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Chemistry 5224: Reaction Kinetics and Dynamics
Problem Set #1: Due Tuesday, Sept. 17 through 11:55 pm; Submission through Gradescope
portal on our Canvas class website.
0) (i) Show that the equilibrium constant for the reaction A B with forward and reverse rate
constants, kf and kr, is given by,

(ii) Draw a schematic enthalpy diagram of the reaction as a function of reaction co-ordinate
and label the transition state region, activation energies, and heat of reaction.
(iii) Use your plot in (ii) to help you show that the choice of Arrhenius rate expressions for kf
and kr is consistent with the van’t Hoff equation,

and the general definition for the activation energy,

Problems from the Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics text,
1.1(a), 1.2, 1.3(a), 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8, 2.1, 2.2, 2.5 (a)&(b).
The relevant scanned pages of questions from the text are attached…

You are free to discuss these problems amongst yourselves but the final submitted homework
should be written up independently and individually. Plagiarism or referencing possibly available
electronic copies of solutions to these exact problems from the web or elsewhere is prohibited.
Of course, similar problems and scenarios may exist in textbooks and elsewhere and if these can
be helpful learning tools please avail yourself of them!
Please pledge your homework, "On my honor, I pledge that I have neither given nor
received help on this assignment beyond my class’s covenants.", where my class’s covenants
refers to the paragraph above.

K = k f
d ln K
dT = ∆rH0
R T2
a = R T2 dln k
