辅导CSCI 2300调试存储过程、数据库编程调试
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CSCI 2300 — Introduction to Algorithms
Fall 2020 Exam 1 (February 20, 2020) — SOLUTIONS
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• This exam is designed to take 100 minutes, but we will use the full 110 minutes from 6:00-
7:50PM; for 50% extra time, the expected time is 150 minutes, i.e., 5:00-7:30PM
• During the exam, questions will not be answered except when there is a glaring mistake
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your best to interpret and answer each question clearly and concisely
• Long answers are difficult to grade; the space provided should be sufficient for each question;
however, you may use the last page of this exam for overflow work
• All work on this exam must be your own; do not even think of copying from others
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1. (3 POINTS) Given undirected graph G = (V,E) represented by an adjacency matrix, what
is the runtime of DFS to determine whether node t ∈ V is reachable from node s ∈ V ?
Assume individual lookups in the adjacency matrix are O(1). Clearly circle the best answer.
2. (3 POINTS) How many connected components are there in the undirected graph below?
Clearly circle the best answer.
(i.e., {A,B,E, I, J}, {F}, and {C,D,G,H,K,L})
3. (3 POINTS) Applying Dijkstra’s algorithm to the directed graph below, what is the shortest
distance (i.e., minimum sum of all edge weights) from node A to node F? Clearly circle the
best answer.
SOLUTION: 6 (5 edges MAKEUP) (i.e., path A→ B → C → D → G→ F )
4. (3 POINTS) How many strongly connected components are there in the directed graph
below? Clearly circle the best answer.
SOLUTION: 3 (i.e., {A,B,E}, {C}, and {D,F,G,H, I})
5. (3 POINTS) What is the minimum number of edges you must add to the directed graph
below to make it strongly connected? Clearly circle the best answer.
SOLUTION: 2 (i.e., there are five SCCs: source SCCs {B} and {E}; SCCs {A} and {G,H, I};
and sink SCC {C,D, F, J}; therefore, we must add an edge from any node of the sink SCC
to any node of each source SCC, for a total of 2 such edges)
6. (12 POINTS) Draw an undirected graph G with five nodes and seven edges such that
the pre and post numbers from the DFS algorithm for all but one of the nodes differ by at
least 3 (i.e., for each node u in G, post(u) > pre(u) + 2).
• (2 points) graph is undirected
• (2 points) graph has five nodes
• (2 points) graph has seven edges
• (6 points) graph has at least one node from which DFS meets the pre/post number
7. (12 POINTS) Draw a directed acyclic graph (DAG) with four nodes that has two sources
and four distinct topological orderings.
• (2 points) graph is a DAG
• (2 points) graph has four nodes
• (4 points) graph has two sources
• (4 points) graph has four distinct topological orderings
8. (12 POINTS) Draw a graph with four nodes for which Dijkstra’s algorithm fails to find the
shortest path between a source node S and at least one other node, but the Bellman-Ford
algorithm succeeds.
• (1 points) graph has source node S shown
• (1 points) graph has four nodes
• (4 points) Dijkstra’s algorithm fails from node S to at least one other node specifically
due to a negative weight that causes distance d to propagate incorrectly (see example in
sample Exam 1 prep solutions)
• (6 points) The Bellman-Ford algorithm successfully finds shortest paths from node S
to all other nodes (watch for negative cycles, which also “breaks” the Bellman-Ford
9. (12 POINTS) Draw a connected undirected graph with six nodes and at least six edges in
which the shortest (i.e., minimum weight) path between two nodes u and v is not part of any
minimum spanning tree (MST). Show the shortest path, then draw all possible MSTs.
• (2 points) graph has six nodes
• (2 points) graph has at least six edges
• (4 points) all possible MSTs are shown
• (4 points) shortest path between identified nodes u and v is not part of any MST (u
and v must be shown on graph)
10. (12 POINTS) Draw a strongly connected directed graph G = (V,E) with |V | = ?? (varies)
such that, for every u ∈ V , removing u from G leaves a directed graph that is no longer
strongly connected.
• (1 points) graph is a directed graph
• (2 points) graph has specified number of nodes (varies with version of exam)
• (3 points) graph is strongly connected
• (6 points) graph is a cycle (i.e, removing any node u causes resulting graph to no longer
be strongly connected)
11. (12 POINTS) Write an algorithm to find a path that traverses all edges of directed graph G
exactly once or determines that such a path does not exist for G. You may visit nodes multiple
times, if necessary. Show the runtime complexity of your algorithm.
• (5 points) algorithm is correct (look for counter-examples)
• (1 points) algorithm identifies/returns a path...
• (2 points) ...or determines that such a path does not exist
• (4 points) runtime complexity is shown and is accurate
12. (13 POINTS) Consider the following pseudocode of a function that takes integer n ≥ 0 as
function netflix(n):
print '*'
if n == 0: return
for i = 0 to n - 1:
print '*'
netflix(n - 1)
Let T (n) be the number of times the above function prints a star ('*') when called with
valid input n ≥ 0. What is T (n) exactly, in terms of n only (i.e., remove any reference of T ()
on the right-hand side). Prove your statement.
• (7 points) T (n) can be expressed as
T (n) =
or just
T (n) =
(n + 1)(n + 2)
Note that i could start at 0 in the summation; other rearrangements of this are fine as
long as T () does not appear on the RHS
• (6 points) Proof by induction is the best approach here, though (similar to the home-
work) stating that this is proven by definition is also fine