代写MCD1540 Intercultural Business Communication Assessment 2: Movie Analysis and Reflection调试数据库编程

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MCD1540 Intercultural Business Communication

Assessment 2: Movie Analysis and Reflection

Status:                 Individual

Weighting:          10%

Word Range:       1,000 words (+/- 10%)

Due date:            Week 3 Sunday 11.59pm

Upload on            TURNITIN

Watch the movie “OUTSOURCED” found on MCD1540 Moodle > Assessments page and answer the following three questions:

1.  Describe Hall’s iceberg model in your own words. Discuss some examples of India’s surface

culture that Todd initially experienced and some examples of deep culture, which Todd learned over time (300 words).

2.  Describe the five stages of culture shock in your own words. How did Todd overcome the

challenges of culture shock in the movie, finally reaching the Acceptance stage before leaving India? (350 – 450 words).

3.  Discuss the differences between harmful stereotypes and helpful generalisations in your own words. Provide one or two examples for each of them based on your personal experience or observation (300 words).

Important Reminders

•    The wordcount range in bracket for each question is just a suggestion. Total wordcount should be within 1,000 words +/- 10%. A 5-mark penalty may apply for exceeding the wordcount.

•    Cover page is not required. Acceptable fonts include Calibri, Arial, and Times New Romans. Use double-spacing and 12pt font size.

•    Late submission will be penalised with a 5-mark deduction per day for a maximum of up to 10 days. After which, submissions will no longer be accepted.

•    If your submission does not have doc or docx extension (Microsoft word), late penalties of 5 marks per day will apply till the correct format is received.

MCD1540 Intercultural Business Communication

Assessment 2- Marking Rubric

Assessment 2 Guidelines and Worksheet

DO NOT copy the questions in your assignment answer. You may use Q1, Q2, Q3 when

structuring your answers. There is NO need for Introduction and Conclusion. Just answer the questions but write in paragraphs. Refer the TEECL structure to help make your writing clear

https://www.monash.edu/learnhq/write-like-a-pro/how-to-write.../essay/how-to-build-an- essay#tabs 2725037-03

Referencing is NOT required for this assignment. However, originality will be checked by Turnitin, and penalties will be applied in cases of cheating, plagiarism and collusion.

Writing Guidelines

1.   Describe Hall’s iceberg model in your own words. Discuss some examples of India’s

surface culture that Todd initially experienced and some examples of deep culture, which Todd learned over time (300 words).

Some points to consider:

Hall’s Iceberg Model: When explaining, use your OWN words (not copied from the course materials or internet) to describe the model including the difference between surface and deep culture.

Surface Culture: Step into the shoes of Todd and explore the surface aspects of India through his eyes. Think about the environment, symbols, language, dressing, music, behaviours, customs. Some of these can be linked to deep culture beliefs/values.

Deep Culture: Discuss the important deep culture understanding that Todd

developed over time. What are the subconscious beliefs, assumptions and values of

people and the society as depicted in the movie? Think about the roles in relation to age, sex, class, occupation etc.; Concept of family and/or marriage; ordering of time; nature of friendships; definition of success; relationship to animals; work ethics; ideals of governance; parenting beliefs; religious beliefs; public vs. private space;

2.   Describe the five stages of culture shock in your own words. How did Todd

overcome the challenges of culture shock in the movie, finally reaching the Acceptance stage before leaving India? (350 – 450 words).

a.   Describe the Five Stages of Culture Shock

-     Describe each of the Five Stages: Honeymoon, Crisis, Adjustment, Acceptance, and Re-Entry in your own words.

-     You may review WEEK 2 slides and readings and research on the internet to answer this.

-     Use your OWN words (not copied from the course materials or internet)

b. How did Todd overcome the challenges of culture shock in the movie, finally reaching the Acceptance stage before leaving India?

-     Focus on the earlier stages, in particular moving from Crisis/Disenchantment through to Adjustment and eventually reaching Acceptance stage. You DO NOT have to

discuss the Honeymoon and Re-Entry stage.

-     You may briefly state the challenges that Todd faced, but the focus is on how he

responded to the challenges – his decisions, the changes in mindset/behaviours, the actions he took, and the significance of these leading to him overcoming the initial culture shock.

-     Answers that demonstrate a deeper insight will be rewarded.

An example of how you can write in paragraph structure (this is a DIFFERENT example to the movie):

One of the most significant challenges Jason encountered in the Crisis or

Disenchantment stage was when he was verbally abused by his neighbours.

Although Jason was initially taken aback by the verbal insults, he chose to walk

away from it, and took time to reflect on what happened. The time of reflection is important as it gave him time to process his feelings and examine the facts

surrounding the event. Following that, Jason brought the incident up with his

colleagues at work and some of his colleagues’ questions and advice really helped him. This is the key to Jason understanding the cultural differences in India. For

example, Maria (one of his colleagues) told Jason that…. and that gave Jason the courage to confront his neighbours which led to the shift in both Jason and his

neighbours. This incident led Jason into the Adjustment stage where he started to change his behaviours such as….

3.   Discuss the differences between harmful stereotypes and helpful generalisations in

your own words. Provide one or two examples for each of them based on your personal experience or observation (300 words).

a.    Discuss harmful stereotypes (Paragraph 1)

-     What are stereotypes in your own words? (Refer to the definitions in the Week 1

slides but remember to paraphrase) Provide one or two examples for each of them based on your personal experience or observation. Real personal experiences are preferred. How were they harmful? How did you feel and respond to that?

b.    Discuss helpful generalisations (Paragraph 2)

-     What are generalisations in your own words? (Refer to the definitions in the Week 1 slides but remember to paraphrase). Provide one or two examples for each of them based on your personal experience or observation. How were they helpful? (Think about some generalisations that helped you navigate a new culture).

An example of how you can write in paragraph structure):

1. Stereotypes can be harmful as they refer to….. (discussion of Stereotypes in your own words) One of the common stereotype of people from (culture) is that we are

arrogant and unfriendly to others who do not speak our language. I remember a

classmate of mine from a different culture in my first month here at Monash College who ….. and made me really upset. I had to …. (your response)

2. On the other hand, Generalisations can be helpful as they are (discussion of

Stereotypes in your own words). Before I took a trip to Saudi Arabia a year ago, I was told by a friend that while people are polite and hospitable, it is important that I as a man, not touch or offer a handshake to a Muslim woman as they do not usually have any physical contact with men outside of their immediate family. This generalisation is really helpful for me as I….   .

Assessment #1.4 - Movie Notes

Surface Culture

What did Todd discover about the surface culture in India?

Deep Culture

What did Todd learn about the deep culture in India?

Culture Shock

1. Crisis or Disenchantment – What were some challenges, crisis or disenchantments Todd

experienced? How did he feel and what did he do to cope with the disenchantment initially?

2. Adjustment Did Todd make any adjustments? In what areas? How did he adjust? What worked and what didn’t work?

3. Acceptance – When did Todd start to enter this stage? What did he begin to accept or like about the new culture? How did that happen?
