代做CSCI 4041 Algorithms and Data Structures - Spring 2025 Homework 2 - Correctness and Sorting代写Pytho
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Homework 2 - Correctness and Sorting
Due Date: Friday, February 21, 2025 by 11:59pm.
Instructions: This is an individual homework assignment. You may work together to discuss con- cepts, but the solutions must be your own work. Submit your answers on Canvas, which is linked to Gradescope (be sure to correctly map the page for each problem). We will not grade *Practice Problems*, however, you are responsible for knowing how to solve them in order to prepare for quizzes and exams. This homework is divided into two parts. Part A focuses on written problems involving correctness. Part B involves programming solutions to real world sorting problems.
Part A - Correctness (Written Problems)
Problem H2.1: Proving Correctness
Consider the MERGE( . . .) function in Section 2.3, p. 31 of the textbook, which takes two sorted arrays and merges them into one sorted array. The python function below, merge3(A,B,C), takes three sorted arrays, A,B, and C , and merges the values from each into a single sorted array, D. Let n = ∣A∣ + ∣B∣ + ∣C∣ .
merge3(A, B, C):
D = []
return D
Answer the following questions:
(a) Write the algorithm for merge3(A,B,C). You may write the algorithm using python, pseu- docode, or another language. Regardless of which of these you use, you may assume there is an append function to add an element to the end of D. (b) Analyze the runtime for your algorithm.
(c) Describe a loop invariant or loop invariants that will help you prove correctness of merge3(A,B,C).
(d) Prove that your algorithm is correct by showing that your loop invariant(s) remains true during initialization, maintenance, and termination.
(e) Create a merge sort3( . . .) algorithm that uses merge3(A,B,C) to recursively sort the solu- tions of three sub problems. (*Practice Problem*)
(f) Use the Master Theorem to analyze the runtime of merge sort3( . . .). (*Practice Problem*)
(g) Which algorithm has a slower growing asymptotic runtime, MERGE-SORT( . . .) in Section 2.3, p. 34 of the textbook or merge sort3( . . .)? (*Practice Problem*)
Problem H2.2: Loop Invariants
Describe specific loop invariant(s) for proving correctness for each of the following algorithms. You do not have to prove that the algorithms are correct. Remember if there are multiple loops, you need an separate invariant for each loop:
(a) (*Practice Problem*)
min = A[1]
for i = 1 to A . length
if min > A[i]
min = A[i]
return min
(b) (*Practice Problem*)
all_less_than_test_value(A, testVal)
allLess = True
for j = 1 to A . length
if A[j] >= testVal
allLess = False
return allLess
(c) divisible_by(A, k)
D = []
for i = 1 to A .length
if A[i] % k == 0
return D
(d) scaled_sum(A)
sum = 0
for i = 1 to A .length
sum = sum + A[i]*i
return sum
(e) euclidean_norm(Matrix, n)
sum = 0
for i = 1 to n
for j = 1 to n
sum = sum + Matrix[i, j]*Matrix[i, j]
return sqrt(sum)
Problem H2.3: Recursion Invariants
For each algorithm below and recursion invariant, use induction to prove the invariant is true for the algorithm (initialization, maintenance, termination).
(a) Recursion Invariant: power(a,n) calculates an−1 for any a ∈ R and for all n ∈ Z, n ≥ 1:
power(a, n) if (n == 1): return 1 |
if (n % 2) == 0 |
// n is |
even |
x = power(a, n / 2) return a * x * x |
else |
// n is |
odd |
x = power(a, (n + 1) / 2) return x * x (b) (*Practice Problem*) |
textbfRecursion Invariant: deep sum(A) sums all the numbers in an array, including num- bers that are recursively stored in sublists.
For example, deep sum([[1,2],3,[4,5,[6]]]) = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6.
if A is Number return A
if A . length == 0 return 0
return deep _sum(A[1]) + deep _sum(A[2:A . length])
(c) (*Practice Problem*)
Recursion Invariant: reverse(A) reverses the elements in array A.
def reverse(A): n = len(A) if n <= 1:
return A q = n//2
return reverse(A[q:n]) + reverse(A[0:q])
Part B - Sorting (Programming Problems)
Submission: Submit the following file to “Homework 2B” submission on Gradescope.
• H2 4.py (Problem H2.4)
Problem H2.4: Video Frame Ordering
Instructions: You have received a set of video frames sent over a network. Due to network traffic, the video frames are received in a different order than they are sent. The frames are buffered into an array in the order that they are received. You are tasked with reordering the video frame array as quickly as possible. You will need to consider the following details to accomplish this task:
1. Comparison is cheap since we know the frame number for each image.
2. Swapping memory, however, is expensive since we are moving images around.
3. Video frame numbers may be reused. Fortunately, duplicate frame numbers will ordered correctly within the buffer. For example, you may get 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 2. If two frames have the same number, you should maintain the order in which they are stored in the array. (In other words, your sort should be stable).
4. The frame array is twice as large as the size of the video, which is stored in the first half of the buffer. The remaining slots are empty frames that can be swapped.
5. Use the assignment operator for swapping (e.g. A[i] = A[k]) and the comparison operators (e.g. A[i] < A[k]) for sorting.
6. You should use or modify sorting algorithms from class or the textbook. Do not use python system sorting algorithms.
7. You can change the start index of the video in the array by returning start index.
Task: Program the following algorithm in H2 4.py to correctly sort the video frames using as few swaps as possible. When writing your algorithm, consider using or modifying multiple algorithms. The sort may depend on best, worst, and average situations when writing your algorithm:
def order _video _frames(frames , start _index , length): # Sort video frames in the frame array
# The video is of size n=length and the array is of size 2*n
# Example (comparison and swap): # if (frames[i] < frames[j]):
# temp = frames[i]
# frames[i] = frames[j] # frames[j] = temp
return start _index
Testing: You can test your program by ordering the provided video file (unordered.gif).
First you will need to install dependencies: pip3 install imageio
Then, run your program with the following command:
python3 H2 _ 4 . py unordered . gif ordered . gif
Open ordered.gif and you should see an ordered video sequence