代写EMET8002 Semester 2 2024 Quiz代写Java程序

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EMET8002 Semester 2 2024

The quiz is worth 20% of your final mark. There are two questions and you have to answer both of them. Question 1 is worth 8 marks and Question 2 is worth 12 marks. You can work on these questions in your own time and you need to submit your answers through the Turnitin link on Wattle any time before the due date.

Question 1 - Approximately 500 words [8 marks]

This question does not require you to undertake any analysis yourself. Rather, you are being  asked to critique an existing paper on “Work from Home and Disability Employment” by Bloom, Dahl, & Rooth (2024). The paper is available at the following link:

•   https://www.nber.org/system/files/working_papers/w32943/w32943.pdf

You can download a PDF version of the paper directly, or if you are off-campus you may need to enter your ANU e-mail address on that page and it will be emailed to you (see https://www.nber.org/papers/w32943).

Answer the following questions in your own words.

1a) What are the research questions and what data is used to test those questions? Include a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the data used in this paper. [2 marks]

1b) What are the main data analysis techniques used to test those research questions (from part a)? Describe at least one of those techniques in detail. [3 marks]

1c) How could the analysis be extended using a different model or technique? [3 marks]

Question 2 – Approximately 600 words [12 marks]

This question requires you to undertake your own analysis using PISA 2018 data. Stata data files have been uploaded to Wattle for your convenience (see Assessments / Data for Online Quiz). The

PISA student data file has been restricted to Australian students to reduce the file size. If you wish to use a different country or multiple countries, feel free to download the original SPSS data files from  the PISA website and import them in Stata using the import spss command. The questionnaires and other documentation are also available from the PISA 2018 website:


To answer this question, you are not allowed to use any of the model specifications we previously covered in the computer labs on PISA data; in other words, you must come up with different dependent and independent variables.

2a) Identify a dependent variable that could be estimated by a binary, ordered or multinomial logit  model. Which of these models would you recommend for estimating this variable? Justify why you would choose this model over the other. [3 marks]

2b) Describe a research question that can be analysed with the model and the dependent variable that you chose in part (a). State your null and alternative hypotheses. Remember to back up your research question with existing literature and/or theory (2-3 references). [4 marks]

2c) Estimate a model with no more than five independent variables to test your research question from part (b). Present your findings in a Table and interpret the sign and the statistical significance of the

coefficients. Do you find evidence to support your research hypothesis? Explain. [5 marks]

Include your Stata code (log file) in your assignment submission.
