代写CSCI 104 HW4: Programming Assignment代写C/C++程序
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HW4: Programming Assignment
Due: Friday, December 6th, 11:59pm PST
To access the written portion of this assignment, click here
The GitHub Classroom link to access this assignment is: here
In this project we have provided a substantial code base.
You MUST provide a Makefile for Problem 3 so that we can compile your code (notrun it) by simply typing make which should, among other compilation commands, produce an executable floorplan
Rememberto compile and test your code inside Docker(but should do your git commands outside Docker)
We will not be providing the full testing suite forthis assignment. You are expected to test your own code to figure out if it works. However, we’ve given you a test helperin avlbst_testcase_builder and a README guide inside.
Problem 1 (Binary Search Tree Iterators, 17%)
We are providing you with interface specifi cations for binary search trees.
We are providing for you a half-fi nished fi le bst.h (in the homework-resources repository) which implements a simple binary search tree. We are also providing a complete print_bst.h fi le that allows you to visually see yourtree, for help in debugging. You will need to complete the implementation for all seven functions that have TODO next to their declaration in bst.h . We provide additional clarifi cations forthe following functions, where n is the number of nodes in the tree, and h is the height of the tree:
void insert(const std::pair
1. keyValuePair)
: This function will insert a new node into the tree with the specifi ed key and value. There is no guarantee the tree is balanced before or afterthe insertion. If key is already in the tree, you should overwrite the current value with the updated value. Runtime is O(h) .
2. void remove(const Key& key) : This function will remove the node with the specifi ed key from the tree. There is no guarantee the tree is balanced before or afterthe removal. If the key is not already in the tree, this function will do nothing. If the node to be removed has two children, swap with its predecessor (not its successor) in the BST removal algorithm. If the node to be removed has exactly one child, you can promote the child. You may NOT just swap key,value pairs. You must swap the actual nodes by changing pointers, but we have given you a helperfunction to do this in the BST class: nodeSwap() . Runtime ofremoval should be O(h) .
3. void clear() : Deletes all nodes inside the tree, resetting it to the empty tree. Runtime is O(n) .
4. Node* internalFind(const Key& key) : Returns a pointerto the node with the specifi ed key. Runtime is O(h) .
5. Node* getSmallestNode() : Returns a pointerto the node with the smallest key. This function is used by the iterator. Runtime is O(h) .
6. bool isBalanced() const : Returns true if the BST is an AVL Tree (that is, for every node, the height of its left subtree is within 1 of the height of its right subtree). It is okay if your algorithm is not particularly effi cient, as long as it is O(n^2) . This function may help you debug your AVL Tree in problem 2.
7. Constructor and destructor: Your destructor will probably just call the clearfunction. The constructor should take constant time.
8. You will need to implement the unfi nished functions of the iterator class.
Note that a BST (as well as any map implementation) should always be organized via the key of the key/value pair.
Problem 2 (AVL Trees, 30%)
We are providing you a half-fi nished fi le avlbst.h for implementing an AVL Tree. It builds on the fi le you completed forthe previous question.
Complete this fi le by implementing the insert() and remove() functions for AVL Trees. You are strongly encouraged to use private/protected helperfunctions.
Notes and Requirements
1. Forthe insert() method, you should handle duplicate entries by overwriting the current value with the updated value.
2. There is a data member variable height_ forthe AVLNode in avlbst.h which you should use to store and update the height of a given node.
3. When writing a class (AVLTree) that is derived from a templated class (BinarySearchTree), accessing the inherited members must be done by scoping (i.e. BinarySearchTree
4. This note may not make sense until you have started coding. Your AVLTree will inherit from your BST. This means the root member of BST is a Node type pointer that points to an AVLNode (since you will need to create AVLNodes with height values for your AVLTree), which is fi ne because a base Node pointer can point at derived AVLNode s. If you need to access AVLNode-specifi c members (i.e., members that are part of AVLNode but not Node) then one simple way is to (down)cast your Node pointerto an AVLNode pointer, as in static_cast
5. When erasing (removing) a key that has 2 children, you should always swap it with its predecessor. Again, you must swap the nodes positions in the tree and not just the key/value pairs. Again, use the provided nodeSwap function to help you.
6. You do not need to submit any tests for your AVL tree and iterator but obviously you should test it. You are welcome to commit/push those tests but they will not be graded.
7. Your AVL implementation must maintain the balance of the tree and provide O(log n)runtime for insert , remove , and find . Failure to do so could lead to severe point deductions on this problem.
Helperfunctions like: rotateLeft(...) and rotateRight(...) are a great idea. Even simple ones like isLeftChild(n, p) or isRightChild(n,p , etc. are fine. Anything that makes it easierto abstract (and thus ensure correctness) of the algorithm.
Problem 3 (Backtracking, 20%)
In this problem you will be given a set ofrectangular pieces and an NxM rectangular surface with the goal of fi nding a layout of all those pieces such that they ALL fi t within the surface without overlapping each other(like a puzzle). Each tile will have a specifi ed length and height.
Your program should take two parameters: the fi rst is the fi lename input, and the second is the filename output. You will call your program in the following manner:
./floorplan input.txt output.txt
The input fi le will be in the following format:
ID1 l1 h1
ID2 l2 h2
N is the length of the surface, M is the height of the surface, X is the number of tiles you have to place, IDi is the identifying number of the i th tile, li is the length of the i th tile, and hi is the height of the i th tile. (0,0)represents the lower-left corner of the surface and (N-1, 0)represents the lower-right corner. All values will be integers. Otherthan a bad fi lename (i.e. fi le doesn’t exist) there will be no other format errors you have to check forin this fi le.
You will store this data in a map (fi rst std::map then later your AVLTree ). The keyType will be an integer, which will organize rectangles by theirintegerID value. The valueType will be the class of type Rectangle , specifi ed below:
struct Rectangle {
int ID;
int length;
int height;
You must place all X tiles within the surface in such a way that no tiles overlap. You can rotate the rectangles (i.e. change their orientation), which will be accomplished by swapping a rectangle’s height and length values. It is perfectly fi ne to have free space on the surface as long as all the rectangles fi t somewhere.
Your solution will be stored in another map (again, fi rst std::map then later your AVLTree ). The keyValue of the map will be a rectangle’s ID, and the valueType will be a pair of integers, indicating the lower-left coordinate of the tile’s location. The orientation of the rectangle does not need to be stored explicitly but will be refl ected by the current height and length.
Your program should solve this problem using backtracking search. Probably the easiest way to accomplish this (though there are others) is to recurse over allrectangles. Try to place the tile in any available coordinate. If no coordinate works, you should backtrack.
Don’t forget you can rotate a tile by swapping its height and length values (i.e. when you try to place it you would need to try both orientations before declaring failure).
If all tiles are placed, then you should print the contents of your solution using the following format:
ID1 x1 y1 l1 h1
ID2 x2 y2 l2 h2
IDX xX yX lX hX
(xi, yi) are the bottom left coordinates of tile i , li is the length of tile i , and hi is the height of tile i .
If you exhaustively search all possibilities and fi nd no solution, you should output No solution found. .
In either case, your program should terminate when it fi nds a solution oris unable to fi nd a solution. You do not need to output all possible solutions.
10 10 2
576 10 5
297 4 10
Possible Output:
297 0 0 4 10
576 4 0 5 10
Rectangle 576 is rotated so as to fi t in the above example.
5 5 2
17 3 3
29 3 3
Necessary Output:
No solution found.
6 6 4
42 3 5
56 6 1
79 5 1
89 5 2
Possible Output:
42 0 0 3 5
56 0 5 6 1
79 3 0 1 5
89 4 0 2 5
There may be many possible layouts. You need show only 1 valid layout. Which one does not matter, just one that works.
Debug your code until it works.
Using your AVL Map Implementation
Because AVL-Trees (and BSTs in general) are just one way of implementing a map or set let’s attempt to replace std::map 5 points of this problem is to go back and change the typedef’s of InputMapType and OutputMapType to use your AVLTree implementations. You will need to update any calls to std::map::erase to appropriately pass a key (ratherthan an iterator) to AVLTree::remove .
Test your code again. If it does not work now, it is a bug in your AVLTree. If you can’t get your AVL Tree working or can’t solve a new bug in your AVL Tree that this application exposes, go back and use std::map . You will not be eligible for those 10 points.
Finishing Up
Completion Checklist
Use git status in the pa4-username directory to make sure that there are no modifi ed source code fi les that need to be submitted. If there are, use git add and git commit to commit those changes.
Then use git push to push those changes to Github.
Files to push:
floorplan.cpp , bst.h , avlbst.h , print_bst.h
Your Makefile , make sure it will create a floorplan exe fi le in the hw4 directory (same as where Makefi le should be). You shouldn’t need to worry about this unless you modifi ed your Makefile .
If you have fi les you don’t want to push (like garbage .o fi les), you can add/edit the .gitignore fi le and push that instead.
Note that you were not given one this time, make your own!
Ensure you add/commit/push all your source code fi les to your
pa4-username repository.
WAIT! You aren’t done yet. Complete the sections below to ensure you’ve committed all your code.