代写MAS8502: Project代做留学生SQL语言
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You should submit your project to Canvas no later than 12 noon on Tuesday 14th January. You should submit your report as a pdf no longer than 12 pages, along with a .Rmd file which contains the code used to generate your analysis (i.e. submit two files).
Project brief
In this project, you will analyse the Telemarketing data set, which describes the outcomes of telemarketing attempts by a Portuguese bank to convince clients to take out long term deposits.
You should download the telemarketing.RData file from Canvas and save it to a suitable folder to contain your work. To import the data into R, set your working directory to be the folder containing the telemarketing.RData file, and run the following line in your R session:
The variables included in this dataset are:
• age – The age of the client;
• marital – The client’s marital status, coded as 1 for married, 0 otherwise;
• default – Does the client have credit in default? Coded as 1 (yes) & 0 (no);
• housing – Does the client have a housing loan?
• contact – How was the client contacted? Coded as 1 for by mobile phone, 0 for landline;
• campaign – Number of times the client was contacted this campaign;
• previous – Number of times the client was contacted before this campaign
• emp.var.rate – Quarterly employment variation indicator
• cons.price.idx – Monthly consumer price index
• cons.conf.idx – Monthly consumer confidence index
• euribor3m – Daily Euribor 3 month rate
• y – Did the client take out a long term deposit? (Target variable)
Note that the variables are a mixture of demographic (age, marital), financial (default, housing), problem-specific (contact, campaign, previous) and socio-economic (emp.var.rate, cons.price.idx, cons.conf.idx, euribor3m) variables.
You will use a random sample of size 5000 (approximately 12.5% of the data) for your project, where your specific data will be based on your student number. To extract your specific data, run the following code:
set.seed(my_student_number) # REPLACE my_student_number with your student number
take_rows <- sample(1:nrow(telemarketing), 5000, replace = F)
my_data <- telemarketing[take_rows, ]
The resulting data frame called my_data should be used for your analysis.
Your goal is to build a classifier for y – whether or not the client took out a long term deposit (i.e. whether the telemarketing was successful for that individual), using (at least some of) the 11 available predictors. It should be stressed that this is a real data set and there is no “correct” answer. Instead, what is required is evidence of an understanding of the main statistical ideas, sound interpretation of results, sensible and reasoned comparisons of classifiers, and demonstration of competence in the use of R as a tool for data analysis.
Things to Consider
• Consider carefully how you will clean and process the data, e.g. through handling housing = 'unknown', or the response (target) variable, y, being classified as of type character;
• Make sure to include some exploratory data analysis, how can you represent these vari- ables (and the relationships between them) numerically and graphically? What can you say about these relationships prior to model fitting?
• You should consider a variety of different modelling approaches with different approaches to variable selection – where possible you should make sure to explain the model design decisions you have made. Again this is a real dataset, and so there will be several perfectly valid approaches here, just be sure to explain what you have done and why you have done it. You ought to consider at least one method of regularised regression and compare and contrast regression method(s) with those from discriminant analysis.
• Make sure to include a discussion of inferences from your models as well as how well they predict – which variables were/weren’t useful predictors of whether the campaign would be successful? What was the effect of the variables which were significant?
• Consider how you can report and compare the effectiveness of your different classifiers in a way that is fair. Which model performs best? What are your conclusions?
Writing the report
• You should experiment with different plots and commands using the console directly (or
in a .R file that you use for exploration).
• However, when you’re creating the report, you must put the text that describes you findings and the R code required to produce the plots or numbers in a single R Markdown file (with extension .Rmd)
• The main exceptions are the commands setwd(), View() and (potentially) install.packages(). Never include these commands in an R Markdown file as these are details that are specific to each person’s computer.
• Do not pre-generate the results, save the plots, and then manually put the plots into a Word document (or equivalent) that contains the text. The plots and numbers should be generated automatically when you click the Knit button in RStudio. This is a much more efficient approach.
• Related to the above, do not generate a Word or HTML document using the .Rmd file and then print it as a PDF. Again, this is the wrong approach because it is less efficient and because the formatting of HTML and PDF files is deliberately quite different (you wouldn’t expect a web page to look the same as a printed report).
• One option that is useful if you want to hide code (e.g., due to a page limit) is to set echo = FALSE in knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE). For this assessment, you don’t need to show your R code in the PDF because you have to submit the Rmd file as well, where I will be able to see your code.
Marking criteria
Reports will be marked on the university scale. Credit will be given for:
• Mathematical accuracy – How well you apply the statistical techniques in your report.
• Methodology – An understanding of why you have chosen the techniques that you have, and what their output means in terms of your investigation.
• Critical evaluation – A discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of your methods, how things could be improved, etc.
• Report structure and presentation – How well your report is written in terms of structure,
how well it flows, and so on (i.e., aiming for a single, coherent piece of writing, as opposed to lots of separate answers jammed together)
• Reproducibility – Can I reproduce your report using the .Rmd file? You can check the repro- ducibility by copying your files to another computer, and see if RStudio generates the same report without errors.
• Extra credit will be given for any reading/techniques implemented from outside the scope of the module, but this is not a requirement to receive a good mark. Similarly, any investigations carried out beyond what was described in the report task will also be considered for extra credit.
As such, the marking scale (out of 100) will be:
• 80+ (Upper distinction) – A publication quality piece of work.
• 70 − 79 (Lower Distinction) – A very good piece of work showing strong understanding.
• 60 − 69 (Merit) – A solid attempt, mostly hitting the main points.
• 50 − 59 (Pass) – More good than bad, but clear areas to improve.
• < 50 (Fail) – Significant things went wrong or weren’t attempted.