代写ITC2400: Web and Mobile Development, Section Spring 2024代做Java编程

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ITC2400 Course Syllabus

Course Information:

ITC2400: Web and Mobile Development, Section

Course Number: (CRN): 90055

Term and Year: Spring2024

Course Prerequisites


Course Description

This course focuses on using modern markup languages and standards for cross-platform. Web pages and applications. Offers students an opportunity to code simple Web pages for desktop computers and mobile devices, including smartphones.

Course Materials

There is no required textbook for this course. All lesson content is presented using linksto W3Schools, LinkedIn learning, and other sites as deemed necessary.

An HTML5 authoring tool such as Dreamweaver, NetBeans, Atom, Notepad++, or Sublime Text.

Students may now request a license for Adobe Creative Cloud from https://adobe.northeastern.edu

Any graphics editor tool such as Adobe Photoshop© or Gimp.

more information, refer tohttps://www.northeastern.edu/core/

NUpath Learning Goals

By the end ofthe course, students should be able to:

A. Describe creative processes in one or more disciplines (e.g. art, business, writing, science, engineering).

B. Generate an artifact (e.g., design, poem/essay, application, visualization, musical composition, product, prototype) through a creative process.

C. Evaluate experimentation, failure, and revision in the creation of innovative projects.

Course Learning Outcomes

Based on satisfactory completion of this course,a student should be able to:

•   Design the visual layout of a website using wireframes according to a client specification.

•   Convert the website layout into functional content that addresses client needs/specifications using a combination of HTML5 and CSS3

•   Incorporate CSS3 styling techniques to manage the visual aspects of webpage presentation, including colors, fonts, and positioning, and animations.

•   Properly place images, links, tables, and forms with HTML5 controls on the sites pages

•   Write and incorporate JavaScript. forms code and automated image gallery code into webpages

•   Use responsive design techniques to effectively resize and reorganize page content in response to user

•   Use responsive design techniques to identify end-user devices (mobile devices, pads, and desktop) and adapt the page results appropriately.


•    Workload

o One (1) academic credit requires 50 minutes aweek of classroom or faculty instruction and about two hours of out of class student work for a 15-week course; 100 minutes a week of classroom or direct faculty instruction and about 3.5 hours of out of class student work for a 7.5-week course.

o For a three-credit course, students should expect 2.5 hours a week of classroom or faculty

instruction and a minimum of 5 hours of out of class student work for a 15-week course; 5 hours of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of 10 hours of out of class student work for a 7.5-week course.

o APA citations

Attendance Policy

Classes will be held every week at the place ant time indicated in the syllabus header. Students are

required to maintain an active presence via regularly scheduled class meetings (Mondays; 5:50-

8:20pm) for the duration of the course. In instances where the Covid protocols require quarantining it is imperative that you notify the instructor immediately.

The student is also required to sign in and participate in the Canvas discussion rooms at least twice a week. Participation in the discussion rooms will be a considerable factor in assigning a participation grade.

Policy on late work

•   Late assignments will AUTOMATICALLY receive halfcredit.

•   On-ground classes: Assignments are due during the first half-hour of class on the due date. (If class begins at 9:30am,you have until 10:00am to hand the assignment in before it is considered late)

•   Remote classes: Assignments are due during the first forty minutes of class on the due date. (nlt 5:30pm)

•    Online classes: Each assignment is due at 11:59 pm EST of the date indicated.

•   If you are absent when an assignment is due, the assignment must still meet the deadline or suffer the penalty of being late.

•   No make-up work (homework, discussion board posts, quizzes, etc) will be permitted without prior approval by the Instructor.

•   Extra credit assignments are not available.

Course Methodology

Each week, you will be expected to:

1.   Review the week's learning objectives.

2.   Complete all assigned readings

3.   Complete all lecture materials for the week.

4.   Participate in the Discussion Board

5.   Perform. additional research and testing of HTML5/CSS3 techniques

6.   Complete and submit all assignments and tests by the due dates.

7.   Maintain progress to enable the continuity of web development practices.

Participation/Discussion Board [ALL STUDENTS - ALL COURSE DELIVERY  MODES]

•    At least 1 Primary responses are due by 11:59 pm DST/EST on the Thursday of each week

•    At least2 secondary responses are due by 11:59pm DST/EST on the Sunday of each week

To facilitate interaction, students are expected to review the online postings on a regular basis even after they have posted their own minimum required postings. Please treatyour classmates and the instructors with the utmost respect. Inappropriate posts will be removed immediately. The instructor reserves the right to penalize students for repeated violations of the participation policy (and/or Academic Integrity Policy) within a course. In the discussion board and in class, high quality contributions advance the class discussions and do not simply summarize the material that was assigned. Quality contributions consider not only the instructor’squestions but also your classmates’ contributions. Please be mindful that the Discussion Board is a space for academic exchanges. As a result, students are accountable for using proper and exacting punctuation, spelling, and grammar. In addition, you maybe required to reference all outside sources incorrect citation format. It is crucial that all participants maintain a high regard for proper decorum in the Discussion Board.

Grading/Evaluation Standards

Grade Breakdown:

Mid-term Project                            25%

Final Project                                   30%

Discussion Boards                         25%

Class Participation                         20%

Total 100%


Undergraduate Programs Final Grading Scale

94-100% A

87-89.9% B+

77-79.9% C+

67-69.99              D+

60% or below F

84-86.9% B

74-76.9% C

64-66. 99 D

90-93.9% A-

80-83.9% B-

70-73.9% C-

60-63. 99             D-
