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Hw 1 Server overview
Inspect all tests and fill out empty methods to solve.
Will require parsing url, reading/writing http responses, serializing JSON api objects.
● /createUser
○ POST creates new user via userDto
● /transfer
○ POST sends funds from one user to another
○ user must have enough funds
○ both users must exists
● /getTransactions
○ returns all transactions for a user
● /createDeposit
○ POST uses TransactionDto
○ Adds funds to a user
● All others return 404
Hints and FAQ
● Start with parsing http string and parsing url
● Do not try encoding or decoding json yourself
● url structure: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL
● You do not need to run the server to pass the tests
● You do need to run the server to interact with it via postman
