代写FIT9137 Quiz - Instructions代写数据结构语言程序

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FIT9137 Quiz - Instructions

Please carefully follow the instructions below while working or entering data in the Quiz. If you   fail to follow any of these instructions as well as the instructions provided in the Quiz, you may   lose marks even if the answer you thought of was accurate. Being a Moodle Quiz (with multiple attempts provided), this assessment does not have partial marks.

1. Manually type all your answers (using your laptop/PC keyboard) in the designated answering boxes. Do NOT copy (i.e. copy & paste) any text from another PDF file or any other sources to the designated answering boxes. Copy-pasting may result in “character encoding    errors” and be marked as incorrect on Moodle. Such errors will result in being awarded a mark of zero.


Apply the same level of caution, when typing a negative number. Do NOT copy a negation symbol “-”.

2. While answering questions related to IP addresses, please use dotted decimal notation. Do NOT add any extra whitespaces.

Correct IP address notation example:

3. While answering questions related to MAC/Ethernet/Physical addresses, please use colon Hexadecimal notation.  Do NOT add any extra whitespaces.

Correct MAC address notation example: 2F:EF:86:12:21:11

4. Take caution while entering numerical values as your answers as directed by the question.

You will be asked to determine a message length in bytes (or bits etc.) and you will be instructed to enter the numeric value only as your answer, not the unit of measure (like bits, bytes, etc).

Example: to indicate 220 Bytes, please type 220 only without Bytes.

5. When writing hexadecimal (hex) values, do NOT include a prefix like “0x” and directly write   down the hex value. Also, do not add extra preceding zeros that would increase the number of bits in the representation. For example, to denote a 32-bit value, there should be exactly 8 hex  digits. Writing an additional zero(s) in the beginning (e.g., having 9 hex digits) would render the answer incorrect.

Correct hexadecimal (hex) notation example: ab00cd44    (32-bit value in this example)

Incorrect hex notation examples (for 32-bit values): 0xabccdd92, 001122aadd

6. Do NOT include the symbols ‘<’ and ‘>’ when typing email addresses.

7. When writing negative numerical values, do NOT include any space between the minus sign (-) and the numerical value.

Correct writing of negative values: -2.13      (no spaces)

8. Multiple questions may be dependent on correctly identifying the initial frame/packet. No partial marks will be given if you get the initial frame/packet incorrect. That is, no marks will be awarded if you answer the subsequent questions based on a wrong frame number but a potentially correct approach. We recommend you to take care in answering all questions.

9. For URL addresses, make sure to enter the full address including, for example, http:// Correct URL notation example: http://website.com
