代做Math 270 Linear Algebra # 11581 Summer 2024代做Statistics统计

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Math 270 Math 270 Linear Algebra # 11581

Summer 2024

TuWeTh 6:00PM – 8:05PM

3 Units

8 Week class from Jun 24 to August 18, 2024

Textbook: Linear Algebra and Its Applications by David C. Lay, Steven R. Lay, and Judi J. McDonald, 6th  edition

Prerequisite: Math 266 with a grade of C or better

Recommended Preparation: Get the book ahead of time and review if possible. Credit, degree applicable

College Catalog course Description:

Math 270 develops the techniques and theory needed to solve and classify systems of linear equations. Solution techniques include row operations, Gaussian elimination, and matrix algebra. Investigates the properties of vectors in two and three dimensions, leading to the notion of an abstract vector space. Vector space   and matrix theory are presented including topics such as inner products, norms, orthogonality, eigenvalues, eigenspaces, linear transformations, and diagonalization. Selected applications of linear algebra are included.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

1.   Apply concepts of vector spaces, subspace, basis, and dimension.

2.   Describe linear transformation and relate it to matrices

3.   Define and apply concepts of eigenvalues and eigenvectors

4.   State and apply mathematical definitions and theorems

5.   Attain further proficiency in methods of mathematical proof

6.   Formulate sophisticated methods of problem solving and critical thinking using linear algebra

7.   Apply linear algebra to solve problems arising in science and engineering

8.   Apply linear algebra concepts such as Vector spaces in Rn, cross and dot product, basis and dimensions, and linear transformations

College Mission: Los Angeles Harbor College serves our diverse community by providing access to associate and transfer degrees, certificates, economic and workforce development, and adult and noncredit instruction. We promote equity, diversity,and student success through academic programs and support services that ensure our students become productive members of a global society.

Methods of Instruction:

Zoom lecture

Teaching Policy

Homework Assignments:

Homework assignments are assigned from the textbook and are due on exam days. See course schedule for due dates.  Late homework is not accepted.


There will be 3 Quizzes given during the semester.  All quizzes are closed book and closed notes.  Without official documented excuse: No makeup quiz is given.


There will be 3 exams given during the semester.  All exams are closed book and closed notes.  Without official documented excuse: No makeup exam is given. The lowest exam is dropped.

You must submit your work as a PDF file into Canvas.  Late submission is not accepted for any reason.

Final Exam:

The final exam is cumulative and cannot be missed or made-up.

Attendance and Drop Policy:

The students are expected to attend every class meeting. Excessive absences from the class may result in dropping a student from the course. It is the student’s responsibility to drop from the class. See the Schedule of Classes for the last day to drop without a “W” and last day to drop with a “W” .

Office Hours

I will be available on Tuesdays from 8:10PM – 8:30PM and Thursdays from 8:10PM – 8:53PM to help you and answer any questions that you have regarding our course. If my office hours doesn’t fit your schedule, feel free to schedule an appointment with me by sending mean email.

Response Policy

During the week (M-F) I will check messages several times a day. If you have a concern and send mean e-mail message, you can expect a response within two days.

Work Product

The following is a breakdown of the weights of course requirements.







Final Exam


Grading Criteria:


90% - 100%


80% - 89%


70% - 79%


60% - 69%


59% or below


70% or above


69% or below


