代写HUDM 5122: Applied Regression Summer 2024代做留学生Matlab编程

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HUDM 5122: Applied Regression Analysis

Course Syllabus


This course covers the theory and application of linear regression models. Topics include least squares estimation theory, simple and multiple regression, including the use of categorical predictors (ANOVA and ANCOVA), and logistic regression for dichotomous outcome variables. Application of the above topics are addressed using SPSS Statistics.


Students will have the opportunity to:

1. Import and prepare data for analysis

2. Learn the theory behind regression analysis

3. Analyze data and perform. regression analysis via statistical software (SPSS)


This section of HUDM 5122 is an online course. All course materials will be delivered online and the course will not meet in person (one weekly in person office hour is available). We will utilize the Canvas site for course content, discussion, exercises and assessments. The midterm and final exams will take place online, within Canvas on June 13th an July 3rd respectively from 7:00 – 9:00 pm.


Course materials will be posted on the Canvas site on a regular basis. Office hours will take place within Canvas as well. Times and dates will be posted on the course site..

There will be two types of exercises available. (1) Assignments will be assigned on a regular basis (4-5 total) and submitted to be graded. Assignments will be submitted as a single PDF document (Only one PDF document will be accepted). You will have 3 – 7 days to complete assignments (late submission is not accepted). Assignments must be completed individually. (2)

Problem sets will be posted. These will not be handed in and collaboration is encouraged.


Cohen, J., Cohen, P., West, S. G., & Aiken, L. S. (2003). Applied multiple regression/correlation analysis for the behavioral sciences (3rd Ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum

Associates. [ISBN: 0-8058-2223-2]

Other Good Texts (not required)

Pedhazur, Elazar, J. (1997). Multiple Regression in Behavioral Research (3rd ed.). Belmont, CA. Wadsworth Publishing.

A more mathematical regression book:

Kutner, M., Nachtsheim, C., Neter, J. (2004). Applied Linear Regression Models (4th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.

APA Formatting Guide:

American Psychological Association. (2009). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Ed., 2nd Printing). Washington, DC: Author.


Grades will be assigned based on the following criteria: assignments (20%), midterm (40%) and the final (40%).


All work submitted electronically will only be accepted as PDF documents. No other file formats will be accepted. Late assignments will not be accepted. Assignments are to be completed individually. The assignments (apx 4) require the use of SPSS. The TC computer labs at 345 Macy and 242 Horace Mann are equipped with SPSS and it is also available as a free download from TC computing.

Below is the general outline (subject to slight modifications) for the course with associated chapters within Cohen, et al. Additional required readings will be made available on the course site.


Date                                          Topics Chapters

05/23                          Review/ Simple Regression                   1, 2, 4

05/31                            Multiple Regression                              3,10

                           Curvilinear relationships and interactions        6, 7

06/13 MIDTERM Exam

06/14                          Categorical Predictors/ANOVA                  8

06/21                                        Factorial ANOVA                       9

06/25                                              ANCOVA                            8

07/02                                    Logistic Regression                       13

07/03                                           FINAL EXAM


1. Accommodations – The College will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. Students are encouraged to contact the Office of Access and Services for Individuals with Disabilities (OASID) for information about registration. You can reach OASID by email at [email protected], stop by 163 Thorndike Hall or call 212-678-3689. Services are available only to students who have registered and submit appropriate documentation. As your instructor, I am happy to discuss specific needs with you as well. Please report any access related concerns about instructional material to OASID and to me as your instructor.

2. Incomplete Grades – For the full text of the Incomplete Grade policy please refer to http://www.tc.columbia.edu/policylibrary/Incomplete Grades

3. Student Responsibility for Monitoring TC email account – Students are expected to monitor their TC email accounts. For the full text of the Student Responsibility for Monitoring TCemail account please refer to http://www.tc.columbia.edu/policylibrary/Student Responsibility for Monitoring TC Email Account

4. Religious Observance – For the full text of the Religious Observance policy, please refer to http://www.tc.columbia.edu/policylibrary/provost/religious-observance/

5. Sexual Harassment and Violence Reporting – Teachers College is committed to maintaining a safe environment for students. Because of this commitment and because of federal and state regulations, we must advise you that if you tell any of your instructors about sexual harassment or gender-based misconduct involving a member of the campus community, your instructor is required to report this information to the Title IX Coordinator, Janice Robinson. She will treat this information as private, but will need to follow up with you and possibly look into the matter. The Ombuds officer for Gender-Based Misconduct is a confidential resource available for students, staff and faculty. “Gender-based misconduct” includes sexual assault, stalking, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual exploitation, and gender-based harassment. For more information, see http://sexualrespect.columbia.edu/gender-based misconduct-policy-students.

6. Emergency Plan – TC is prepared for a wide range of emergencies. After declaringan emergency situation, the President/Provost will provide the community with critical information on procedures and available assistance. If travel to campus is not feasible, instructors will facilitate academic continuity through Canvas and other technologies, if possible.

1. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they are set to receive email notifications from TC and communications from their instructor at their TC email address.

2. Within the first two sessions for the course, students are expected to review and be prepared to follow the instructions stated in the emergency plan.

3. The plan may consist of downloading or obtaining all available readings for the course or the instructor may provide other instructions.
