代写Intermediate macroeconomics Assignment #1帮做R程序
- 首页 >> Python编程Assignment #1 : Due Tuesday, April 9th (11:59PM)
Download the data in the ile titled “Assignment1DataSet2024S1.xlsx” . Con- sider the discrete-time Solow model with both population growth and technological progress. In this assignment you will use the data set from the Excel spreadsheet and, taking the equations of the Solow model (overly) seriously, (i) construct the model’s values for the constant savings rate, s, the population growth rate, n, growth rate of technological progress, g, capital’s share of output, α, and the depreciation rate of capital, δ, from Australian data, (ii) simulate a time path for Kt and Yt , and (iii) plot model produced (simulated) data against Australian data to see how well the model’s capital accumulation equation, assumptions of constant values for (s,n,g, α, δ) along with the imposed Cobb-Douglas form for the aggregate production function do in creating simulated data.
In conducting the exercise, you will be ignoring data about the amount of govern- ment consumption and investment as well as net exports. This is because the model that has been covered in class also neglects these features. Thus, you don’t want to take the results too seriously. The point of this exercise is to see how economists can use data with their models but also to appreciate the limitations that modelling assumptions can impose on the resulting implications.
For this assignment, assume that the aggregate production function is represented by a Cobb-Douglas form,
Yt = Kt(α)(AtNt )1-α (1)
where Yt is output, Kt is the period t capital stock, At is a measure of the level of technology or productivity in period t, and Nt is employment during period t. Capital’s share of output (if we think about the economy as characterized by perfectly competitive, classical economics assumptions) is given by α and labour’s share of output is 1 - α . In order to simulate the model easily, we will use the discrete-time
version of the model so that the capital accumulation equation is given by
Kt+1 = sYt + (1 - δ)Kt.
When constructing capital’s share, growth rates, saving and depreciation rates, do not multiply by 100. This ensures that 1 - s is not a large negative number and that n and g are in similar scale as the savings rate.
As you carryout the instructions below, ensure that you arestoring the data in the correctly identiied columns and rows and labelling columns as instructed. Failure to do so will likely result in mark deductions. Also, when plotting your results, ensure to title your graphs, label their axes and construct a legend as instructed. Again, failure to do so will likely result in mark deductions. Grades will be allocated for the diagrams produced at the end of the exercise and the short calculation that follows.
Let’s start:
1. Copy the data (including headings) to sheet one of a new Excel workbook. You should have columns A through G and rows 1 through 68 illed with data. Row 1 is occupied by headings and Rows 2 through 68 are comprised of data spanning the years 1953 through 2019.
2. In cell G2, calculate the average value of Australia’s labour share by taking the average of the values in column D. Once you have constructed this value, copy and paste in into the cells G3 through G68.
3. Fill cells H2 through H68 with the model’s value of the capital share using the values that you just constructed in column G.
4. Now that we have real world values for Kt , Nt as well as a constructed value for α, use the Australian real GDP data in column B, along with the values for the Australian capital stock and employment to back out values for At using the Cobb-Douglas production function in equation (1). Fill out cells I2 through I68 with each year’s imputed value for At and title the column “Imputed A(t)” in cell I1. Note: This is not a growth accounting exercise.
5. Now that you have constructed values for Australian labour augmenting pro-ductivity, {At gt(2)1(1)9(9)53 , you will use this to construct a value for g. To do this, ill
out the cells J3 through J68 with the growth rates of At where the growth rate is . Note that you will not be able to ill out cell J2 because your irst observation is 1953 so the growth rate of At for 1954 is A19A1953(54-A)1953 . Label J1 as
“Productivity Growth Rate” .
6. With the real world values of gt , you want a time-invariant value of g to use in your Solow model. To construct g, ill out cell K3 with the average of the values of cells J3 through J68. Copy this value into cells K4 through K68. Label cell K1 “g” .
7. Next you need to construct a value for the savings rate, s, that you will use in your simulation. To do so, start by constructing values for Australian aggregate investment using the data on the capital stock, column C, and the depreciation rate, column E. From the capital accumulation equation, It = Kt+1 - (1 - δt )Kt. Label cell L1, “I(t)”. Cell L2 will house the calculated value of investment for the year 1953. Use the capital accumulation equation and the data in cell C3, C2 and E2 to construct the value for I1953. Follow the same steps to ill out the values for L3 through to L67. Notice that you will not be able to construct a value of investment for 2019 because you do not have the capital stock for the year 2020.
8. Using the investment data imputed from Australian data as well as real GDP, exploit the Solow model’s equation relating investment to GDP to calculate a value for st for each year in order to ill out cells M2 through M67. Title column M “Imputed s(t)” .
9. The Solow model assumes a constant savings rate so title column N “s” . In cell N2, calculate the average value of the time-varying saving rates that you calculated in column M. Copy this value to all other cells in column N from N3 through N68.
10. Next you need to calculate a value of n to use in your simulation. Using Aus- tralian employment data of column F, ill out cells O3 through O68 with the growth rate in employment. Title column O in cell O1 by “Employment Growth Rate n(t)” .
11. Title column P with “n”. In cell P3, calculate the average growth rate that you constructed in Column O. Repeat this value in cells P4 through P68.
12. In column Q, ill out cells Q2 through Q68 with the average depreciation rate from the Australian data from years 1953 through 2019.
13. Now you are ready to create some simulated data using the Solow model. Title column R “Model N(t)” . Fill R2 with the level of Australian employment in 1953. Now for each of the following cells, calculate Nt = (1 + n)Nt-1 .
14. Title column S “Model A(t)” . Fill S2 with the level of Australian imputed productivity from 1953. Now for each of the following cells, calculate At = (1 + g)At-1 .
15. Title column T “Model K(t)” and column U “Model Y(t)” . Fill T2 with the value of the Australian capital stock from 1953. Using this value of capital stock, K1953 , along with your model’s values for N1953 and A1953 and your model’s time-invariant capital share, α, calculate your model’s value for Y1953 using the Cobb-Douglas production function.
16. Now that you have the value for Y1953 and K1953 , use your model’s values for s and δ to calculate K1954 in cell T3.
17. With K1954 in hand, construct the model’s value of Y1954 in cell U4.
18. Repeat the previous two steps for each year until you ill out cells T68 and U68 with K2019 and Y2019. Hint: Once you have illed out cells T3 and U3, you can highlight both these cells and drag downwards. By doing so, Excel will repeat these calculations for all years up to 2019.
19. Congratulations! You have used the Solow model to simulate some data after using real-world data to determine values for the model’s parameters. Now plot some statistics to compare the real world data with that generated by your simulation exercise.
(a) Title column V “Measured RGDP/Model Y(t)”. Fill out cells V2 through V68 using values from the data and your simulated data.
(b) Title column W “Measured K(t)/Model K(t)”. Fill out cells W2 through W68 using values from the data and your simulated data.
(c) Title column X “Imputed TFP/Model A(t)” . Fill out cells X2 through X68 using values from the data and your simulated data.
(d) Title column Y “Measured N(t)/Model N(t)” . Fill out cells Y2 through Y68 using values from the data and your simulated data.
(e) Title column Z “Measured Y(t)/N(t)/ Model Y(t)t/N(t)” . Fill out cells
Z2 through Z68 using values from the data and your simulated data.
(f) Title column AA “Measured RGDP/N”. Fill out cells AA2 through AA68 with calculated values of Australian Real GDP per Worker.
(g) Title column AB “Model Y(t)/N(t)” . Fill out cells AB2 through AB68 with calculated values using your simulated data.
20. Super! Now create some plots. Produce a line plot with one line showing Australian Real GDP and another line showing your simulated data for Y (t). Label the horizontal axis with the year dates and title your horizontal axis “Year” . Title your vertical axis “Real GDP”. Provide a legend of the lines under the “Year” axis title and provide a chart title “Australian RGDP vs Model Y(t)” above your plot. Drag your plot and size it so that it sits below your data covering cells A71-A95 through H71-H95. (4 Marks)
21. Produce a line plot with one line showing Australian Real GDP per Worker and another line showing your simulated data for Y (t)/N(t). Label the horizontal axis with the year dates and title your horizontal axis “Year”. Title your vertical axis “RGDP per Worker”. Provide a legend of the lines under the “Year” axis title and provide a chart title “Australian vs Model RGDP/N” above your plot. Drag your plot and size it so that it sits below your data covering cells I71-I95 through Q71-Q95. (4 Marks)
22. Produce a line plot with 4 lines - one line for each of the data series in columns W, X, Y and Z. Label the horizontal axis with the year dates and title your horizontal axis “Year”. Provide a legend of the lines under the “Year” axis title using the column labels as the line identiiers. Provide a chart title “Ratios of
Australian vs Model Variables” above your plot. Drag your plot and size it so that itsits below your data covering cells R71-R95 through Y71-Y95. (4 Marks)
23. Almost done. In cell A97, type “Golden Rule Savings Rate = ” . Using the theory from the model, calculate the model’s value of the optimal savings rate and ill out its value. (2 Marks)
24. In cell A98 type “Ave Australian Savings Rate = ” and ill out its value from your data exercise. Below cell A98, how does the average Australian savings rate compare to the golden rule savings rate and what does this mean from the perspective of the Solow model? (1 Marks)
Ensure that your plots do not overlap with the data on your spreadsheet as in- structed above. Submit your Excel workbook through Turn-It In. Remember, don’t take these numbers seriously but do take the exercise as a useful learning ex- perience. Have fun and learn something!