代写Project 3: Explore 1 of the given datasets调试R语言程序

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Project 3: Explore 1 of the given datasets


In Week 9, briefings will be given by your tutors in your Lab class, and then a Video Briefing by your lecturer is in the first ten minutes of the Week 10 Lecture. See a guide to writing a nice report here

Download here


See here for the revision lecture padlet

Links to an external site.

Individual work: Written Report


Deliverable: Client Report

Using one of the given datasets, produce a

Template: Project3Template.Rmd

Download Project3Template.Rmd



Choose one of the 3 given datasets.

Propose a real client.

Write a report for that client ("client report backed up by evidence from the data, an

Data Sets

Choose one:

Breast Cancer

. DatasetDownload Dataset

. SourceLinks to an external site.

.   Additional InformationLinks to an

Global IQ Data

. DatasetDownload Dataset

. SourceLinks to an external site.

Nat ural Disasters [Extension/1901 st . DatasetDownload Dataset

. SourceLinks to an external site. Remember - If thereare additional variables y your analysis with additional data.

RMD file

Create your own .Rmd file in RStudio, and loo structure of your report.




This project is demonstrating "evidence-bas

Your report should be designed for your clie depending on your client's level of statistical

Suggested format for written report:

Recommendation [this is effectively Evidence [this effectively combines

emphasis is not on lots of detail, but Recommendation, noting any limitati


Your report is not a 'cramming' exercise (ie s 'persuasion' exercise. You are writing a prof

advising them to do, and why.

• Remember to put each data set in context cultural competence (e.g no sexism or ra

.,Marking Submissio

Submit your wo

Submit your report on the Global IQ dataset

Submit your report on the Breast Cancer Dataset

Submit your report on the Natural Disasters Dataset

Note: You need to submit both your .html fil Canvas submission assignment, which match simple extension or special consideration, if y


Note: These exemplars are not perfect! So marking criteria has changed (e.g., differen external evidence ect) so only review the e

Exemplar 1(electricity data)

Download Exemplar 1(electricity data) Exemplar 2 (weather data)

Download Exemplar 2 (weather data)

Exemplar 3 (lightrail data)

Download Exemplar 3 (lightrail data)
