辅导ITEC 362、讲解HTML、CSS语言、辅导HTML/CSS设计、webpage留学生讲解

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ITEC 362 HW 6

The intent of this assignment is to prepare for the First exam, which is next week (2/18 – 2/24).

The first exam will cover the material we have covered so far, which has basically be HTML and CSS. It will address the sites we have discussed in the materials and assignments.  The test will be Objective, meaning Blackboard based multiple Choice, True/False, Fill in the blank questions.

1.Create a simple HTML5 webpage. Details are given below.10 pts

Link to an external CSS file placed in a CSS folder. Place all you css in this file.

Insert your name into the title tag

In a meta tag (https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_meta.asp), put your name in the author tag

Add a viewport specification to prepare the page to be responsive.

Add an H1 tag with the text “ITEC 362 – HW6”

For each of the following tasks, you will need to create an H2 tag, give it an appropriate title, and include the content below it.

2.Review the four HTML Forms tutorials (https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_forms.asp) 10 pts

To take full advantage of Forms, you need to have access to server side scripting, which we don’t have in this class. But it is an important concept to be aware of, which is why I am covering it.

Insert an H2 tag with an appropriate title

Add a form under the h2 tag. Leave off the Action property from the form tag (we don’t have access to server side scripting)

Add appropriate fields to collect the user’s Name, email and phone number, and include a dropdown list of Majors, and include at least 3 majors (i.e., IIT, CS, CE, Dance, Education)

Include a submit button.

3.Review the five HTML Media tutorials (https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_media.asp) 10 pts

Insert an H2 tag with an appropriate title

Add an video under the tag (hint, see the Try it Yourself demo)

Add an audio element under the tag (hint, see the Try it Yourself demo)

4.Review the CSS Box model https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_boxmodel.asp. 15 pts

Insert an H2 tag with an appropriate title

Add an unordered list below this, and include 3 of your favorite movies

Using the box model styling, add a border around your list. Add some space between the text and the border. Also add some extra space on the left side of the list outside the border (basically indenting the boxed list.

You will also need to add css styles for all images to add a border around pictures. We will be adding pictures later.

5.Create an Ordered list15 pts

Insert an H2 tag with an appropriate title

Create an ordered list of three favorite places you have been

6.Create a hyperlinks10 pts

Insert an H2 tag with an appropriate title

Create a hyperlink to USC

Create an email link to yourself.

7.Take the HTML Quiz located here (https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_quiz.asp)

and give me a screen shot of the results. 15 pts

Add an H2 tag with an appropriate title

Take a screen shot of your quiz results (I suggest using Windows Snip tool). Create a graphic of that screen shot (snip can save as various graphic files).

Add the image below the h2 tag.

Apply the css styling that adds a border around the image

8.Take the CSS Quiz located here (https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_quiz.asp) and

give me a screen shot of the results15 pts

Add an H2 tag with an appropriate title

Take a screen shot of your quiz results (I suggest using Windows Snip tool). Create a graphic of that screen shot (snip can save as various graphic files).

Add the image below the h2 tag.

Apply the css styling that adds a border around the image.

Grading for the two quizzes

If your grade is 100%, you will get 2 extra points, so you will earn 12 pts.

If your grade is >= 80%, but less than 100%, you will get full credit 10 pts

If your grade is >= 70% but less than 80%, you get 8 pts.

If you grade is >= 60% but less than 70%, you get 6 pts

Less than 60% you get 4 pts.
