代写INSTTECH-450/550 Introduction to Instructional Design Fall 2024代写C/C++编程

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Introduction to Instructional Design


Fall 2024

Course Overview

Course Description

Examines the systems approach for the design, development, and evaluation of instruction and training materials. Students use an instructional design process to create a training prototype. Components of this project include a needs assessment, instructional analysis, objectives, instructional strategies, and the development of a teacher's guide and student materials. Specific emphasis is given to applying instructional design techniques to the design and development of instructional products.

Course Objectives

At the end of the course, each student will:

1. Explain each step of the instructional design process.

2. Explain the major elements commonly included in instructional design models.

3. Define terms used in the instructional design process.

4. Write an instructional needs assessment.

5. Conduct a written instructional task analysis.

6. Create a written evaluation for the entire instructional design project.

7. Create an Instructional Design plan to solve a training problem.

Additional student learning objectives for graduate students in the IDT 550 course

8. Compare and contrast instructional design projects from a variety of industrial sectors.

9. Compare and contrast instructional design projects in developed and developing societies.

10. Lead a discussion on diversity and cultural awareness within an instructional design project.

Required Text

The text will be provided on D2L. We will be using the following book:

•     The ID Case Book: Case Studies in Instructional Design 5th  Edition (ISBN: 9781138552302) Other resources will be provided.

University Policies and Resources

Brightspace Information

For help with Brightspace, call the Support Center Information at 1-877-730-6223. Please contact me if you have any questions. However, the class site (Brightspace) is run by someone other than our department, so account help or most technical issues will have to be addressed by the university/company help.

Code of Conduct

Commonwealth University’s Student Code of Conduct prohibits the violation of any University policy as well as local, state, or federal laws. This expectation includes any federal, state, regional, or local emergency orders or declarations, mandatory policies, or mandatory health advisory requirements, including those made by the University President. Violations of the Student Code of Conduct will be reported to the Dean of Students Offices athttps://www.commonwealthu.edu/offices-directory/dean-students.

Bloomsburg’s Writing and Literacy Engagement Studio (WALES) Support for Writing and Reading

WALES supports students on all three campuses’ growth as writers and readers.  We enjoy easing the writing process for all students from any background working in any major. We also enjoy helping students develop  strategies for reading and making sense of texts and course material. Students set the agenda for each appointment—whether they’re concerned about their reading material, getting started on a writing project, improving clarity, grammar, organization, citations, or any other aspect of reading, writing, or English. Our diverse group of WALES Consultants represents a variety of majors and share the common goal of working with students  to develop skills and strategies that help them grow as readers and writers.

WALES will be open in BAKELESS 206 and available online via ZOOM.

To make a WALES appointment, students can use CU Succeed, which should be available in each BrightSpace  course. They can also come to BCH 206 or use their student email to contactwales@commonwealthu.edu. You might also be able to drop into BCH 206 and work with the first available consultant, often immediately.

WALES Consultants can work in person or via Zoom during most of our hours, but night and weekend hours are available only via Zoom. Please see the WALEShttps://www.commonwealthu.edu/offices-directory/university- learning-centerfor more information.

Bloomsburg Health Services

Bloomsburg University cares about your health and well-being. Experiencing difficulties associated with your health and well-being can promote an unhealthy stress level, adversely affecting many facets of your life, such as your relationships, self-care, learning, and academic success. Throughout your time at BU, you, or someone you  know, may experience a range of stressful situations … some of which may even impede your success. Stressful circumstances such as illness, strained relationships, trauma, anxiety, alcohol or drug problems, and feeling down  or depressed should not be ignored. The Student Counseling Center and the Student Health Center are available to help you navigate these difficult situations to help mitigate their impact.

To learn about or access the free, confidential mental health services available on campus, call 570-389-4255, email [email protected], or visit https://www.commonwealthu.edu/offices-directory/counseling-center. To learn about or access the services of the BU Health Center, call 570-389-4451 or visit the website https://www.commonwealthu.edu/offices-directory/health-services/bloomsburg. Help is available; please reach out as needed.
