directory that was
extracted in Part 1.
Step 2: The first action is to start up the Mininet topology used for the Wireshark capture exercise. This
topology matches the topology that you will be using when creating and testing your firewall. To start
this topology, run the following command:
sudo python ws-topology.py
This will startup a Mininet session with all hosts created.
Step 3: Start up two xterm windows for hosts us1 and us2. After you start each xterm window, it is
recommended that you run the following command in each xterm window as you load them to avoid
confusion about which xterm belongs to which host:
export PS1=”hostname >” replacing hostname with the actual hostname.
Type in the following commands at the Mininet prompt.
us1 xterm & (then run export PS1=”us1 >” in the xterm window that pops up)
us2 xterm & (likewise, run export PS1=”us2 >” in the second xterm window)
Step 4: In this step, we want to start capturing all the traffic that traverses through the ethernet port on
host us1. We do this by running tshark (or alternatively, wireshark) as follows from the mininet prompt:
us1 sudo tshark -w /tmp/packetcapture.pcap
This will start tshark and will output a pcap formatted file to /tmp/capture.pcap. Note that this file is
created as root, so you will need to change ownership to mininet to use it in future steps – chown
mininet:mininet /tmp/packetcapture.pcap
If you wish to use the Wireshark GUI instead of tshark, you would call us1 sudo wireshark &. You may
use this method, but the TA staff will not provide support for any issues that may occur.
Step 5: Now we need to capture some traffic. Do the following tasks in the appropriate xterm window:
in us1 xterm: ping (hit control C after a few ping requests)
In us2 xterm: ping (likewise hit control C after a few ping requests)
In us1 xterm: python test-server.py T 80
In us2 xterm: python test-client.py T 80
After the connection completes, in the us1 xterm, press Control-C to kill theserver.
In us1 xterm: python test-server.py U 8000
In us2 xterm: python test-client.py U 8000
In us1 xterm: press Control C to kill the server
In Mininet Terminal: press Control C to stop tshark
Step 6: At the mininet prompt, type in exit and press enter. Next, do the chown command as described
in step 4 above to your packet capture. You may also close the two xterm windows as they are finished.
Copy the /tmp/packetcapture.pcap to your project directory. This file is the deliverable for this phase of
the project.
Step 7: At the bash prompt on the main terminal, run:
sudo wireshark
Go to the File => Open menu item, browse to the /tmp directory and select the pcap file that you saved
using tshark.
You will get a GUI that looks like the example packet capture. You will have a numbered list of all the captured
packets with brief information consisting of source/destination, IP protocol, and a description of the packet. You
can click on an individual packet and will get full details including the Layer 2 and Layer 3 packet headers,
TCP/UDP/ICMP parameters for packets using those IP protocols, and the data contained in the packet.
Example Packet Capture – Host us1 making web request to Host us2
Note the highlighted fields. You will be using the information from these fields to help build your firewall
implementation and ruleset. Note the separate header information for TCP. This will also be the case for UDP
Also, examine the three-way handshake that is used for TCP. What do you expect to find for UDP? ICMP?
Example TCP Three-Way Handshake
Please examine the other packets that were captured to help you familiarize yourself with Wireshark.
Part 5: SDN Firewall Implementation Details
Using the information that you learned above in running Wireshark, you will be creating two files – one is a
firewall configuration file that will specify different header parameters to match in order to allow or block
certain traffic and the second is the implementation code to create OpenFlow Flow Modification objects that
will create the firewall using the parameters given in the firewall configuration file.
You may create temporary rulesets to help you complete Part 5b below.
Part 5a: Specifications of configure.pol
The configure.pol file is used by the firewall implementation code to specify the rules that the firewall will use to
govern a connection. You do not need to code this first, but the format of the file is important as your
implementation code will need to use these items. The format of the file is a collection of lines that have the
proper format:
Rule Number, Action, Source MAC, Destination MAC, Source IP, Destination IP, Protocol, Source Port,
Destination Port, Comment/Note
o Rule Number = this is a rule number to help you track a particular rule - it is not used in the firewall
implementation. It can be of any value and is NOT validated in setup-firewall.py. The value need not be
unique and can be numeric or text.
o Action = Block or Allow Block rules will block traffic that matches the remaining parameters of this
rule. Allow rules will override Block rules to allow specific traffic to pass through the firewall (see below
for an example). The entry is a string in (Block,Allow).
o Source / Destination MAC address in form of xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (example: 00:a2:c4:3f:11:09) or a “-“ if
you are not matching this item. You may use MAC Addresses to match an individual host. In the real
world, you would use it to match a particular piece of hardware. The MAC address of a particular host is
defined inside the sdn-topology.py file.
o Source / Destination IP Network Address in form of xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/xx in CIDR notation or a “-“ if you
are not matching this item.. You can use this to match either a single IP Address (using it’s IP address and
a subnet mask of /32, or a particular Subnet. An entry here would look like: NOTE: If you
are using a CIDR mask other than /32 (individual host), make sure that the IP Address shown is the
Network Address.
An IP Address consists of 32 bits which contain both the network and the host addresses. These 32
bits are divided into 4 sections consisting of 8 bits. The subnet mask /24 defines how many bits of the
IP Address define the network. For a /24 network, there are 24 bits defining the network and 8 bits
that define the host. Thus, if you specify, the first 24 bits (the 192.168.10) define the
network address, and the 0 specifies the host (255 hosts). The IP specified here must be the network
address (for a /24, it must represent the first 24 bits). For the /32 address, the entire 32 bits is a
network address and represents a single host.
The IP address of a particular host is defined inside the sdn-topology.py file.
o Protocol = integer IP protocol number per IANA (0-254) or a “-“ if you are not matching this item.. An
example is ICMP is IP Protocol 1, TCP is IP Protocol 6, etc. This must be an integer.
o Source / Destination Port = if Protocol is TCP or UDP, this is the Application Port Number per IANA. For
example, web traffic is generally TCP Port 80. Do not try to use port numbers to differentiate the
different elements of the ICMP protocol. If you are not matching this item or are using an IP Protocol
other than TCP or UDP, this field should be a “-“.
o Comment/Note = this is for your use in tracking rules.
Special Notes About Firewall Configurations:
o Any field not being used for a match should have a '-' character as its entry. A ‘-‘ means that the item is
not being used for matching traffic. It is valid for any rule element except for Action to have a ‘-‘. (i.e.,
a rule like: 1,Block,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,Block the world is valid, but not a rule that will be tested). HINT: Do not
use any item that has a “-“ in its field as an element that you will match. If you pass a “-“ to a field in
a match rule, you will cause POX to crash and your firewall will not work.
A “-“ is valid for ALL FIELDS except Action DO NOT PASS A “-“ INTO ONE OF THE OPENFLOW MATCH
o When a rule states to block the world from accessing a particular host, this means that you are
matching against all possible hosts which may include hosts that are not in your topology. HINT:
Think about how you would match arbitrary traffic from anywhere on the network. Don’t overthink
this. Also, due to restrictions placed on the implementation by POX, please do not use as an
address for “world”. In a real-world situation, this address would be valid as addressing any host on
the internet.
o Note that a rule does not necessarily need a MAC or IP Address. Also, it is possible to have a rule that
only has network addresses and no ports/protocols. What won’t ever be tested is using a src/dst port
WITHOUT an IP Protocol.
o What is the difference between source and destination? Source makes a request of the destination. For
ports, you will most often use destination ports, but make sure that your firewall implements both
source and destination ports. For IP and MAC addresses, you will use both most of the time.
o When should I use MAC vs IP Addresses? You will want to interchange them in this file to test the
robustness of your implementation. It is valid to specify a Source MAC address and a Destination IP
Example Rules (included in the project files:
1,Block,-,-,,,6,-,80,Block host from accessing a web server on the network
2,Allow,-,-,,,6,-,80,Allow host to access a web server on overriding rule
What do these rules do?
The first rule basically blocks host hq1 (IP Address from accessing a web server on any host on the
us network (the subnet network). The web server is running on the TCP IP Protocol (6) and uses TCP
Port 80.
The second rule overrides the initial rule to allow hq1 (IP Address to access a web server running on
us5 (IP Address
By definition – from the sdn-topology.py file:
This class defines the Mininet Topology for the network used in this project. This
network consists of the following hosts/networks:
Headquarters Network (hq1-hq5). Subnet
US Network (us1-us5). Subnet
India Network (in1-in5). Subnet
China Network (cn1-cn5). Subnet
UK Network (uk1-uk5). Subnet
In Part 6, you will be given a set of firewall conditions that you will need to create the configure.pol needed for
your submission.
You may create temporary rulesets to help you complete Part 5b below.
Part 5b: Implementing the Firewall in Code
After reviewing the format of the configure.pol file, you will now code a generic implementation of a firewall
that will use the values provided from the configuration file (passed to you as dictionary items). As it is
provided, the firewall implementation code blocks no traffic. You must implement code that does the following:
o Create an OpenFlow Flow Modification object
o Create a POX Packet Matching object that will integrate the elements from a single entry in
the firewall configuration rule file (which is passed in the policy dictionary) to match the
different IP and TCP/UDP headers if there is anything to match (i.e., no “-“ should be passed
to the match object, nor should None be passed to a match object if a “-“ is provided).
o Create a POX Output Action, if needed, to specify what to do with the traffic.
Please reference code examples in Appendix C, or you may refer to the POX API documentation
(WARNING, this is long and the API is confusing).
You will need to rewrite the rule = None to reference your Flow Modification object.
Your code will go into a section that will repeat itself for every line in the firewall configuration file that is passed
to it. The “rule” item that is added to the “rules” list is an OpenFlow Modification object. The process of injecting
this rule into the POX controller is handled automatically for you in the start-firewall.py file.
TIP: If your implementation code segment is more than 25-30 lines, you are making it too difficult. The POX API
can provide many features that are not used in this project. The Appendix provides all of the information that
you will need to code the project.
Key Information:
o policies is a python list that contains one entry for each rule line contained in your configure.pol file.
Each individual line of the configure.pol file is represented as a dictionary object named policy. This
dictionary has the following keys:
o policy[‘mac-src’] = Source MAC Address (00:00:00:00:00:00) or “-“
o policy[‘mac-dst’] = Destination MAC Address (00:00:00:00:00:00) ) or “-“
o policy[‘ip-src’] = Source IP Address ( in CIDR notation ) or “-“
o policy[‘ip-dst’] = Destination IP Address ( ) or “-“
o policy[‘ipprotocol’] = IP Protocol (6 for TCP) ) or “-“
o policy[‘port-src’] = Source Port for TCP/UDP (12000) ) or “-“
o policy[‘port-dst’] = Destination Port for TCP/UDP (80) ) or “-“
o policy[‘rulenum’] = Rule Number (1)
o policy[‘comment’] = Comment (Example Rule)
o policy[‘action’] = Allow or Block
Use these to match traffic. Please note that all fields are strings and may contain a ‘-‘ character. You may
either use policy[‘ip-dst’] or the split policy[‘ip-dst-address’]/[policy[‘ip-dst-subnet’] in your
implementation (the split was requested by prior semesters), but realize that if you use the ip-dst-
address and ip-dst-subnet, you will need to carefully check your implementation to ensure that it is
blocking the addresses you intend to block.
o You will need to assume that all traffic is IPV4. It is acceptable to hardcode this value. Do not hardcode
other values. Your code should be generic enough to handle any possible configuration.
o Hints:
o The difference between an Allow or a Block is dependent on an Action and th
SDN Firewall with POX
Summer 2024
Copyright 2024
Georgia Institute of Technology
All rights reserved.
This is solely to be used for current CS6250 students. Any public posting of the material contained within is
strictly forbidden by the Honor code.
SDN Firewall with POX
Table of Contents
SDN Firewall with POX Project .................................................................................................................... 2
Part 0: Project References ....................................................................................................................... 2
Part 1: Files Layout .................................................................................................................................. 2
Part 2: Before You Begin ......................................................................................................................... 4
Part 3: Review of Mininet ........................................................................................................................ 4
Part 4: Wireshark ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Part 5: SDN Firewall Implementation Details .......................................................................................... 8
Part 5a: Specifications of configure.pol .............................................................................................. 8
Part 5b: Implementing the Firewall in Code ..................................................................................... 11
Part 6: Configuration Rules .................................................................................................................. 12
What to Turn In ......................................................................................................................................... 14
What you can and cannot share ............................................................................................................... 15
Appendix A: How to Test Host Connectivity ............................................................................................ 16
Part A: How to Test Manually ........................................................................................................... 16
Part B: Automated Testing Suite ...................................................................................................... 19
Appendix B: Troubleshooting Information .............................................................................................. 21
General Coding Issues........................................................................................................................ 21
Firewall Implementation (sdn-firewall.py) Errors and Issues ........................................................... 21
Mininet/Topology Issues ................................................................................................................... 21
Appendix C: POX API Excerpt ................................................................................................................... 22
Flow Modification Object ...................................................................................................................... 22
Match Structure .................................................................................................................................... 22
OpenFlow Actions ................................................................................................................................. 24
Example: Sending a FlowMod Object ................................................................................................... 25
SDN Firewall with POX Project
In this project, you will use Software Defined Networking (SDN) principles to create a configurable firewall using
an OpenFlow enabled Switch. The Software Defined Networking (OpenFlow) functionality allows you to
programmatically control the flow of traffic on the network.
This project has three phrases as follows:
1. Mininet Tutorial – This phase is a brief overview of Mininet. There are no deliverables for this phase and
may be skipped, especially if you completed the Optional Simulating Networks project (Project 0).
2. Wireshark Tutorial – This phase is a brief introduction to packet capture using Wireshark/tshark. You
will examine the packet format for various traffic to learn of the different header values used in Phase 3.
There is a deliverable of a simple packet capture file.
3. SDN Firewall – This phase involves completing code to build a simple traffic blocking firewall using
OpenFlow with the POX Controller based on rules passed to it from a configuration file. In addition, you
will create a set of rules to test the firewall implementation.
Part 0: Project References
You will find the following resources useful in completing this project. It is recommended that you review these
resources before starting the project.
IP Header Format - https://erg.abdn.ac.uk/users/gorry/course/inet-pages/ip-packet.html
TCP Packet Header Format - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmission_Control_Protocol
UDP Packet Header Format - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_Datagram_Protocol
The ICMP Protocol - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Control_Message_Protocol
IP Protocols - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_IP_protocol_numbers
TCP and UDP Service and Port References -
Wireshark - https://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsug_html/
CIDR Calculator - https://account.arin.net/public/cidrCalculator
CIDR - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classless_Inter-Domain_Routing
Part 1: Files Layout
Unzip the SDNFirewall-Summer2024zip file into your Virtual Machine. Do this by running the following
unzip SDNFirewall-Summer2024.zip
This will extract the files for this project into a directory named SDNFirewall at your current path (it is
recommended that your use the mininet root directory to aid in troubleshooting ( cd ~ ). The following files will
be extracted:
cleanup.sh – this file called by using following command line: ./cleanup.sh
This file will clean up the Mininet Environment and kill all zombie Python and POX processes.
sdn-topology.py – this file creates the Mininet topology used in this assignment. This is like what you
created in the Simulating Networks project. When evaluating your code against the ruleset specified in
this project, do not change it. However, you are encouraged to make your own topologies (and rules) to
test the firewall. Look at the start-topology.sh file to see how to start a different topology.
ws-topology.py – this file is substantially like sdn-topology, but it does not call the POX Controller. You
will use this during the Wireshark exercise.
setup-firewall.py – this file sets up the frameworks used in this project. DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE. This
file will create the appropriate POX framework and then integrates the rules implemented in sdn-
firewall.py into the OpenFlow engine. It will also read in the values from the configure.pol file and
validate that the entries are valid. If you make changes to this file, the autograder will likely have issues
with your final code as the autograder uses the unaltered distribution version of this file.
start-firewall.sh – this is the shell script that starts the firewall. This file must be started before the
topology is started. It will copy files to the appropriate directory and then start the POX OpenFlow
controller. This file is called by using following command line: ./start-firewall.sh
start-topology.sh – this is the shell script that starts the Mininet topology used in the assignment. All it
does is call the sdn-topology.py file with superuser permissions. This file is called by using following
command line: ./start-topology.sh
test-client.py – this is a python test client program used to test your firewall. This file is called using the
following command line: python test-client.py PROTO SERVERIP PORT SOURCEPORT where PROTO is
either T for TCP, U for UDP, or G for GRE, SERVERIP is the IP address of the server (destination), PORT is
the destination port, and optionally SOURCEPORT allows you to configure the source port that you are
using. Example: python test-client.py T 80
test-server.py – this is a python test server program used to test your firewall. This file is called using the
following command line: python test-server.py PROTO SERVERIP PORT where PROTO is either T for
TCP, U for UDP, G for GRE, SERVERIP is the IP address of the server (the server you are running this script
on), and PORT is the service port.
Example: python test-server.py T 80
test-suite – This is a student developed test script that was developed in 2021 that can be used to test
your implementation AFTER YOU FINISH BOTH THE IMPLEMENTATION FILES. The test cases in the main
folder will be used to evaluate your implementations for the first run. An alternate configuration and
topology will also be used to evaluate your implementations. This will be similar to, but not identical to
what is found in the extra sub-folder. See Appendix A for information on how to use the test suite.
Project Deliverables
configure.pol - this file is where you will supply the configuration to the firewall that specifies the traffic
that should either be blocked or allowed (override blocks). The format of this file will be specified later
in this document. This file is one of the deliverables that must be included in your ZIP submission to
? sdn-firewall.py –This file implements the firewall using POX and OpenFlow functions. It receives a copy
of the contents of the configure.pol file as a python list containing a dictionary for each rule and you will
need to implement the code necessary to process these items into POX policies to create the firewall.
This file is one of the deliverables that must be included in your ZIP submission to Canvas.
packetcapture.pcap – This will be the packet capture completed in Part 4. This file is one of the
deliverables that must be included in your ZIP submission to Canvas.
Part 2: Before You Begin
This project assumes basic knowledge about IP and TCP/UDP Protocols. It is highly encouraged that you review
the following items before starting. This will help you in understanding the contents of IP packet headers and
what you may need to match.
o What is the IP (Internet Protocol)? What are the different types of Network Layer protocols?
o Review TCP and UDP? How does TCP or UDP differ from IP?
o Examine the packet header for a generic IP protocol entry. Contrast that with the packet header for a
TCP packet, and for a UDP packet. What are the differences? What does each field mean?
o What constitutes a TCP Connection? How does this contrast with a UDP connection.
o A special IP protocol is ICMP. Why is ICMP important? What behavior happens when you do an ICMP
Ping? If you block an ICMP response, what would you expect to see?
o If you block a host from ICMP, will you be able to send TCP/UDP traffic to it?
o Can you explain what happens if you get a ICMP Destination Unreachable response?
o What is CIDR notation? How do you subnet a network?
o What IP Protocols use Source or Destination Ports?
Part 3: Review of Mininet
Mininet is a network simulator that allows you to explore SDN techniques by allowing you to create a network
topology including virtual switches, links, hosts/nodes, and controllers. It will also allow you to set the
parameters for each of these virtual devices and will allow you to simulate real-world applications on the
different hosts/nodes.
The following code sets up a basic Mininet topology similar to what is used for this project:
from mininet.topo import Topo
from mininet.net import Mininet
from mininet.node import CPULimitedHost, RemoteController
from mininet.util import custom
from mininet.link import TCLink
from mininet.cli import CLI
class FirewallTopo(Topo):
def __init__(self, cpu=.1, bw=10, delay=None, **params):
# Host in link configuration
hconfig = {'cpu': cpu}
lconfig = {'bw': bw, 'delay': delay}
# Create the firewall switch
s1 = self.addSwitch('s1')
hq1 = self.addHost('hq1',ip='',mac='00:00:00:00:00:1e', **hconfig)
us1 = self.addHost( 'us1', ip='', mac='00:00:00:01:00:1e', **hconfig)
This code defines the following virtual objects:
Switch s1 – this is a single virtual switch with the label ‘s1’. In Mininet, you may have as many virtual
ports as you need – for Mininet, “ports” are considered to be a virtual ethernet jack, not an application
port that you would use in building your firewall.
Hosts hq1 and us1 – these are individual virtual hosts that you can access via xterm and other means.
You can define the IP Address, MAC/Hardware Addresses, and configuration parameters that can define
cpu speed and other parameters using the hconfig dictionary.
? Links between s1 and hq1 and s1 and us1 – consider these like an ethernet cable that you would run
between a computer and the switch port. You can define individual port numbers on each side (i.e., port
on the host and port on the virtual switch), but it is advised to let Mininet automatically wire the
network. Like hosts, you can define configuration parameters to set link speed, bandwidth, and latency.
Useful Mininet Commands:
For this project, you can start Mininet and load the firewall topology by running the ./start-topology.sh
from the project directory. You can quit Mininet by typing in the exit command.
After you are done running Mininet, it is recommended that you cleanup Mininet. There are two ways of
doing this. The first is to run the sudo mn -c command from the terminal and the second is to use the
./cleanup.sh script provided in the project directory. Do this after every run to minimize any problems
that might hang or crash Mininet.
You can use the xterm command to start an xterm window for one of the virtual hosts. This command is
run from the mininet> prompt. For example, you can type in us1 xterm & to open a xterm window for
the virtual host us1. The & causes the window to open and run in the background. In this project, you
will run the test-*-client.py and test-*-server.py in each host to test connectivity.
The pingall command that is run from the mininet> prompt will cause all hosts to ping all other hosts.
Note that this may take a long time. To run a ping between two hosts, you can specify host1 ping host2
(for example, us1 ping hq1 which will show the result of host us1 pinging hq1).
The help command will show all Mininet commands and dump will show information about all hosts in
the topology.
Part 4: Wireshark
Wireshark is a network packet capture program that will allow you to capture a stream of network packets and
examine them. Wireshark is used extensively to troubleshoot computer networks and in the field of information
security. We will be using Wireshark to examine the packet headers to learn how to use this information to
match traffic that will be affected by the firewall we are constructing.
tshark is a command line version of Wireshark that we will be using to capture the packets between mininet
hosts and we will use Wireshark for the GUI to examine these packets. However, you will be allowed to use the
Wireshark GUI if you would like in doing the packet capture.
Please watch the video referenced in Part 2 if you would like to follow along in time for a live packet capture.
Step 1: Open up a Terminal Window and change directory to the SDNFirewall directory that was
extracted in Part 1.
Step 2: The first action is to start up the Mininet topology used for the Wireshark capture exercise. This
topology matches the topology that you will be using when creating and testing your firewall. To start
this topology, run the following command:
sudo python ws-topology.py
This will startup a Mininet session with all hosts created.
Step 3: Start up two xterm windows for hosts us1 and us2. After you start each xterm window, it is
recommended that you run the following command in each xterm window as you load them to avoid
confusion about which xterm belongs to which host:
export PS1=”hostname >” replacing hostname with the actual hostname.
Type in the following commands at the Mininet prompt.
us1 xterm & (then run export PS1=”us1 >” in the xterm window that pops up)
us2 xterm & (likewise, run export PS1=”us2 >” in the second xterm window)
Step 4: In this step, we want to start capturing all the traffic that traverses through the ethernet port on
host us1. We do this by running tshark (or alternatively, wireshark) as follows from the mininet prompt:
us1 sudo tshark -w /tmp/packetcapture.pcap
This will start tshark and will output a pcap formatted file to /tmp/capture.pcap. Note that this file is
created as root, so you will need to change ownership to mininet to use it in future steps – chown
mininet:mininet /tmp/packetcapture.pcap
If you wish to use the Wireshark GUI instead of tshark, you would call us1 sudo wireshark &. You may
use this method, but the TA staff will not provide support for any issues that may occur.
Step 5: Now we need to capture some traffic. Do the following tasks in the appropriate xterm window:
in us1 xterm: ping (hit control C after a few ping requests)
In us2 xterm: ping (likewise hit control C after a few ping requests)
In us1 xterm: python test-server.py T 80
In us2 xterm: python test-client.py T 80
After the connection completes, in the us1 xterm, press Control-C to kill theserver.
In us1 xterm: python test-server.py U 8000
In us2 xterm: python test-client.py U 8000
In us1 xterm: press Control C to kill the server
In Mininet Terminal: press Control C to stop tshark
Step 6: At the mininet prompt, type in exit and press enter. Next, do the chown command as described
in step 4 above to your packet capture. You may also close the two xterm windows as they are finished.
Copy the /tmp/packetcapture.pcap to your project directory. This file is the deliverable for this phase of
the project.
Step 7: At the bash prompt on the main terminal, run:
sudo wireshark
Go to the File => Open menu item, browse to the /tmp directory and select the pcap file that you saved
using tshark.
You will get a GUI that looks like the example packet capture. You will have a numbered list of all the captured
packets with brief information consisting of source/destination, IP protocol, and a description of the packet. You
can click on an individual packet and will get full details including the Layer 2 and Layer 3 packet headers,
TCP/UDP/ICMP parameters for packets using those IP protocols, and the data contained in the packet.
Example Packet Capture – Host us1 making web request to Host us2
Note the highlighted fields. You will be using the information from these fields to help build your firewall
implementation and ruleset. Note the separate header information for TCP. This will also be the case for UDP
Also, examine the three-way handshake that is used for TCP. What do you expect to find for UDP? ICMP?
Example TCP Three-Way Handshake
Please examine the other packets that were captured to help you familiarize yourself with Wireshark.
Part 5: SDN Firewall Implementation Details
Using the information that you learned above in running Wireshark, you will be creating two files – one is a
firewall configuration file that will specify different header parameters to match in order to allow or block
certain traffic and the second is the implementation code to create OpenFlow Flow Modification objects that
will create the firewall using the parameters given in the firewall configuration file.
You may create temporary rulesets to help you complete Part 5b below.
Part 5a: Specifications of configure.pol
The configure.pol file is used by the firewall implementation code to specify the rules that the firewall will use to
govern a connection. You do not need to code this first, but the format of the file is important as your
implementation code will need to use these items. The format of the file is a collection of lines that have the
proper format:
Rule Number, Action, Source MAC, Destination MAC, Source IP, Destination IP, Protocol, Source Port,
Destination Port, Comment/Note
o Rule Number = this is a rule number to help you track a particular rule - it is not used in the firewall
implementation. It can be of any value and is NOT validated in setup-firewall.py. The value need not be
unique and can be numeric or text.
o Action = Block or Allow Block rules will block traffic that matches the remaining parameters of this
rule. Allow rules will override Block rules to allow specific traffic to pass through the firewall (see below
for an example). The entry is a string in (Block,Allow).
o Source / Destination MAC address in form of xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (example: 00:a2:c4:3f:11:09) or a “-“ if
you are not matching this item. You may use MAC Addresses to match an individual host. In the real
world, you would use it to match a particular piece of hardware. The MAC address of a particular host is
defined inside the sdn-topology.py file.
o Source / Destination IP Network Address in form of xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/xx in CIDR notation or a “-“ if you
are not matching this item.. You can use this to match either a single IP Address (using it’s IP address and
a subnet mask of /32, or a particular Subnet. An entry here would look like: NOTE: If you
are using a CIDR mask other than /32 (individual host), make sure that the IP Address shown is the
Network Address.
An IP Address consists of 32 bits which contain both the network and the host addresses. These 32
bits are divided into 4 sections consisting of 8 bits. The subnet mask /24 defines how many bits of the
IP Address define the network. For a /24 network, there are 24 bits defining the network and 8 bits
that define the host. Thus, if you specify, the first 24 bits (the 192.168.10) define the
network address, and the 0 specifies the host (255 hosts). The IP specified here must be the network
address (for a /24, it must represent the first 24 bits). For the /32 address, the entire 32 bits is a
network address and represents a single host.
The IP address of a particular host is defined inside the sdn-topology.py file.
o Protocol = integer IP protocol number per IANA (0-254) or a “-“ if you are not matching this item.. An
example is ICMP is IP Protocol 1, TCP is IP Protocol 6, etc. This must be an integer.
o Source / Destination Port = if Protocol is TCP or UDP, this is the Application Port Number per IANA. For
example, web traffic is generally TCP Port 80. Do not try to use port numbers to differentiate the
different elements of the ICMP protocol. If you are not matching this item or are using an IP Protocol
other than TCP or UDP, this field should be a “-“.
o Comment/Note = this is for your use in tracking rules.
Special Notes About Firewall Configurations:
o Any field not being used for a match should have a '-' character as its entry. A ‘-‘ means that the item is
not being used for matching traffic. It is valid for any rule element except for Action to have a ‘-‘. (i.e.,
a rule like: 1,Block,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,Block the world is valid, but not a rule that will be tested). HINT: Do not
use any item that has a “-“ in its field as an element that you will match. If you pass a “-“ to a field in
a match rule, you will cause POX to crash and your firewall will not work.
A “-“ is valid for ALL FIELDS except Action DO NOT PASS A “-“ INTO ONE OF THE OPENFLOW MATCH
o When a rule states to block the world from accessing a particular host, this means that you are
matching against all possible hosts which may include hosts that are not in your topology. HINT:
Think about how you would match arbitrary traffic from anywhere on the network. Don’t overthink
this. Also, due to restrictions placed on the implementation by POX, please do not use as an
address for “world”. In a real-world situation, this address would be valid as addressing any host on
the internet.
o Note that a rule does not necessarily need a MAC or IP Address. Also, it is possible to have a rule that
only has network addresses and no ports/protocols. What won’t ever be tested is using a src/dst port
WITHOUT an IP Protocol.
o What is the difference between source and destination? Source makes a request of the destination. For
ports, you will most often use destination ports, but make sure that your firewall implements both
source and destination ports. For IP and MAC addresses, you will use both most of the time.
o When should I use MAC vs IP Addresses? You will want to interchange them in this file to test the
robustness of your implementation. It is valid to specify a Source MAC address and a Destination IP
Example Rules (included in the project files:
1,Block,-,-,,,6,-,80,Block host from accessing a web server on the network
2,Allow,-,-,,,6,-,80,Allow host to access a web server on overriding rule
What do these rules do?
The first rule basically blocks host hq1 (IP Address from accessing a web server on any host on the
us network (the subnet network). The web server is running on the TCP IP Protocol (6) and uses TCP
Port 80.
The second rule overrides the initial rule to allow hq1 (IP Address to access a web server running on
us5 (IP Address
By definition – from the sdn-topology.py file:
This class defines the Mininet Topology for the network used in this project. This
network consists of the following hosts/networks:
Headquarters Network (hq1-hq5). Subnet
US Network (us1-us5). Subnet
India Network (in1-in5). Subnet
China Network (cn1-cn5). Subnet
UK Network (uk1-uk5). Subnet
In Part 6, you will be given a set of firewall conditions that you will need to create the configure.pol needed for
your submission.
You may create temporary rulesets to help you complete Part 5b below.
Part 5b: Implementing the Firewall in Code
After reviewing the format of the configure.pol file, you will now code a generic implementation of a firewall
that will use the values provided from the configuration file (passed to you as dictionary items). As it is
provided, the firewall implementation code blocks no traffic. You must implement code that does the following:
o Create an OpenFlow Flow Modification object
o Create a POX Packet Matching object that will integrate the elements from a single entry in
the firewall configuration rule file (which is passed in the policy dictionary) to match the
different IP and TCP/UDP headers if there is anything to match (i.e., no “-“ should be passed
to the match object, nor should None be passed to a match object if a “-“ is provided).
o Create a POX Output Action, if needed, to specify what to do with the traffic.
Please reference code examples in Appendix C, or you may refer to the POX API documentation
(WARNING, this is long and the API is confusing).
You will need to rewrite the rule = None to reference your Flow Modification object.
Your code will go into a section that will repeat itself for every line in the firewall configuration file that is passed
to it. The “rule” item that is added to the “rules” list is an OpenFlow Modification object. The process of injecting
this rule into the POX controller is handled automatically for you in the start-firewall.py file.
TIP: If your implementation code segment is more than 25-30 lines, you are making it too difficult. The POX API
can provide many features that are not used in this project. The Appendix provides all of the information that
you will need to code the project.
Key Information:
o policies is a python list that contains one entry for each rule line contained in your configure.pol file.
Each individual line of the configure.pol file is represented as a dictionary object named policy. This
dictionary has the following keys:
o policy[‘mac-src’] = Source MAC Address (00:00:00:00:00:00) or “-“
o policy[‘mac-dst’] = Destination MAC Address (00:00:00:00:00:00) ) or “-“
o policy[‘ip-src’] = Source IP Address ( in CIDR notation ) or “-“
o policy[‘ip-dst’] = Destination IP Address ( ) or “-“
o policy[‘ipprotocol’] = IP Protocol (6 for TCP) ) or “-“
o policy[‘port-src’] = Source Port for TCP/UDP (12000) ) or “-“
o policy[‘port-dst’] = Destination Port for TCP/UDP (80) ) or “-“
o policy[‘rulenum’] = Rule Number (1)
o policy[‘comment’] = Comment (Example Rule)
o policy[‘action’] = Allow or Block
Use these to match traffic. Please note that all fields are strings and may contain a ‘-‘ character. You may
either use policy[‘ip-dst’] or the split policy[‘ip-dst-address’]/[policy[‘ip-dst-subnet’] in your
implementation (the split was requested by prior semesters), but realize that if you use the ip-dst-
address and ip-dst-subnet, you will need to carefully check your implementation to ensure that it is
blocking the addresses you intend to block.
o You will need to assume that all traffic is IPV4. It is acceptable to hardcode this value. Do not hardcode
other values. Your code should be generic enough to handle any possible configuration.
o Hints:
o The difference between an Allow or a Block is dependent on an Action and th