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You need to program the Pac-Man game, and its screenshot is shown in
Figure 1. The player controls Pac-Man, who must eat all the dots inside an
enclosed maze while avoiding four colored ghosts. Eating large flashing
dots called "Power Pellets" causes the ghosts to temporarily turn blue,
allowing Pac-Man to eat them for bonus points.
Yor can search Pac-Man and try to play the game first.
Figure 1 The screenshot of Pac-Man
Assessment Criteria:
The overall score 100 will be computed according to the program score
(60%), the document score (30%) and the GUI (graphical user interface)
score (10%). The program score will be assessed based on the score you
get in the game.
The Pac-Man Game Document
Class: CS21-1-3
Student ID:
Student Name: (in Chinese)
Development Tool(s) and Language:
1. Algorithm(s)
Use pseudocode to illustrate the algorithms(s) and try to analyze the complexity of the
2. The Development Procedure
Introduce the procedure of developing the project. Besides, you need to describe what
problems you have encountered during the procedure and the corresponding solutions. You
also need to summarize what you have learned by developing the project.
3. References
Must have English references.
