CSE 406留学生辅导、辅导Python编程、Software Engineering讲解、 辅导Python

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Assignment 2

CSE 406 – Software Engineering

Due: Oct. 23. *Submit in Class*

Programming Assignment (version 1)

You will get a chance to use a few open source projects called:

- Apache Spark (http://spark.apache.org/)

- Pandas (http://pandas.pydata.org/)

Download assign2.tar.gz to start this assignment.

*Task 1.

You will use Spark and Pandas to read the json data file (data-300k.json) and create

separate data files grouped by distinct ‘uuid’. Each file should be placed under the data

directory (./data/), exported to file type ‘pickle’, and named as ‘uuid.pickle’. Write you

python program, ‘task1.py’

data-300k.json schema (you can simply ignore what they mean):

|-- RTT: double

|-- SSID: string

|-- Strength: long

|-- WiFiStatus: string

|-- _id: struct

| |-- $oid: string

|-- latitude: double

|-- longitude: double

|-- timestamp: long

|-- type: string, ‘WiFi’ or ‘Mobile’

|-- uuid: string


>> spark-submit ./task1.py

*Task 2. a)

You will use the given ‘d30c14b3-4039-3ad8-9cc3-025485863b7c-61939.pickle’ file to

complete Task 2. Read this sample pickle file and count how many times ‘WiFi’ and

‘Mobile’ appear under ‘type’ schema.

*Bonus. Task 2. b) Compute the longest consecutive ‘WiFi’ appearance in this pickle

file, likewise for ‘Mobile’


>> spark-submit ./task2.py

WiFi: 500

Mobile: 1000

Longest WiFi: 35

Longest Mobile: 20


1. Print out your source code – “task1.py” and “task2.py”

2. Write one paragraph explaining your program and any difficulties you had. (No

less than 250 words)


1. Python is needed.

2. Command Line base is recommended.

3. Any platform of your choice is fine, but I’d like to see many Linux as possible

(e.g., Ubuntu).


Do your best. Even if you can’t do the whole assignment, submit as much as you can

(with explanation why you can’t do this). And to make sure that you do your own

assignment, I will randomly select a few students in class and ask them to explain their



Google is your friend and teacher. Search!

Discuss with your classmates! (DO NOT send me an email first)

I will go over the assignment in class, so don’t worry too much.
