代做ECON 100C Midterm #2: Multiple Choice Questions代做留学生SQL语言程序

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Midterm #2: Multiple Choice Questions Version A

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

    1.    The aggregate matching function in the Mortensen-Pissarides model of unemployment specifies             as a

function of              .

a.     Aggregate output; the stocks of capital and labor                            d.   Aggregate employment; Number

of hires and separations

b.     Aggregate number of hires; number of unemployed workers and  e.   Aggregate number of separations; vacancies                                                                                               Number of employed and new


c.     Number of unemployed workers; Number of hires and separations

    2. The unemployment rate is defined as                  divided by                       :

a.   Number of individuals out of labor force;               d.       Number of unemployed; labor force

Labor force

b.  Number of individuals out of labor force;               e.       Number of unemployed; Number of employed

Number of employed

c.   Number of individuals without jobs; Number of employed

3. We study the effects of changes in labor productivity on the labor market in the long run in the context of the ____           Mortensen-Pissarides model. For simplicity, unemployment benefits are set to b=0. In the long run, wages

and recruiting costs are proportional to labor productivity:  w = βy  and  k = cy  where b and c are two

positive real numbers. Equilibrium market tightness            with y and the unemployment rate          with y.

a.          Does not vary; does not vary                       d.       Increases; Does not vary with

b.          Increases; Decreases                                    e.       Does not vary; Increases

c.          Decreases; Increases



Let u denote the unemployment rate,f the job finding rate, and s the separation rate. The law of motion for the unemployment rate is (where  Δu = ut+1   ut   is the change in the unemployment rate):

a.        Δu = fu  s(1  u).                                   d.       Δu = fu + s(1  u).

b.        Δu = su  f(1  u).                                   e.       Δu = su + f(1  u).

c.        Δu = s(1  u)  fu.



According to the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey, the total separation rate in the US in August 2018 was          percent.

a.    -38                                                                   d.    3.8

b.   -3.8                                                                e.    38

c.    0.38



According to the most recent release of the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the unemployment rate in the US in October 2018 was        percent.

a.             5.7                                                           d.       9.7

b.             7.7                                                         e.       3.7

c.             6.7

     7.   Following an increase in the separation rate, the Beveridge curve                     :

a.                 Shifts upward                                       d.            Can shift up or down depending on

parameter value

b.                 Shifts downward                                 e.            Becomes vertical

c.                 Does not shift

     8.   In the IS model GDP is determined by  Y = C + I + G. Aggregate investment (I)              with the real

interest rate and                with the marginal product of capital.

a.     Increases; increases                                                                           d.   Stays constant; decreases

b.     Increases; decreases                                                                          e.   Decreases; stays constant

c.     Decreases; increases

     9.   In the IS model, aggregate consumption is given by  C = 9  + (Y − )  where    denotes the marginal

propensity to consume out of current income. A one dollar increase in government purchases leads to a dollar increase in GDP.

.___(                                                          e(d)..      /(/)(( 1(1) ))

   10.   Which economic variable is determined by the Quantity Equation:

a.          M (Money supply)                                                                       d.   Y  (real GDP)

b.          V  (Velocity of money)                                                               e.   None of the above

c.          P (Price level)

   11.   In the long run, a one-time increase in the money supply leads to:

a.       An increase in the price level                                d.       A decrease in the velocity of money

b.      An increase in real GDP                                        e.       no effect on output and prices

c.       An increase in the velocity of money

   12.   The Nobel prize winner Milton Friedman argued that “inflation is always and everywhere a          

phenomenon” while the Nobel prize winner Tom Sargent argued that “inflation is always and everywhere a     phenomenon.”

a.        Fiscal; monetary                                                    d.       Monetary; fiscal

b.        Permanent; Temporary                                          e.       Political; Social

c.        Nominal; real

   13.   Let M denote currency and demand deposits and B the stock of government bonds. Suppose that both money

and government bonds serve as means of payment. The transaction velocity of Mis  V@   and the transaction velocity of bonds is  VA. According to the Quantity Theory, the price level will be given by:

a.    Y/P = MV@  + BVA                                                d.    Y/P = M + B

b.   PY = MV@  + BVA                                                   e.    PY = M/V@  + B/VA

c.    Y/P = M/V@  + B/VA

   14.   The Fisher equation predicts that a one percentage point increase of the inflation rate leads to                         of

the nominal interest rate and                      of the real interest rate.

a.       One percentage point increase; no change               d.       One percentage point decrease; one

percentage point decrease

b.       One percentage point decrease; no change              e.       No change; one percentage point increase

c.       One percentage point increase; one percentage point increase



Consider an economy where per capita GDP grows at 4% a year. Population grows by 2% a year. The Central Bank would like to implement an annual inflation rate of 1%. Assuming the velocity of money is constant, the annual rate of growth of the money supply should be:

a.      0%                                                                              d.   5%

b.      2%                                                                             e.   7%

c.      3%


16.   The monetary base is composed of:

a.       Reserves

b.       Coins and notes issued by the Fed

c.       Currency and demand deposits




Currency, demand deposits, and money market mutual funds

Currency and reserves

   17.   In the long-run, the real interest is equal to:

a.              The nominal interest rate                        d.      The rate of growth of money supply

b.             The inflation rate                                    e.      The unemployment rate

c.              The marginal product of capital

   18.   The Beveridge curve gives a            relationship between                     .

a.   Positive; Inflation and unemployment                     d.       Negative; Market tightness and


b.   Positive; Inflation and employment                          e.       Non-monotone; Money growth

and unemployment

c.   Negative; Inflation and unemployment

   19.   The wage in the Mortensen-Pissarides model is a weighted average of           and            .

a.        Worker’s bargaining power; unemployment benefits                   d.   Minimum wage; labor


b.        Labor productivity; Unemployment benefits                                e.   Recruiting costs; minimum wage

c.        Profits; Worker’s bargaining power

