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Assessed Coursework
Course Name Networked Systems (H)
Coursework Number Exercise 2
Deadline Time: 4:30pm Date: 18 March 2022
% Contribution to final
course mark
Solo or Group ü Solo ü Group
Anticipated Hours 10
Submission Instructions Submit via Moodle
Please Note: This Coursework cannot be Re-Assessed
Code of Assessment Rules for Coursework Submission
Deadlines for the submission of coursework which is to be formally assessed will be published in course
documentation, and work which is submitted later than the deadline will be subject to penalty as set out below.
The primary grade and secondary band awarded for coursework which is submitted after the published deadline will
be calculated as follows:
(i) in respect of work submitted not more than five working days after the deadline
a. the work will be assessed in the usual way;
b. the primary grade and secondary band so determined will then be reduced by two secondary bands
for each working day (or part of a working day) the work was submitted late.
(ii) work submitted more than five working days after the deadline will be awarded Grade H.
Penalties for late submission of coursework will not be imposed if good cause is established for the late submission.
You should submit documents supporting good cause via MyCampus.
Penalty for non-adherence to Submission Instructions is 2 bands
You must complete an “Own Work” form via https://studentltc.dcs.gla.ac.uk/
for all coursework
Networked Systems (H) 2021-2022 – Exercise 2
Dr Colin Perkins, School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow
3 March 2022
The material in lectures 8 and 9, and lab 5, of the Networked
Systems (H) course, review naming and network topology. This
assessed exercise, worth 10% of the marks for the course,
aims to further explore that material.
Assessed Exercise 2
This assessed exercise in based on the material in Laboratory
Exercise 5, on Naming and Network Topology. Complete that
lab exercise, as follows:
• Prepare a program, dnslookup.c, that can perform DNS
lookups and that runs on the stlinux machines in the lab.
• Lookup the IP addresses for popular sites using your
dnslookup program, use traceroute to find the paths
to those sites, and plot topology visualisations showing
those paths, for both IPv4 and IPv6 network paths. Save
the results as PDF files in router-topology-v4.pdf and
• Prepare a report that discusses the specified points relating
to IP addresses, router-level topology maps, IPv4 and IPv6,
and the traceroute tool, and save it as report.pdf.
Submit these four files as described below.
Create a directory named ns-ex2-GUID, where GUID is replaced
by your GUID (your student number followed by the
first letter of your surname). Put copies of the following four
files into this directory: the source code for your dnslookup.c
program; the two PDF files, router-topology-v4.pdf and
router-topology-v6.pdf that contain your network topology
maps; and the PDF file of your report, report.pdf. Create a
zip archive of the directory, as a file called ns-ex2-GUID.zip.
Submit the zip archive via Moodle.
For example, if your GUID was 1234567a, you would perform
the following steps to create your zip archive:
mkdir ns-ex2-1234567a
cp dnslookup.c ns-ex2-1234567a/
cp router-topology-v4.pdf ns-ex2-1234567a/
cp router-topology-v6.pdf ns-ex2-1234567a/
cp report.pdf ns-ex2-1234567a/
zip -r ns-ex2-1234567a.zip ns-ex2-1234567a/
If you have prepared your archive correctly, then running
“unzip -lqq ns-ex2-GUID.zip” should produce output like
the following:
$ unzip -lqq ns-ex2-1234567a.zip
0 16-01-2022 22:54 ns-ex2-1234567a/
1359 16-01-2022 22:54 ns-ex2-1234567a/dnslookup.c
14315 16-01-2022 22:54 ns-ex2-1234567a/router-topology-v4.pdf
15354 16-01-2022 22:54 ns-ex2-1234567a/router-topology-v6.pdf
172851 16-01-2022 22:54 ns-ex2-1234567a/report.pdf
Check carefully that your zip archive extracts into the correct
subdirectory, and contains only the requested files.
Assessment and Marking Scheme
This is an assessed exercise, worth 10% of the marks for this
course. The deadline for submissions is 4:30pm on Friday 18
March 2022. The Code of Assessment allows late submission
up to 5 working days beyond this deadline, subject to a penalty
of 2 bands for each working day, or part thereof, the submission
is late. Submissions received more than 5 working days after
the due date will receive an H (band value of 0).
Submissions that are not made via Moodle, that have the
wrong filename, that have a zip archive that extracts into the
wrong directory or that contains the wrong files, or that otherwise
do not follow the submission instructions will be subject to a 2
band penalty. This is in addition to any late submission penalty.
Marks will be awarded as follows:
• [7 marks] for dnslookup.c, comprising [1 mark] for
compiling without errors or warnings using the command
clang -W -Wall dnslookup.c -o dnslookup
on the stlinux machines; and up to [6 marks] for correctly
looking up domain names and printing results.
• [4 marks] for router-topology-v4.pdf, comprising [2
marks] for readable formatting and [2 marks] for picking a
set of addresses that illustrate the network topology.
• [4 marks], similarly, for router-topology-v6.pdf.
• [15 marks] for report.pdf, comprising [4 marks] for
discussion of IP addresses, [4 marks] for discussion of
router-level topology maps, [2 marks] for discussion of IPv4
and IPv6, and [5 marks] for explanation of the traceroute
tool. Marks are assigned for reasoned, clearly explained,
and technically correct discussion of the points noted in
Part 3 of the lab 5 handout.
The result will be a numeric mark out of 30. This numeric
mark will be converted to a percentage, then the percentage will
be converted to a band on the 22-point University of Glasgow
scale using the standard translation table for the School of
Computing Science. Any applicable penalty for late submission
and/or for not following submission instructions will then be
applied, and a band will be returned. A brief written justification
for the band will also be supplied.
Copyright ©2022 University of Glasgow.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
