代做COP2071C Syllabus代写留学生SQL 程序

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COP2071C Syllabus

Course Name: SQL Fundamentals

Term and Session: Summer 2024/Session 4

Reference Number: 726358

Faculty Contact Information

Instructor Name: Sasha Prince

Email: Please contact me through the D2L email tool. To reach my D2L email, use only the email tool inside of D2L. Use my Broward College email only if you are unable to access the course email. My Broward College email is [email protected]. Note that your D2L email and Broward College email are two separate accounts and separate systems that do not communicate with each other.

BC Phone: 954-201-6702

Online Office Hours: I am available to meet by appointment.

Course Information

This is a 4-credit hour course. In this class, you will engage in structured in-class and online acti viti es. See the course schedule for a detailed descripti on of acti viti es. Students are responsible for regularly reviewing the course schedule and completi ng all required assignments. To proceed through this course, you will should log on to BC Online. This way you will see all course announcements, the course calendar, your grades, and any e-mails from your instructor.

Course Description

This course provides a basis for students to implement the core principles and tools of a relati onal database. This combinati on of knowledge and skills will allow students to create tables, manage data within those tables, and write SQL queries derived from data stored in relati onal databases. Practi ce will also be provided to prepare students for the Oracle certi ficati on exam SQL Fundamentals 1Z0-061.

View the course descripti on [htt p://www.broward.edu/zext/ext/CourseOutlines.jsp] for more details.

Prerequisites and Corequisites

To maximize your chances for success in this course, make sure that you meet the following course pre-or co-requisites:

This class has no prerequisites and no corequisites.

General Course Outcomes

By the end of this course, the student shall:

Retrieve, restrict, and sort data

Use functi ons to customize output

Report aggregated data and retrieve data from multi ple tables

Implement subqueries

Create and manage database object

Textbook and Materials

Required Text (Access Code):

Title: Oracle Database

12c:SQL Fundamentals

Author(s): uCerti fy

ISBN 13: 9781616913465

You can also purchase the code directly through uCerti fy here:

Oracle Databases 12C: SQL


[htt ps://www.ucerti fy.com/cart/? rder=01sby&ref=&add_order=1]

Privacy & accessibility policies are present on our website:

uCerti fy ADA Statement [htt ps://www.ucerti fy.com/about/accessibility_ada.html]

uCerti fy Privacy Policy [htt ps://www.ucerti fy.com/about/privacy.html]

In order for you to have the most effecti ve learning environment, it is important that you are using the right equipment. For this course, you will need:

A reliable Internet connecti on.

Regular access to a laptop or desktop computer with an updated operati ng system and web browser. Visit the technical requirements [/content/resources/d2l/support/support.html? u=588481] page for a complete list of system and soft ware requirements. And the D2L System Check [/d2l/systemCheck] to ensure your browser is properly configured for online learning.

Microsoft Office 365 is available for download for all Broward College students. Follow the directi ons to download and access Microsoft 365 [https://helpdesk.broward.edu/TDClient/KB/Arti cleDet?ID=15058+++].

A webcam and microphone for proctored exams, class acti viti es, and virtual sessions

List other soft ware or hardware requirements

Student Expectati ons

Att endance Verificati on

You are expected to parti cipate in an academic acti vity to be considered “present” in the course. You must complete an academic acti vity during the first week of the course, so that it is done before the att endance verificati on date. The academic acti vity is usually the syllabus or syllabus quiz or a discussion post. Just logging into the course or sending an email to your instructor will not sati sfy the att endance requirement. If you are reported for non-att endance in a course and then withdrawn, you are sti ll responsible for paying for the course. If for any reason you cannot complete the att endance verificati on requirement before the deadline, make certain to drop the course by the official drop/add deadline or you will sti ll have to pay for the course.

Parti cipati on

To succeed in this course, log in and parti cipate multi ple ti mes throughout the week (check email, announcements, class discussions, feedback, etc.) so you do not miss criti cal course informati on and updates. Additi onally, communicati on with your professor is very important and plays a vital role in your success.

Withdrawal policy

It is your responsibility to withdraw from this course. If you stop parti cipati ng and do not withdraw by the deadline, you may receive an F.

Computer Knowledge and Skills

By taking an online course, your computer literacy skills will grow. Some of the skills that you will need at the beginning of the course include:

working knowledge of how to use multi ple web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) to navigate the Internet and locate informati on.

sending and receiving email using your D2L email (within the online course) and your BC email address. You should only use your instructor’s BC email if you cannot access D2L.

file management skills including downloading and saving files on your computer, uploading files to D2L, and sending email messages with att achments.

Class Acti viti es


Remember, discussions are public and everyone in your course can read what you post. Review the D2L discussion tutorial [htt p://online.broward.edu/d2l/student/discussions] for general support with the discussion tool.

Discussion Expectati ons:

There are 3 discussions worth 15% of the final grade.

Original posts should be completed 5 days before the close of the discussion board.

Original posts should be a minimum of 2 paragraphs.

Responses to 1 classmate's posts should be a minimum of 3 sentences.

Refer to the discussion rubric for specific grading criteria.

Grades will be posted within 5 days of the discussion due date.


Assignments must be submitt ed by the due dates as specified in your syllabus. The submission of an assignment is your sole responsibility. You should keep an electronic copy of all assignments. Review the D2L assignment tutorial [htt p://online.broward.edu/d2l/student/assignments] for general support with the assignment tool.

Assignment Expectati ons:

See course schedule for assignment due dates.

Assignments submitt ed to the corresponding drop-box will be screened for academic honesty using Turniti n [htt p://online.broward.edu/d2l/turniti n].

Refer to the assignment rubric and other assignment resources for grading criteria.

Grades will be posted within 7 business days of the assignment due date.

uCerti fy Virtual Labs

uCerti fy Labs must be submitt ed by the due dates as specified in your syllabus. The submission of an assignment is your sole responsibility. You must launch uCerti fy Labs from the links in D2L. Aft er you complete the lab, you must click the submit butt on and the close butt on next to the submit butt on. Do not click the "X" to close the windows.

The labs are auto graded in uCerti fy where grades and feedback will be given immediately as the labs are submitt ed.

Labs can be att empted multi ple ti mes unti l desired results are achieved.

Highest grade will be kept.

Quizzes & Tests

Quizzes and tests may be taken only during the availability dates as specified in the course schedule. Give yourself plenty of ti me to complete assessments and pay close att enti on to the ti me limits. Make sure you have a reliable Internet connecti on prior to taking quizzes or tests. Review the D2L quizzes & tests tutoria [htt p://online.broward.edu/d2l/student/assessments]l [http://online.broward.edu/d2l/student/assessments] for general support with quizzes and tests.

Quiz & Test Expectati ons:

UCerti fy Quizzes

uCerti fy quizzes must be submitt ed by the due dates as specified in your syllabus. The submission of an assignment is your sole responsibility. You must launch uCerti fy quizzes from the links in the D2L modules.

There are 7 quizzes worth 25% of the final grade.

Quizzes contain multi ple choice questi ons from the lesson.

Quizzes are set on Test mode. You will not receive feedback during the quiz.

You have 45 minutes to take each quiz.

You have 2 att empt(s) at each quiz.

Highest grade will be kept.

There are 4 practi ce tests.

Practi ce tests assess you based on the Oracle certi ficati on exam objecti ves.

The exams are set on review mode. You will receive feedback aft er each questi on.

You have 90 minutes to take each test.

You can att empt each test 3 ti mes.Highest grade will be kept.

The score will be available immediately aft er you submit.

Late Work Policy

For this course, unless otherwise noted by the instructor, submitti ng work late will be permitt ed only under qualifying circumstances and only with prior noti ficati on and supporti ng documentati on (original funeral noti ce, original doctor’s note, etc.). Computer and Internet connecti vity problems are not valid reasons for late work. It is the student's responsibility to be technologically prepared to take an online course.
