代写EUB405 Assessment 1 - Critique代写Processing

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Assessment 1 - Critique

This document provides you with information about the requirements for your assessment. Detailed instructions and resources are included for completing the task. The Criterion Reference Assessment (CRA) Rubric that markers use to grade the assessment task is included.

Task overview

Assessment name

Critique (written)

Task description

This task involves the critique of teaching material used in a learning area and suggestions for scaffolding to reflect the needs of EAL/D learners.  Commonly used teaching resources are designed for learners who are proficient in

Standard Australian English (SAE). Through identifying language demands and cultural assumptions and representations, you will evaluate a multimodal resource typically used in Queensland schools for its efficacy for use with a group of EAL/D learners at Bandscale Level 5.  This group is broad and varied and includes migrant students who are literate in their L1, refugee-background learners who may have had interrupted schooling and who have limited literacy in their L1; Indigenous learners who may speak Aboriginal English or a creole, etc.  Learners in each of these groups may speak several languages but are still learning SAE.  

This is an authentic assessment because it provides you with real world experience in identifying opportunities to teach language alongside content, and in differentiating teaching materials for learners who are developing proficiency in SAE.

Task snapshot


1500 words +/-10% (word length includes in-text referencing and excludes your reference list and appendices)


40 %

Individual or Group


Formative or Summative

The final product is summative; however, feedback on your assignment has a formative dimension, as it is designed to ‘feed forward’ to assist with your ability to teach language alongside content.

How will I be assessed

Rubric (HD – LF)

Learning outcomes measured

1. Demonstrating professional knowledge of the needs of EAL/D learners, including an awareness of recent developments in the learning areas of second language acquisition, learning and teaching (CLO1).

2. Reflecting critically on the ways in which educational theories of curriculum, teaching, and learning shape and inform. pedagogical, planning and assessment practices in relation to EAL/D learners (CLO2).  


3. Demonstrating the skills required to synthesise complex ideas about second language acquisition and learning to create inclusive and positive learning environments in discipline areas (CLO3).  

4. Communicating effectively and professionally communicating in all modes of scholarly and professional engagement to support EAL/D learners in discipline areas (CLO8).  

The assessment related directly to APSTs 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.4 (please see https://www.aitsl.edu.au/teach/standards  for further information on these standards).

Submission information

What you need to do

1. In pairs, you will critique a multimodal text for use by EAL/D learners at Bandscale Level 5. Select a typical multimodal classroom text from a chosen area of the curriculum. This can be from Prep to Year 6 (e.g., Year 3 Science, Year 5 Maths, Year 6 English). The text must be multimodal (contain written text and audio or visuals). A maximum of two indicative pages from the text will be selected for the critique. If you use a video, include two relevant screen shots and a transcript. of the selected excerpt from the video. The multimodal text could be: a section from a school textbook; a short story; a picture book; a section of a novel or film; an educational video; classroom handouts; other commercially produced resources.  Worksheets/task-sheets alone will not be a suitable resource: you need enough text to analyse - at least 200 words. When choosing the text, make sure it is TYPICALLY USED, not specially written so that it is easy for EAL/D learners or has no cultural bias. These are not typical, although some more recently produced teaching materials do make an effort.

2. Annotate and critique the text, identifying the language demands and the cultural dimensions (cultural representations, cultural bias, knowledge) that are assumed and valued in the resource, including a clear Indigenous perspective. It is essential that you not only identify language demands and cultural dimensions that may be challenging, but also use relevant EAL/D literature to explain why these features may be challenging to EAL/D learners. For the purpose of this assignment we will assume that your EAL/D learners are around Band 5 for all language skills in the State Schools Queensland Bandscales.  https://education.qld.gov.au/student/Documents/intro-guide-bandscales-state-schools-qld.pdf. Scaffolding to enable you to do this is embedded in the workshop activities throughout the unit.

3. Offer specific suggestions on how you would scaffold the text so that it is more accessible/appropriate for EAL/D learners. Base your decisions on current, reputable and relevant readings from the unit and further reading and support your ideas with reference to this literature.  

4. In writing up the report, you will present it in two parts. You can set it out as a report with sub-headings.  

5. Part 1 – Identifying language demands and cultural assumptions and representations. Begin this section with your annotated resource, followed by your written explanation of which features you have identified and why these features may prove challenging for your EAL/D learners at Band 5. Critique each resource in turn:

a. Brief summary of where the resource is from and where it is used in the subject area/phase of learning. (50 words)

b. Comment on the language demands of the resource and why these features may prove challenging for your EAL/D learners at Band 5 by drawing on relevant EAL/D literature. Look for: complexity of the language used e.g., vocab and associated concepts, sentence types, grammar structures used (use the additional sheet called ‘Finding the language help’ on Canvas and lecture/tutorial input and readings). 

c. Comment on the cultural information that is assumed and valued in the resources and why these features may prove challenging for your EAL/D learners at Band 5 by drawing on relevant EAL/D literature. Use the 7 Forms of Cultural Bias checklist we will use in class. Explain the evidence in the resource. How might this bias be problematic? Consider Indigenous learners and draw on what you have learned in the Indigenous unit. Parts 1b. and 1c. will take up approx. 550 words of prose (not including the selected text or annotations).

6. Part 2 - Offer specific suggestions for how you would scaffold the text, so it is more accessible and appropriate for EAL/D learners at Band 5.  Ensure that in your response to Part 2 you address the key language demands and cultural assumptions you identified in Part 1. Base your pedagogical decisions on current, reputable literature. Avoid general suggestions, such as ‘show a picture’. Suggest specific scaffolding strategies and materials to help EAL/D learners to access and engage with the content of the text and to make it more culturally inclusive (900 words).

7. The analysis and suggested scaffolding should draw upon a total of at least eight relevant EAL/D readings from the unit and your own readings.

Resources available to complete task

· QUT cite|write – APA guide

· How to submit an assignment with Turnitin

What you need to submit

One Adobe PDF document or Microsoft Word document that contains the following items:

1. Assignment Cover Sheet – must include:

· unit code, unit name, semester and year, assignment title, student name, student number, word count

· the following statement of authorship:

In submitting this work, I declare that, unless otherwise acknowledged, this work is wholly my own. I understand that my work may be submitted to Turnitin and consent to this taking place.

Submission requirements

This assessment task must:

1. use QUT APA referencing for citing academic literature

2. be submitted in electronic format as an Adobe PDF document or Microsoft Word document via Turnitin by following these steps:

a. Access the Turnitin Submission link >>View/Complete

b. Click on the Submit button

c. Give the submission a title, select the correct file and click Upload

d. Click Confirm

e. Click Return to Assignment list

f. To check successful submission, you will receive a text match %, and you are able to resubmit, view or download your paper

g. ALWAYS check your student email for the submission receipt


All staff who are assessing your work meet to discuss and compare their judgements before marks or grades are finalised.

