代做GEOG 2500 – Fall 2024 Lab 1: Web Browsing & Introduction to ESRI Web Training代写Web开发
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Lab 1: Web Browsing & Introduction to ESRI Web Training
• Become familiar with the www to learn about GIS and to access Geographic Data
• Locate websites that can be useful in your GIS world
• Give a brief introduction to ArcGIS Pro and the ESRI Web Training system
You will be submitting your completed homework to us through HuskyCT. We suggest using Microsoft Word to type the answers while you are completing the exercises. Save all of your coursework and labs through one of the three methods we have outlined for you in the file saving instructions document titled “ Best File Management Practices” . All homework documents must be submitted as PDF documents.
GIS on the Internet:
Using a web browser, accesshttp://www.gis.comand browse this site. Answer Questions 1 below. Please browse thoroughly through this site. It has plenty of information about GIS, its history, and applications. Please, answer the following question in your own words (do not simply cut and paste text).
Question 1: On the main What is GIS page, the site lists five ways in which GIS is used (see graphic below). What are these five items? Visit two of the tabs associated with these items and briefly summarize the GIS use demonstrated.
Now, gotohttps://doc.arcgis.com/en/arcgis-storymaps/gallery/to explore the large gallery of story maps created in ArcGIS. Visit four (or more) of the story maps. If possible, pick entries related to your major or of interest to you. Now, answer Question 2 below.
Question 2: List and give a brief description of four story maps you selected.
GIS Data on the Internet:
Access at least four of the following websites and answer the questions below.
Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection GIS Data
Kentucky Division of Geographic Information
Map and Geographic Information Center (MAGIC) - University of Connecticut
Massachusetts Bureau of Geographic Information (MASSGIS)
Ohio Geographically Referenced Information Program (OGRIP)
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Unites States Geological Survey
The National Map
United States Census Bureau
The Center for International Earth Science Information Network
Answer the following questions:
Question 3: What institution is responsiblefor each one of the four sites you selected? Give a description of what this institution does. Try not to be too general.
Question 4: List and describe the data found on two sites you selected and give potential applications of the data.
Question 5: Find two other sites that are of interest to you and related to GIS. What are these sites (please give URLs) and what information/data do they have on them? [If you have difficulty, just Google “GIS”. You will get plenty of hits.]
Introduction to ESRI Web Training
During the semester, you will be using the ESRI Web Training. You should have received an email from ESRI inviting you to join the UConn ArcGIS Online Organization (AGOL). It should appear similar to the image below. Once you login, you can take any of the web training courses offered athttps://www.esri.com/training. It is important to pay attention to exactly which online training course is assigned each time we are tasked to complete these modules. The web training courses are useful in linking theoretical material covered in lecture and practical applications in ArcGIS.
The first link takes you to a document with stepson how to loginto the ESRI portal using your UConn Net ID and password.
1. To begin, access the following website in your web browser, https://www.arcgis.com/home/index.html.
2. Next, follow steps 1-3 provided inhttp://s.uconn.edu/agol-loginto login. Note that the most common problem is not selecting to use Your ArcGIS Organization’s URL to login.
3. If you are successful, you should see a screen similar to the one below.
4. While here, you should follow instructions inhttp://s.uconn.edu/arcproto download ArcGIS Pro from ArcGIS Online.
Accessing ESRI Web Training Modules
Using a web browser, accesshttp://www.esri.com/training. Note: if you do not see a checkmark on the profile icon in the upper right corner of the window (like in the window below), then you need to login. Click that icon and sign in the same way we did before. Remember, our ArcGIS Online Organization is named connecticut.maps.arcgis.com.
You should have also received an email from GISTraining@esri.com requesting you enroll in the GEOG 2500 [UConn - Fall 2024] learning plan on the ESRI Training website. This is a learning plan we setup specifically for GEOG 2500.
Click on View learning plan assignment in the email. You will be redirected to the assignment acceptance page. Check the box and click to Enroll. You should see the confirmation window below.
Click on the GEOG 2500 learning plan. If it is not on the screen, you can find it under My Academy and then My Learning Plans.
The second half of your exercise is to complete the ArcGIS Pro Basics tutorial.
Lab Grading and Points
This exercise is worth 100 points, here is the grading breakdown for the assignment:
• (35 points) Questions 1-5 from above.
• (65 points) ArcGIS Pro Basics tutorial. The web tutorial points are based on the successful completion of the entire tutorial. To show me that you were able to complete the tutorial, we ask that you take a screenshot of the full screen showing ArcGIS Pro and the two linked (2D and 3D) displays. This should be similar to the screenshot below. Make sure your screen capture is of decent enough quality so we can see the details (so you get credit for your work). Note: We should be able to seeyour name in the screenshot
(showing that you are logged into ArcGIS Pro).
Please submit your assignment as a PDF file. Please DO NOT send word documents. In MS
Word, use the Save As function to save your document as a PDF file. Proper naming of your file helps me keep track of your assignments (e.g., Lab1_Wanyama.pdf).
Submit your answers by midnight on Friday September 13th on HuskyCT