代写Photo essay of a deciduous tree帮做R程序

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Photo essay of a deciduous tree (Self-Graded Assignment)

Forthisasignment,select  adeciduous tree thatyougopastregulary e.g,near your home,clases,orwork.Selectalow branch of the treethat you can easily photograph Takeaphotofthebrancheveryone totwoweeks throughoutheterm,todocument changes inthetresapearance.The branchphotosmust be atleasta weekapart, and each should showatleastseveralleavesand buds and should showeither partof  youfe.g,your hand)orasmallobjectofyour choice.Alsotakeaphotof thewholetre on thefirst and last date.Thetrephotoshould show mostorallof the crown.Yourphotosmust be yourown.fyoudonot haveaphone or camera,or have accessibility challenges that are bariers to completing this assignment,talk to the courseinstructor or head TAfor an alternate assignment.

The photo essay should include:

(1)Boththe scientifc and common name of the species of tree.If you need helpidentifying the tree,you can send yourfrst photostoaTA.

(2)TwoPhotos of the entire tree on the firstand last date of observation.

(2)Atleast six photos of the branch taken on different dates,with the date of each photo included.

(3)Brief observations of the changes in appearance of the leavesand buds (if any)over the duration of observation.

(4)Abrief explanation of why these changes haveoccurred,i.e.,why they are adaptive in our climate.

The  assgnmentis worth 10%of ourgrade.Youwilbe self-grading this assgnmentusing akey thatwilbe provided,and TAswilbereviewing  your  grading  to  ensure that it is a fair appraisal.

Recommended species:

You canchoose any deciduouspecies(thosethat dropalloftheirleaves infall,butwe suggesthefollowingspciesifyou want toobservea    particularycolourfultree on campus or in Pacific Spirit Park:

Japanese maple (Acer palmatum,bigleaf maple(/Acer  macrophylum,vinemaple  (Acercicinatum),red  maple(Acerubrum),sweetgum(Liquidamborstyracilu),Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba),larch (Larix sp.)
