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Requirements for Software Engineering and
Technologies Homework Projects
April 25, 2024
This document speciffes the homework project requirements for
the Software Engineering and Technologies course.
1 Introduction
Your submission must be an Apache Maven 3 Java project. You can use
any integrated development environment for developing the project, however,
IntelliJ IDEA is the recommended IDE.
2 Functional Requirements
ˆ The software must have testable functionality (business logic), and unit
tests must be created for it.
ˆ The software must have a reasonable graphical user interface, which
must be implemented with JavaFX.
ˆ The implementation must be carried out according to the Model-ViewController
(MVC) architectural pattern.
ˆ The software must persistently store data, it must also read and write
data. Data must be stored (1) in XML documents via JAXB, or (2) in
JSON ffles via Gson or Jackson.
13 Portability
The project must be buildable and fully operational on each platform (including
Linux, macOS, and Windows) where the appropriate versions of OpenJDK
and Apache Maven are available. For example, the execution of the
mvn site command in the root directory of the project must always result
in the generation of the project’s site.
File names must consist of US-ASCII characters only.
4 Java-speciffc Requirements
You must use JDK 21 or JDK 22 to build the project.
5 Apache Maven-speciffc Requirements
5.1 Properties
In the pom.xml ffle, you must provide the following elements with proper
ˆ description: must contain a brief description of the project
ˆ developers: must contain at least the full name and email address of
the developer
ˆ properties/ must be set to UTF-8
ˆ properties/maven.compiler.release: must be set to either 21 or 22
ˆ properties/exec.mainClass
5.2 Reporting Plugins
At least the following plugins must be used to generate reports to be displayed
on the project’s site:
ˆ Maven Javadoc Plugin
ˆ Maven JXR Plugin
2ˆ Maven Checkstyle Plugin
ˆ Maven Sureffre Report Plugin
ˆ JaCoCo Maven Plugin
6 Documentation
Apart from the following exceptions, you must write API documentation for
all top-level types (i.e., classes and interfaces) and nested types with public
or package access and their members, too. Documentation comments must
provide all information necessary for developers to use the documented entity.
You do not have to document
ˆ unit tests,
ˆ graphical user interface classes,
ˆ the main(String[] args) method,
ˆ members whose visibility is not public.
Documentation comments must conform to the requirements discussed at
the classes, both in form and content.
In documentation comments try to use as many inline tags as possible.
For example, method parameter names should be enclosed between
tags or in {@code} inline tags, and the {@link} inline tag
should be used for references. The text of documentation comments should
be brief and clear, the spelling and grammar should be correct.
Each package must contain an overview comment ffle named
Documentation must be checked with the Checkstyle plugin using the
checkstyle.xml conffguration ffle provided by the instructors.
7 Logging
The program must do logging for which you can use any of the following
1Must be used only for checking API documentation using the conffguration ffle provided
by the instructors.
3ˆ Apache Log4j 2, or
ˆ tinylog 2, or
ˆ SLF4J with Apache Log4j 2 or tinylog 2 as a backend.
You must not use System.out.println() method calls for logging!
You must provide a conffguration ffle for the logging library being used in
the src/main/resources/ directory. Log messages must be written to the
8 Unit Tests
Unit tests must be written using JUnit 5. You do not have to write unit
tests for graphical user interface classes and exception classes. All the tests
must pass with no errors or failures. Code coverage must be measured using
the JaCoCo Maven Plugin.
9 Handling of Files
All of the data, conffguration and other similar ffles must be put in the
src/main/resources/ or the src/test/resources/ directory, respectively.
It is strictly forbidden to use platform-speciffc absolute paths to access
ffles, such as the following:
File file = new File("C:\\file.txt");
OutputStream os =
new FileOutputStream("/home/me/.history");
These will work only on Windows or Linux, respectively!
Files must be accessed via the class loader mechanism. It is forbidden to
access ffles directly from the src/main/resources/ and the src/test/resources/
directories. Do not forget that these ffles are automatically copied to the
target/classes/ and the target/test-classes/ directories from where
they can be accessed via the class loader. Thus, for example, the following
is forbidden:
File f = new File("src/main/resources/file.txt");
410 Packaging (JAR creation)
In the package lifecycle phase, an executable uber JAR must be created that
contains the dependencies of the project too. Thus, running the JAR must
launch the application.
11 ffle
The repository must contain a ffle that provides a brief description
of the project (must contain at least the original description of the
12 .gitignore ffle
The project must contain a .gitignore ffle that excludes ffles created by
developer tools (i.e., IntelliJ IDEA and Maven) from versioning. You can
use the service to generate a .gitignore ffle.
13 Development and Availability
The project must be developed on GitHub in a private repository created in
GitHub Classroom.
The instructor must be able to monitor the progress of development in
the repository. It is unacceptable if the repository contains a single commit
only. Commits should have clear and descriptive messages.
Manual ffle uploads to the repository are strictly forbidden, you must
always use a Git client to perform repository operations.
14 Use of Comments
Comments in the code should be used according to the rules of Clean Code.
For example, it is unacceptable if almost all code lines have a comment.
This is a clear indication that the code was written by someone else and the
submitter does not understand the code.
515 Use of Language
The text of the comments in the code (including Javadoc comments) and
also the content of the file must be written in English. In the
code, it is strictly forbidden to use any language other than English.
16 Requirements for Logic Puzzles
If the project is about a logic puzzle, the class implementing the state-space
representation must implement the puzzle.State interface provided by the
instructors. The solution to the puzzle must be generated by the problem
solver provided by the instructors. It is strictly forbidden to modify the
puzzle.State interface or the code of the problem solver.
Both the problem solver and the graphical user interface must use the
same state-space representation.
17 Requirements for Two-player Games
If the project is about a two-player game, the class implementing the statespace
representation must implement the game.State interface provided by
the instructors. It is strictly forbidden to modify the game.State interface.
You must also implement a console-based user interface for the game
based on the code provided by the instructors. The console-based user interface
aims to demonstrate that the model is fully detached from any user
interface, thus, it doesn’t have to store data.
Both the console-based and the graphical user interface must use the same
state-space representation.
18 Further Requirements
Your submission must be your own work. The project must conform to all of
the requirements specified in this document and must provide all functionality
without any errors.
Debrecen, April 25, 2024
