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CS103 - Pagerank
1 Introduction
You will write a program to rank webpages in an artificial webgraph. Your program will implement Pagerank algorithm
[1] used by Google to order search results. Pagerank is not the only algorithm used currently by google to order search
results, but it is the first used by the company[2].
This assignment requires you to create C++ classes to model objects in a webgraph such as webpages. You will also
use file I/O and stringstreams to read and write text files containing web information. Further, you will understand
how to implement directed graphs in C++ that represent webpages and their outbound links. Pages are represented
by vertices, while links between pages are directed edges connecting pages.
In this document, the word link is used interchangeably with hyperlink.
2 Background
The world wide web (WWW) is a network of web pages that are connected through hyperlinks. WWW is described by
a webgraph: vertices of the graph correspond to webpages, the directed edges between vertices represent hyperlinks.
Figure 1: Example of a webgraph
Figure 1 shows an artificial webgraph. The graph shows that there is a link from isi.edu to usc.edu. It also shows
that usc.edu and ucla.edu both have links to nsf.gov.
You will create a Page class that represent webpages. A webpage object should contain information about the
page name and the links from the page.
Links can be represented by arrays, vectors or lists. Each webpage should store the page ids of the pages it is
referencing – have an outbound links to them.
3 Pagerank
Pagerank [1] assigns numerical weights to pages in a webgraph. The purpose of the weights is to measure the importance
of a page among the rest. The algorithm attempts to model random surfer’s behavior who clicks on links at random.
The pagerank of a page represents the probability that a random surfer end up visiting that page.
Pagerank is defined as:
PR(A) =

where PR(A) is the Pagerank of page A, PR(v) is the Pagerank of pages v which link to page A, L(v) is the number
of outbound links on page v, and BA is the set of pages that link to A
Figure 2: Pagerank example
Consider the graph in Figure 2, where A links to C, B links A, C links to A and B, and D has no incoming links.
We get the following equations for the Pagerank calculation:
Since we are dealing with probabilities we have PR(A) + PR(B) + PR(C) + PR(D) = 1. We need three more
equations to calculate pageranks, we pick:
PR(A) = PR(B) +
PR(B) =
+ PR(D)
PR(C) = PR(A)
Solving the above equations we get
PR(A) =
= 0.4 PR(B) =
= 0.2 PR(C) =
= 0.4 PR(D) = 0.0 (1)
4 Prelab
The purpose of the prelab is to give you intuition into the Pagerank. Before getting into the details, you need to get
familiar with the project files and skeleton code.
We provided you a skeleton code. You can check the code by going to Vocareum, select the PA, launch the terminal
and type:
$ls -1
gen_web.py #Python script to generate random graphs
graph_20_1_random.png #Picture visualizing a graph with 20 pages.
graph_20_1_random.txt #Description of a graph with 20 pages - visualized in graph_20_1_random.png
graph_30_0 .5 _random.png
graph_30_0 .5 _random.txt
graph_rep.png #Picture visualizing a graph shown in Figure 2
graph_rep.txt #Description of a graph shown in Figure 2
Makefile #Makefile to compile your code.
page.h #Models a page in the webgraph.
page_rank.cpp #main() function that reads graph description from a file ,calcuate
#pagerank and write results into a file.
readme.txt #readme file , where you answer prelab questions.
web.h #Web class contains all Pages and implement pagerank algorithm
Generate a random graph by using the gen web.py script. Make sure you are in the assignment directory and
./ gen_web.py -N 4 -s 1 -o mygraph.txt -g
This generates a random webgraph with 4 pages similar to the one in Figure 3. The graph description is at
mygraph.txt. A picture of the graph is at mygraph.png.
Calculate pageranks of the pages in the graph you generated. Let PR(id = k) be the page rank of the page
with id=k. Formulate four equations starting with PR(id = 0) + PR(id = 1) + PR(id = 2) + PR(id = 3) = 1
and solve them by any mean you want. Pageranks for pages in the graph shown in Figure 3 is: PR(id = 0) = 25 ,
PR(id = 1) = 15 , PR(id = 2) =
5 and PR(id = 3) =
5 .
Note: In your readme.txt, include the equations and solution for the pageranks of the graph you generated. Make
sure to show your work.
Figure 3: A Random Webgraph
5 Randomwalk and Pagerank
Calculating Pagerank analytically for large webgraph - millions of pages - is computationally challenging due to the
large number of variables, and equations. It requires solving millions of equations.
Since PageRank is trying to measure the behavior of a random web surfers traversing the web, we can simulate
those surfers. You will use a randomwalk to model the behavior of a random web surfer. In randomwalk, a walker
(modeling a web surfers) starts at a random page and keeps moving from one page to another by selecting one of the
outgoing edges randomly. In order to simulate, we need some way model the web graph and the links. You will need
to create classes to represent pages and their connections. Since the pagerank of a page represents the probability
that a random surfer eventually visits that page, you are going to simulate a large number of surfers who randomly
click on links. After some time, the population at each page is an estimate of the page rank.
The algorithm is as follows.
Let S be the number o f s imu la t i on i t e r a t i o n s .
Let N i s the number o f walkers .
Divide the walkers equa l l y a c r o s s pages .
f o r i = 1 : S do
Each walker chooses a l i n k randomly from i t s cur rent page
and walk over the edge to a new page
fo r each page p do
pagerank (p) = the propor t ion o f walkers in page p .
(a) time t = 0 (b) time t = 1
Figure 4: Random surfers behavior
Suppose at time t = 0 the four walkers, red,green, blue and yellow, are distributed uniformly among the pages in
the graph shown in Figure 4. Walker green has only one link to click, which is B, while Red has two options A or B.
Yellow and blue both have one link to clicks. Red chooses one randomly let assume it is A. At time t = 1, page A
has two walkers , while B and A have one each. After simulating randomwalks for some time, you can calculate the
pagerank. The proportion of the walkers on a page is an estimate of the pagerank.
6 File format
Your program is required to read and writing from a textfile containing information about the webgraph. The format
of the file is as below.
1: Number of webpages in the file
2: pageid 0
3: Page URL
4: Page Rank
5: ids of hyperlinked webpages(outgoing links separated by spaces).
... ...
n-3: pageid k
n-2: Page URL
n-1: Page Rank
n: ids of hyperlinked webpages(outgoing links separated by spaces).
Below is an example of a file describing the graph shown in Figure 2.
A. com
0 .0
B. com
0 .0
C. com
0 .0
0 1
D. com
0 .0
7 Procedure
1. Implement a class to model a web page and its outgoing links following the specification in Figure 5.
The class Page is already defined in page.h. You need to implement the class in page.cpp. You may also need
to declare new methods in page.h and implement them in page.cpp. The class should contain:
Figure 5: Page class
(a) An integer to represent the pageid.
(b) A string to represent the page URL.
(c) An array or vector to model the outbound links of the page.
(d) Methods to access and modify internal data.
2. Implement a class to model the webgraph following the specification in Figure 6. The class should be able to
read/write a graph description, and calculate pagerank.
The class Web defined in web.h models the webgraph. You need to implement web.cpp and you can declare
additional methods and data members in web.h
Figure 6: Web class
(a) A list of the pages in the webgraph.
(b) A method read graph() to read a graph from the file.
(c) A method write graph() to write a webgraph to a file.
(d) A method to calculate the pagerank.
3. The main program is already implemented in page rank.cpp. The main() creates an object of type Web and
instructs it to read from a file, then calculate pagerank and finally, write the graph into a file.
Through command line arguments main() takes a graph description file, output file, number of random surfers
and number of simulation iterations.
To run the main you can type the following from the command line arguments:
$./ pagerank
4. Run your program with the example provided with the project files.
(a) To calculate the page rank of a graph in shown in Figure 2:
$./ pagerank graph_rep.txt graph_out.txt 1000 16000
This reads the webgraph information from graph rep.txt – graph depicted in figure2, performs randomwalk
to calculate pagerank with 1000 walkers for 16000 simulation steps, and write the webgraph with the
pagerank in graph out.txt. The output graph should look like, which is pretty close to what we calculated
in Equation 1
0 1
(b) Calculate the pagerank of graph 20 1 random.txt by running
./ pagerank graph_20_1_random.txt graph_20_1_random_out.txt 10000 16000
Page rank of hrs5lwt8.mil should be close to 0.3595, 2005b.gov 0.3672, and s3b.com is 0.2733.
(c) Pagerank of graph 30 0.5 random.txt
./ pagerank graph_30_0 .5 _random.txt graph_30_0 .5 _random_out.txt 10000 16000
Pagerank of vnm1um.edu is 0.3631, 1cr.mil is 0.311 and 2s.net is 0.3259.
8 Submission
In addition to completed web.h, web.cpp, page.h, page.cpp and page rank.cpp files, you need to include a readme.txt
with the solution to the pagerank equations for the random graph you generated. Be sure to include mygraph.txt
as well.
[1] L. Page, S. Brin, R. Motwani, and T. Winograd, “The pagerank citation ranking: Bringing order to the web.,”
Technical Report 1999-66, Stanford InfoLab, November 1999. Previous number = SIDL-WP-1999-0120.
[2] Wikipedia, “Pagerank — wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,” 2017. [Online; accessed 28-October-2017].
